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1、最新最新 peppep 四年级下册英语教案四年级下册英语教案导语:PEP 小学四年级的英语下册教材的教案怎么写?以下是品才网小编整理的最新 pep 四年级下册英语教案,欢迎阅读参考!pep 四年级下册英语教案 Unit 1 My SchoolA Lets learn(词汇课)一、教学目标:根据教材的基本特点以及教学内容,将教学目标确定为:1.知识与技能目标:能够听、说、认读本课时的主要单词:playground, garden, teachers office, library, canteen.能运用句型 “Where is the? Its on thefloor.”来询问或描述学校某设施

2、、场所的大体位置.听懂 Lets do 的指示语,并按指令做出相应的动作,来巩固复习 Lets learn 部分词汇.2.过程方法目标:通过播放课本 12 页的英文歌曲“Our school” ,自然引入到“ School”这一话题,既活跃了课堂气氛,又促进学生对本节课新知识的学习;通过展示我们熟悉的校园图片,来教授新单词,更直观、形象,易于理解;通过联系生活实际,让学生说说如何做到文明就餐和在图书馆阅读,有利于孩子养成良好生活、学习习惯。通过看图连单词,既起到了复习目的又锻炼了学生敏锐的观察力;通过会话练习,与同桌合作介绍学校,将所学的语言运用到真实的情景中,培养学生合作能力和综合运用语言的

3、能力。最后再次播放歌曲,既突出了本课主题,又有利于培养孩子热爱自己学校的美好情感。3.情感态度与学习策略:通过本节课的学习,让学生简单了解学校设施、场所大体功能,培养他们用英语表达的兴趣和热爱学校的美好情感。通过活动和练习,加强师生之间、生生之间互动交流,培养学生与人相处、交往能力、合作能力以及养成良好的学习习惯。二、教学内容本课主要包括 A 部分的 Lets learn.同时兼顾Lets do 部分。这节课主要是学习描述设施及活动场所的单词,同时会询问或描述学校某设施、场所的大体位置。三、学情分析:小学四年级学生,通过上册第一单元 My classroom 学习,他们已经掌握了一些简单与学校

4、设施相关的词汇如: classroom,computer, teachers desk 等,能够用所学的知识对学校熟悉的事物进行简单描述,为新课学习奠定了基础,并且他们学习英语兴趣浓厚,模仿力强,好奇心强,善于表现自己,因而我注重以学生为主体,激发学生的学习兴趣,引导学生积极参与,注重学生的感知能力培养。四、教学重、难点分析1.本课时的教学重点是听、说、认读表示学校设施及活动场所的相关单词:playground, garden, teachers office, library, canteen 和句型“Where is the? Its on thefloor”.2.本课时的教学难点是让学生

5、注意单词 library 中辅音连缀的发音和灵活询问或描述学校某设施、场所的大体位置。五、教学准备:教材内容相关的教学课件、录音机、磁带、图片等媒体素材。六、教学方法:任务性教学法、情景教学法、小组合作学习、分角色练习七、教学过程:(一)Warmup1. Greetings.the song“Our school”on the page12For the first time, the students listen carefully.For the second time, students try to sing follow the tape.Play the third time,

6、the teacher and students sing together.(设计意图:通过播放歌曲,自然引入到本单元要谈论“学校”这一话题,同时活跃了课堂气氛,激发了学生的学习兴趣.)(二)Presentation1. Play above pictures by the multimedia.T: Hello, boys and girls. Look! Whats this?Ss: Its our school.T: Yes, This is school, its beautiful, I like it very much. Do you like our school?S1: Y

7、es, I doS2:T: Can you describe our school for me?让学生简单描述(可用汉语,老师也可适当给提示)S1: Look at, this isS2:有大的操场S3:漂亮花园(设计意图:多问几个学生,让学生初步感知美丽的校园,为下面词汇的学习,进一步做铺垫。)2.教学:library1)T:Hello, boys and girls,I have a hobby, I like reading very much, can you tell me where I should go?Ss: 图书馆 or libraryT:Yes, you are rig

