临阵磨枪不快也光 考研英语作文万能模板

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《临阵磨枪不快也光 考研英语作文万能模板》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《临阵磨枪不快也光 考研英语作文万能模板(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、所谓“临阵磨枪不快也光”,绝大多数考研(论坛) 学子在备考英语(论坛)的时候,主要的精力放在词汇、阅读、听力的练习上,临考前再背背作文的句型、模板等。这种方法其实对很多同学都是受用的。平时作文无从练习,自己找题目写也无人批改,而且作文这种题型提醒主观性强,没有分数的衡量就无法鉴定自己复习的成效。虽然光靠框架是搭不出好作文的,但是不背模板也是万万不行的。这里,文都教育为大家总结了一些常用句式,希望对考研学子有所帮助。建议大家在背诵句式和作文模板的同时,从现在开始练习写作。主要目的就是提高速度,以免考试时卡壳浪费时间。每周写个三到五篇,自己控制好时间。(小提示:平时练习时也应注意字迹的工整,一定要

2、拿到这个印象分。) 一、常用于开头的句式一、常用于开头的句式 1With the rapidly growing popularity of , the quality of our lives has been considerably changed.例句:With the rapidly growing popularity of computers in China, the quality of our lives has been considerably changed.2Recently, sth. /the problem ofhas been brought to popu

3、lar attention/has become the focus of public concern.例句:Recently, the problem of unemployment has been brought to such popular attention that governments at all levels place it on the agenda as the first matter.3With the development of, more and more people come to realize that例句:With the developmen

4、t of high education, more and more people come to realize that knowledge plays a role of extreme importance in modern society.4In the past few years, there has been a boom/sharp growth/decline in例句:In the past few years, there has been a decline in the number of species.5It is a traditional practice

5、 toin our society.例句:It is a traditional practice for young people to be financially dependent on their parents for anything like marriage and housing.6It has long been considered only right and proper/perfectly justified to例句:It has long been considered only right and proper for the old to assume f

6、ull responsibility for the growth of young.7No one would deny that/everyone would agree that/there is no doubt that例句:Everyone would agree that, although our age entirely overshadows all previous ages in means of obtaining knowledge, reading still takes its leading role in all senses.8To sbs mind/in

7、 sbs eyes, sth. seems/means例句:In the eyes of the public, official corruption means taking bribes. But such corruption comes in many different forms.9Now it is widely believed that例句:Now it is widely believed that examinations are the best possible measure for the selection of the qualified.10The bir

8、th/invention ofhas made an enormous/essential difference to But is does not mean that例句:The birth of the computer has made an essential difference to the human progress. But it does not mean that this wonder dose no threat to our society.11Sth. has changed the way our society develops, but its brigh

9、t side should not keep us from following closely its dark side.例句:The genetic engineering has changed the way our society develops, but its bright side should not keep us from following closely its dark side.12What would our society be like if there were no?例句:What would our society be like if there

10、 were no public morals?13Should we put sth. above sth. else? /Should we attach as much weight to sth. as to. sth. else?例句:Should we put intellectual development above moral education?14Sth. is just the same as/is compared to/is like例句:Life in the middle of marriage if often compared to wire walking,

11、 for in the early years spouses attract each other and in late years they need each other.15In our life, there often appears such an occasion when/on which例句:In our daily life, there often appears such an occasion when we drink success to our work in one field but, at the same time, begin to do grea

12、t damage to other fields.16One of the great men one said that/There is an old saying that例句:A gifted American psychologist once said that it is an illusion to believe in the Sunday-school truthmore comfort, more happiness.17According to the recent survey/statistics, there ispercent of例句:According to

13、 a recent survey made in a certain university, there are 43.8 percent of male students and 38.3 percent of female students either facing problems with nutrition or having to miss classes because of illness each term.18Nowadays, a heated debate/discussion aboutis under way in China. Some people belie

14、ve that, whereas others argue that例句:Nowadays, a heated debate about whether one should step forward bravely in the event of crime is under way in China. Some people believe that one should step forward bravely no matter how dangerous it is, whereas others argue that one should put his or her own sa

15、fety above anything else.19When it comes to, most people contend that, but other people consider that例句:When it comes to fake commodities, most people contend that people should battle against the falsehood of the fakes, but other people consider that buying fake commodities means nothing but “unluc

16、ky” which is hard to avoid.20There are many advantages and disadvantages in例句:There are many advantages and disadvantages in owning a car. 二、常用于结尾的句式二、常用于结尾的句式 1 It is hoped that we should place much emphasis on/pay more attention to例句:It is hoped that we should pay more attention to the problems of unemployment.2 Only in this way/only when/only through, will/can we例句:It is only if all sides of society take their roles fully that we wil


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