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1、平时分构成n1. 作业 10分,每次1分,未交作业或延期者扣 1分。用机器翻译、抄别人作业的,发现一次 扣2分。作业包括1篇英汉翻译、1篇汉英翻译 。n注:作业每周必查,请认真对待。n公邮 (周一班)n密码:(周四班)n密码:nky20132nZgl_n张广龙n13810330783n3. 阅读任务10分。n每周阅读至少1篇不少于300字的报刊文章,每周上课 时由课代表收齐交给教师检查所记的阅读笔记,每周 所记的表达不少于40个。并将阅读的原文打印出来和 阅读笔记一起交上来。阅读笔记请用草稿纸写,易于 携带。n推荐:网上下载The economist双语对照版;21世纪报 ;本专业的国外期刊论

2、文。n每页的生词不宜超过3-5%(涉及的地名、人名、产品 名等一般不影响阅读,故不算在内),在不翻阅字典 的情况下尝试阅读第一遍,然后对照中译本检查自己 理解的程度,7080以上即可以说水平合适。n记录生词(主要是动词,需要附上一个短例句 ,说明用法,本专业词汇您就别拿来充数了) 、词组和习语、连接词或词组、好句子及评论 性话语(可以拿来套用在你的议论文写作上) ,也包括一些中文耳熟能详但地道英文不知如 何表达的句子,在笔记本上标注序号。n适当提高阅读速度。不要一遇到生词就查词典 ,第二适当掠过不影响理解的生词。n4. 出勤10分,每次必点,缺勤者每次扣1 分,全勤者每人加2分,上要封顶。每人

3、 有一次免费请假的机会。What will I have achieved by the end of the term?nTeaching Objective:nCultivate the cross-cultural awarenessnBroaden our mindnLearn translating and writing skillsWhat should I do?nGet your Translation Homework donenGet your Writing Homework done nBe serious about your learning翻译概论n一、翻译简介

4、n1 、翻译的定义n2、翻译的标准n严复:“信、达、雅”(faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance)n18世纪英国翻译理论家泰特勒(Alexander F. Tytler ):1) A translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work; 2) The style of the manner of writing should be the same character as that of the original; 3) A translat

5、ion should have all the ease of the original composition.n美国著名翻译理论家奈达(Eugene A. Nida) :The translator must strive for equivalence rather than identity.Translation means translating meaning.n非英语专业硕士研究生英语学位课程考试大 纲规定:译文忠实于原文,译文通顺、表达 正确、无重大语言错误。n综上所述,翻译标准的核心就是“忠实”和“通顺n”(faithfulness , smoothness)翻译的基本方法

6、n直译(literal translation)nAll roads lead to Rome.nRome was not build in a day.nMan proposes, God (Heaven) disposes.nThere is truth in wine.nAs foolish as an ass.nAs firm as a rock.nAs white as a sheetnWhen the cats away, the mice play.意译(free translation/translation by ideas):nLets begin talk turkey.

7、n现在让我们言归正传(谈正事)nYou are casting pearls before a swine.n你这是对牛弹琴。nHe is very green.n他还很幼稚。nHe gave me a black look.n他恶狠狠地瞪了我一眼。英汉语言差异和文化差异n汉语形象思维,英语抽象思维(逻辑思维)。n汉语“先上后下”,“先尊后卑”的思维定势表现为: 在时间、空间等方面均是由大到小;n英语文化强调“自我精神”(The Me-First Orientation )在语言中表现为:由近及远,由小到 大,由轻到重。n汉语是意合语言(parataxis),无形态变化,断句不 严格,强调时间

8、顺序和发展顺序,从而使汉语以理 解意义为重,呈感性,节奏较自由。n英语为形合语言(hypotaxis),以动词为中心,断 句严格清晰,使英语以分析关系为重,呈理性,英 语句子体现更多为静态新的描述和严密的逻辑关系 。n颜色,图案,鲜花,手势,词语等的含义和象 征的东西方之间的差异。n皮肤晒黑nSun-tannedn黑货nSmuggled goodsn墨镜nSunglassesnBlack tean红茶n Sophisticated: having learnt the ways of the world and having lost natural simplicity.n阅历深,有经验。n

9、Liberalism : liberal views and principlesnLiberal: given or giving freely, open- minded, free fromnExamples:nCure the wounded and save the dying.n救死扶伤。nNobody could be too foolish this day.n今天,无论你出什么洋相都不过分nYou are telling me!n我早知道了。/ 还用你告诉我?nYou can say that again.n你说得很对。nShe couldnt have been more

10、right.n她说(做)的太对了。英汉翻译的基本技巧n增减词语nGood performance demands students of great effort.n学生要取得好成绩,必须付出巨大努力。nStainless steels posses good hardness and high strength.n不锈钢硬度大,强度高。n词类转换nThe old couple go the park for a walk everyday.n这对老夫妇每天去公园散步。n结构转换nHe is admired by everyone.n大家都很敬佩他。nHe unnecessarily spen

11、t a lot of time introducing this book, which the students are familiar with.n他花很长时间介绍这本书,其实没有必要,因为学 生们对它已经很熟悉了。n分译与合译nHis failure to observe the safety regulations resulted in an accident to the machine.n由于他没有遵守安全规则,机器出了故障。nShe waited, but in vain.n她白等了。n反译nYour explanation is far from satisfactory.

12、nThey keep their thought and feelings to themselves.nThe child was more frightened than hurt.nThe little bridge was anything but safe.nIt remains to be seen what the long-term effect will be.nOne cannot be too careful while driving in this area.nI never passed the theatre but I thought of his last p

13、erformance.翻译练习n主语的翻译n英语是inflectional language, 高度形式化 ,、逻辑化,句法结构严谨完备,并以 动词为核心,重分析,轻意合;n汉语是非屈折语,non-inflectional language, 不注重形式,句法结构不必完 备,动词的作用没有英语中那么突出, 重意合,轻分析。n在英汉互译中,主语往往需要重新确立。英语 是主语突出(subject-prominent)的语言,而 汉语是注重话题的语言(topic-prominent)。nIf people mean anything at all by the expression of “unti

14、mely death,” they must believe that some deaths run on a better schedule than others. Death in old age is rarely called untimely a long life is thought to be a full one.n说起“早逝”,人们或有所指,他们必定相信有 些死亡更合天意。寿终正寝不能称作未尽天年 长寿即意味着生命的圆满。n无灵主语与有灵动词:主语由无生命的名 词充当,叫作无灵主语。而谓语动词往 往由表示人的行为的“有灵”动词充当。nThe end of 1921 fo

15、und the capitalist offensive against the workers in full swing.n1921年底资本主义对工人大举进攻。nThe hypothesis of natural selection may not be a complete explanation, but it led to a greater thing than itself- an acceptance of the theory of organic evolution, which the years have but confirmed.n自然选择的假设也许还不是一个完整的

16、解释, 但是,它引导人们接受了一个比它本身更重要 的东西生物进化论,这一理论随着岁月的 流逝得到了全然证实。n1. The 5th century saw the end of the Roman Empire.n2. These islands have seen a lot of history.n3. A great elation overcame them.n4. Alarm began to take entire possession of him.n5. From the moment we stepped into the Peoples Republic of China, care and happiness surrounded us on every side.n6. The thick carpet killed the


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