九年级英语下册 Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship教案 仁爱版

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1、用心 爱心 专心- 1 -UnitUnit 6 6 EntertainmentEntertainment andand FriendsFriendsh hi ip pTopic 1 I would rather watch TV plays than sports shows.SectionSection A AThe main activities are 1a and 1b. 本课重点活动是 1a 和 1b。. TeachingTeaching aimsaims andand demandsdemands 教学目标教学目标1. Master some new phrases:would r

2、ather .than ., fall in love (with sb.)2. Learn “would rather than ”I would rather watch TV plays than sports shows.3. Review the sentence patterns in which v.-ing used as object. (1)In my spare time, I enjoy watching TV, especially quiz shows from which I can learn a lot.(2)Im tired of watching thos

3、e shows.(3)I like watching soccer games best. 4. Learn how to talk about TV programs.5. Broaden the students horizons. . TeachingTeaching aidsaids 教具教具录音机/李瑞英、王小丫、刘纯燕等一些节目主持人的图片/一副象棋/泰坦尼克号主题曲磁带/小黑板. Five-fingerFive-finger TeachingTeaching PlanPlan 五指教学方案五指教学方案StepStep 1 1 ReviewReview 第一步第一步 复复 习习(时

4、间:15 分钟)复习上一单元的功能话题与本课相关内容。再由图片导入新词并介绍电视节目名称。1. (简要复习,导入新学内容,激活学生的思维,让学生进入英语学习状态。)T: Nice to see you again. Ss: Nice to see you, too. T: Could you tell me what you usually do in your spare time?S1: I like watching TV.S2: I like reading books. T: What kind of books would you like to read?用心 爱心 专心- 2

5、-S2: Humorous story books and history books. T: You are all great. Indeed, reading is a good habit. And also some students like playing Chinese chess.(鼓励学生开展健康、合理的课外活动,建立和谐民主的师生关系。)T: There are so many students who enjoy playing Chinese chess. Who is the best player in our class?Ss: S3.T: S3, could

6、you teach us how to play Chinese chess after class/in your spare time?S3: Of course. T: Thank you. This is a set of Chinese chess. Now it belongs to you. (教师张贴李瑞英、王小丫、刘纯燕的图片在黑板旁。)T: Some people like playing Chinese chess and some people like watching TV. Look, there are some pictures on the blackboa

7、rd. Could you tell me who they are?Ss: They are Li Ruiying, Wang Xiaoya and Liu Chunyan. T: Do you know what programs they host?Ss: Li Ruiying hosts CCTV news. Liu Chunyan hosts childrens programs. T: This is Wang Xiaoya. She is usually in charge of quiz shows. (导入新短语并板书画线部分解释其意义及用法,领读。)quiz showsT:

8、 How many TV programs do you know?(开展心脑风暴活动,让学生尽量多说出一些电视节目名称。)S4: TV plays, CCTV news, sports shows .T: S4, do you know anything else?S4: Cartoon, entertainment shows .用心 爱心 专心- 3 -(板书电视节目名称,引出需理解生词 entertainment。)T: Great! How wonderful! There are so many programs. But which one is your favorite, T

9、V plays, cartoon or quiz shows?S5: I like watching TV plays better than quiz shows. T: I see. S5 says he/she would rather watch TV plays than quiz shows. What about you, S6?S6: I would rather watch CCTV news. But I dont like sports shows. T: S6 says he/she likes watching CCTV news. But he/she would

10、rather not watch sports shows. How about you, S7?S7: I would rather not watch TV. I like surfing the Internet. T: S7 says he/she would rather surf the Internet than watch TV. (板书本课中出现的重难点句式,让学生弄清其句式结构,为下一步教学活动扫除障碍。)He/she would rather watch TV plays than quiz shows. would rather do sth. than sth. He

11、/she would rather not watch sports shows. would rather not do sth. He/she would rather surf the Internet than watch TV. would rather do sth. than do sth. 2. (让学生结对讨论各自喜欢的电视节目,并说明原因。)T: Weve discussed some TV programs. Now, lets discuss what programs you would like to watch. Youd better give your rea

12、sons. Work in pairs.Lets begin!(让学生进行结对练习。)T: Now, stop here. S8 and S9, please show us your job. (表演对话。)用心 爱心 专心- 4 -S8: Which program do you prefer, TV plays or sports shows?S9: I would rather watch TV plays than sports shows because TV plays are more interesting. How about you?S8: I would rather

13、watch news reports because I can learn a lot of things at home and abroad from it. T: What do you think of their job?Ss: Good!StepStep PresentationPresentation 第二步第二步 呈呈 现现(时间:10 分钟)呈现 1a,通过回答问题加深对 1a 内容的理解。1. (呈现 1a。)T: Weve talked much about TV programs and our preference. Now, lets learn what Kan

14、gkang and his friends like to watch. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:(出示小黑板,让学生根据问题听对话然后回答问题。)(1) What does Michael want Kangkang to do?(2) Why does Maria like watching TV shows?(3) What do Michael and Kangkang think of watching quiz shows?T: Now listen to the tape carefully!(播

15、放录音磁带。)T: Could you answer the questions on the blackboard? Any volunteers?OK, S1, please! Question 1.S1: Michael wants Kangkang to teach him to play Chinese chess. T: Great. S2, please answer Question 2. S2: Because she thinks TV shows are wonderful and she can learn a lot from them. T: You are won

16、derful!S3, could you give the answer to Question 3?S3: OK. They think quiz shows are very boring./They dont like quiz shows.用心 爱心 专心- 5 -T: Very good. (让学生读 1a,根据所提问题进一步理解对话内容。)T: Now, lets turn to 1a on page 25 and read through the dialog. (2 分钟后)T: Finished?Ss: Yes. T: S4, could you tell me how Maria and Michael express their preference?S4: Maria likes watching TV, especially quiz shows, but Michael woul



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