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1、- 1 -山东省莒县第二中学山东省莒县第二中学 2017-20182017-2018 学年高二英语下学期期中试题(扫描学年高二英语下学期期中试题(扫描版)版)- 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 -高二模块考试英语参考答案高二模块考试英语参考答案2018.515 ABCAA 610 ABCAB 1115 CACAB 1620 CABBC 2125 DBDAC2630 ACDBC 3135BABCD 3640 GFDCE 4145 ABDCB 4650BDACA 5155 CABCD 5660 DCABC (第第 I I 卷卷 1

2、00 分:1-20 每小题 1.5 分;21-35 每小题 2 分; 36-40 每小题 2 分;41-60 每小题 1.5 分。 ) 语法填空:(61-70 每题 1.5 分)61. worn 62. twelfth 63. the 64. wonderfully 65. where66. clapped 67. in 68. was appointed 69. winning 70. development短文改错;(短文改错;(10 分)分)Last week,I attended a lecture giving by Mr Wang in his thirties. He was e

3、nergetic and given confidence. He spoke very fast but I could understand that he said. He mainly focused at how confident what on(upon) to learn English well. In an addition, he showed us how to write neatly letter by letter. He kept telling us, “Trust yourself!” “Write careful!”. I never thought mu

4、ch of writing until that carefullyday when I touched greatly. At the end of the lecture, Mr Wang receives the cheers of all was received the people present. The lecture was interested and I benefited a lot from them.interesting it书面表达:(书面表达:(2525 分)分)- 14 -Dear Tom,Learning that you are eager to imp

5、rove Chinese, Im writing to inform you of our activity, The Reader, where you can get close to the language and Chinese culture as you always wish.Held in our classroom every Saturday afternoon, the activity attracts all the students in our school. Every participant can choose their favorite reading

6、 materials, including classical poems, essays and novels. Meanwhile, readers can share reading experience and communicate with each other in Chinese.If you plan to join in this activity, be sure to have your reading materials ready in advance. I think it is really a great opportunity you cant miss.B

7、est wishesYours,Li HuaText 1.M: You look tired. Did you have a good sleep?W: The baby was crying all night, and I dont know what was wrong with it.Text 2.W: Can you spare me a few minutes?M: Sorry, the report will be needed in an hour.Text 3.W: I want to look smarter. What should I do?M: You are sma

8、rt, dear. I just love what you are like.W: No. Youre a liar. When we got married, you said you loved what I was like then. How different I am now.M: Yes, but love cant be unchanged.Text 4.W: Good Heavens! It is as freezing here in the house as in the outside?M: Sorry. The heater is out of work since

9、 you went away. The house without you is like a cold room without a heater. So come back to me, dear.Text 5.- 15 -W: What do you think of the new pants?M: Do you call that pants? Its just a skirt.Text 6.W: How did you come here?M: I had meant to take the train, but it was hard to get the tickets at

10、this time of the year, you know.W: Then you flew here?M: Taking the plane is convenient, but it is too expensive. And I feel a little uneasy in a plane.W: Yes, especially when the plane is taking off, and landing.M: So I took the coach and it took me 12 hours to arrive here.Text 7.W: How was your we

11、ekend?M: Very terrible. I had planned with a few friends to enjoy cherry blossoms.W: That was a good idea. It is high time to do so, or you will miss the prime time.M: But Dad didnt think so! I had to help him with the gardening.W: Thats also very interesting. When you see the flowers you plant are

12、in full bloom, or when you enjoy the vegetables you plant, how sweet it is !M: But the flowers we have no chance to enjoy! And the vegetables will be sent to others tables!W: See. But you now can earn your own living. How great you are!Text 8.W: Can you give me some tips on the interview?M: First of

13、 all, you should dress neatly and in good taste. That can give the interviewer a good impression.W: What should I wear, a dress or a suit?M: Either is ok, but not too casual. And secondly, you should be confident enough.W: That is what I lack. How can I have enough confidence?- 16 -M: Confidence com

14、es from a good preparation, and proper body language may also help you achieve that effect, like keeping an eye contact, etc.W: Thank you! You are very helpful.Text 9.W: Hi, Brando, you look so well, huh?M: Yeah, I have nothing to do these days, just killing time by watching TV at home. Oh, by the w

15、ay, did you hear the news?W: No, what is it?M: Our neighborhood will be turned into a new living community. All the low and old houses will be pulled down, and instead, rows of high blocks will be built. Then our housing will improve greatly.W: Oh, wonderful news. And the old temple and ancient trees will also be gone? That is our cultural heritage.M: The temple and the trees will all be protected, and remain in the same place, and around the temple will be built a big park. Every morning, people living in our comm


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