8、ht, Do you know how to express it in English? (展示图片)找个别学生试着说 library2)The teacher teaches students read this word“library”.学生跟读找个别同学读(对发音不正确及时纠正)齐读T:Where is our library? (板书)引导学生回答:Its on thefloor.(板书)3)同桌互说“Where is the library? Its on thefloor”(设计意图:对重点句型进行操练,引导学生理解和运用目标语言。)4)Extension结合日常生活,让学生说

9、说在图书馆有哪些应该注意地方?先让学生自由发言老师适时补充(适时对学生进行情感教育:在图书馆,要做到安静,不要大声喧哗,爱惜图书等,养成良好的习惯。)3.教学:canteen1)T:教师做出饥饿状样子,然后说 Im hungry, can you tell me where I should go?Ss: 餐厅 or canteenT:Right, Do you know how to express it in English? (展示图片)找个别学生试着说 canteen2)The teacher teaches students read this word“canteen”.学生跟读找

10、个别同学读(对发音不正确及时纠正)齐读T:Where is our canteen?Ss:Its on thefloor.3)同桌互说“Where is the canteen? Its on thefloor”(设计意图:对重点句型进行操练,引导学生理解和运用目标语言。)4)Extension结合日常生活,让学生说说用餐时有哪些不礼貌行为,如何做到文明就餐?先让学生自由发言老师适时补充(适时对学生进行情感教育:有礼貌使用就餐用语,做到文明就餐,不浪费,我光盘,我光荣。)4.教学:teachers office1) The teacher shows above photoT:Please l

11、ook at my photo; Are you familiar to this place?Ss: Yes,we areT:Good, do you know how to express it in English?找个别学生试着说 teachers office3)The teacher teaches students read this word“teachers office”.学生跟读找个别同学读(对发音不正确及时纠正)齐读T:Where is my teachers office?Ss:Its on thefloor.4)同桌互说“Where is the teachers

12、office? Its on thefloor”(设计意图:对重点句型进行操练,引导学生理解和运用目标语言。)5.教学:garden1)T:Spring is coming,many flowers open soon,please look at following pictureT: Can you guess where the place is?引导学生回答:This is our “garden”2)The teacher teaches students read this word“garden”.学生跟读找个别同学读(对发音不正确及时纠正)齐读(适时对学生进行情感教育:校园里的

13、一草一木皆生命,要爱惜他们。)6.教学:playground1)T: I also like playing basketball, can you tell me where I should go?Ss: 操场 or playgroundT:You are right; Do you know how to express it in English? (展示图片)找个别学生试着说 playground3)The teacher teaches students read this word“playground”.学生跟读找个别同学读(对发音不正确及时纠正)齐读(设计意图:通过展示图片的

14、方式来教授新单词,更直观、形象,进一步加深学生的印象。)7.听课文录音模仿。 Listen, point and repeat. Read by yourselves. Ask several students to read.(设计意图:回归课本,注重引导学生模仿语音语调,让学生养成听和模仿的习惯,奠定良好的语音基础。)teacher talks to students in simple English,导入 Lets do 的学习.I can do many things: play football/water the flower/eat some noodles/read a bo

15、ok.The teacher makes the corresponding actionStudents guess in English.teacher plays the tape of Lets do on the page 4.For the first time, the students listen carefully.For the second time, students quietly sing follow the tape.Play the third time, the teacher and students make the corresponding act

16、ion according to the instruction.(设计意图:通过播放 Lets do 的录音带,对所学词汇进行复习巩固,进一步加深印象)(三)Add-activities1. Let students look at above pictures and match right words.先是自己自主完成和同桌对答案如有疑问小组讨论(设计意图:通过看图连单词,即起到了复习目的,为下面学生进行会话练习奠定基础.)2. Let the students look at the picture and make a new dialogue with partner.出示图片,找学生试着描述和同桌互问互答选小组代表到前面展示(表现出色的给予表扬)(设计意图:这是对课堂所学知识的延伸,将所学的语言运用到真实的情景中,重点培养学生说的能力。)3. Ask students complete the fo


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