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1、 状语从句:在句中起状语作用,可修饰主 句中的动词、形容词和副词等。按其作用和意义可分为时间、地点,原因 、目的、结果、条件、让步、方式、比 较等九种。一.时间状语从句:when/ while/ as/ before/after/since until/as soon as/ every time/each time/ the moment/by the time引导时间状语从句的连词:1.when/while/as的用法when当时:从句指一个具体的时间 ,位于主句前/后这时既然:=since在那时/那时,常用于逗号后边过去完成时+when:刚就/还没就be about towhen过去进行

2、时+when:当时/正在突然It is cold when it snows.I was about to go out when the bell rang.He had just fallen asleep when someone knocked at the door.I was walking in the street when I heard my name called.我正在街上走突然有人叫我。 Why did you write in pencil when you know you should write in ink. Well go to the countrysi

3、de at the beginning of June,when the summer harvest will start.when的特殊译法1.表示过早发生某事:还没就 / 刚刚就I had hardly opened the door when the dog barked.我还没把门打开,狗就叫了起来。The students hadnt played football long when the bell rang.学生们足球没踢一会儿,铃就响了。2.突然发生某事:正在.忽然We were having an English class when it began to rain.我

4、们正在上英语课,突然天开始下雨。A few days later,I was moving forward over a slope that seemed safe when suddenly without warning my world dropped out from under my skis.while当时,与同时:主句动作发生在从句过程中主从句动作同时发生趁着情况抓紧做,否则来不及 Strike while the iron is hot. While you are there,get me some stamps,please.转折对比 He is strong while

5、 his brother is weak.While I was walking down the street,it began to rain.While we were speaking,she was reading.While he was walking in the street, he met Tim. (分词短语)While walking in the street,he met Tim. Walking in the street ,he met Tim.While的常用句式as当时,一边一边:与while/when近似 The clock was striking tw

6、elve as I walked down the street.随着,+句子(with+n/n短语)As time went on,I got to understand my parents. 作为As a student,we should study hard.As they were picking tea,the girls were singing happily.She sang as she worked.2.before的用法(1)在之前(before引导的从 句中不用否定式谓语)Say goodbye before you go.你临走之前去道个别吧。The film h

7、ad begun before they reached the cinema.It is long before(以后)才It is not long before(不多久)就(2)It will be some time before we know the full results.再过些时候我们才能知道全部结果。It was a long time before I got to sleep last night.昨天夜里过了好久我才睡着 。It will be four years before we meet again.四年后我们才能见面。It wasnt long before

8、 the whole country rose up.不久整个国家就起来反抗了。We hadnt waited long before the bus came.我们没等多久公共汽车就来了。It wont be long before you get well again.不久你就可以恢复健康了。(3)不等就,还没来得及就He had measured me before I could get in a word.He left before the meeting ( had ) ended.He went out before I (had) had a chance to tell h

9、im the good news.Before I could sit down,he offered me a cup of coffee.注意:由before引导的 从句可以用过去时也 可以用过去完成时。(4)宁愿也不He will die of hunger before he will steal.他宁愿饿死也决不行窃。We will die before we will betray our country.我们宁死也不背叛我们的祖国。before long:不久,很快I expect the bus will be here before long.我估计公共汽车很快就到。The

10、kids were playing in the mud and before long they were covered with it.孩子们在泥里玩儿,很快浑身上下都是 泥。3.after的用法 After he (had) finished his work,he left there. After finishing his work,he left there. Having finished his work,he left there.这两个词一般可互换,但 until 语气较强,可置于句首 。4.until/till的用法持续性动词(肯)+until/till:直到为止瞬间

11、动词(否)+until:直到才强调句型:It is not untilthatI waited until/till he had finished his work.He didnt go to bed until I came back.It was not until I came back that he went to bed.He will not go to bed until(till) his mother comes. Dont speak unless you are asked to. Until she told me, I had no idea of what t

12、hey had said. The factory will close unless some extra money is found.until与unless5.since:自从以来I have known him ever since he was a boy. I have worked here since I graduated from the university.(1)句中有since,主句常用现在完成时(2)常用句型It is/has been+一段时间+since+过去式It was+一段时间+since+过去完成时It is (has been)two years s

13、ince he came here.(3)since+瞬间动词/持续性动词的翻译It is five years since he left home.离家已经自从他五年了。Mary hasnt heard from Tom since he lived in shanghai.自从汤姆离开上海以来,玛丽从未收到他的来信。(4)ever since/since:adv,常用完成时He left home two weeks ago and we havent heard from him ever since/since.6.表示“一就”的连词as soon as / no sooner th

14、an hardly (scarcely) when instantly /immediately /directlythe moment / minute the instant / secondAs soon as she got home,she began to cook. On getting home,she began to cook. He had no sooner seen me than he ran off. No sooner had he seen me than he ran off.I had hardly reached the hotel when it be

15、gan to rain.Hardly had I reached the hotel when it began to rain.I knew something was wrong immediately I arrived.Directly I had done it,I knew I had made a mistake.The machine will start instantly the button is pressed.The moment he has arrived,I shall let you know.I knew her the minute I heard her

16、 voice.The instant he saw me,he ran away.(6)once:一旦主句:多用一般现在时/将来时/过去时从句:多用一般现在时/一般 过去时注意:once 后的从句常省去与主语重复的部 分。Once you get into the habit of smoking,you wont be able to give it up easily.Once it is gone,you will never get it back.Once started,it was hard to stop.(7) by the time / each timeevery time /the first timethe next time的用法By the time he arrived,the train had already gone



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