广州版(一起)一年级英语上册课件 REVISION (I)

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《广州版(一起)一年级英语上册课件 REVISION (I)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广州版(一起)一年级英语上册课件 REVISION (I)(25页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、英语新课标(RJ)基础知识梳理 重点短语 英汉短语互译 1为考试而学习 _ 2太多家庭作业 _ 3去看电影 _ 4保持安静 _ 5文化俱乐部 _ 6这个周末 _ 7网球训练 _ study for a test too much homework go to the movies keep quiet culture club this weekend have tennis training 英语新课标(RJ)8go to the doctor _ 9have a piano lesson _ 10come to ones party _ 11on Saturday afternoon _

2、12come over _ 13try to do sth _ 14the whole day _ 去看医生 上钢琴课 参加某人的聚会 在星期六的下午 顺便来访 努力做某事 整天 重点句型 根据汉语意思完成句子 1“星期六下午你能来参加我的聚会吗?”“对不起,我不能去,我不得不帮助我的父母。” you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?Im sorry, I . I help my parents. 2“今天几号,星期几?” “今天14号,星期一。” today? Monday the 14th. 3谢谢你的邀请。Thanks a lot for .

3、 your invitation Its Whats Can cant have to 英语新课标(RJ) 语法解读A:情态动词can 1can的基本用法can是情态动词,没有 和 的变化,但有时态的变化,它的过去式是 ,其后可直接接动词。变一般疑问句时,将can提到 。变否定句时,直接在can后加 (缩写为cant)。如:Can she sing?Yes,she can./No, she cant.她会唱歌吗?是的,她会。/不,她不会。 人称 数 vould 原形 句首 not 英语新课标(RJ)2can的具体用法 (1)表示能力,意为“ ”, 具体指体力或脑力方面的能力。如 :I can

4、play basketball.我会打篮球。 (2)表示 ,意为“可以,能够”。如:I can catch the bus.我能够赶上公共汽车。 (3)表示推测,意为可能。如:This cant be true.这个不可能是真的。 (4)用于向别人发出 ,意为“可以”,一般用在问句中,一般用句型“Can you”,肯定回答一般为:“Yes/Sure/Certainly, Id love to.”否定回答一般为:“Id love /like to,but”拒绝时要并表示歉意。如:Can you go to watch the baseball game?你能去看棒球比赛吗?Im sorry, I

5、 cant, I have to study.对不起,我去不了,我得学习。 能,会 允许 邀请,请求 说明原因 英语新课标(RJ)拓展 向别人发出邀请,请求,提出建议或征求某人的意 见,还有几种表达方法,大多数语气都比较委婉,显得客气 而有礼貌。 Would you like?意为“你想要/愿意吗?”其后接 名词,代词或动词不定式,用来提出建议或邀请。 Shall we?意为“我们,好吗?”shall是情态动词 ,故其后接动词原形,此句用来征求对方意见。 Lets意为“让我们吧。”Let后接不带to的动词不定 式作宾语补足语,本句用来提出建议或征求对方的意见。 Why not?或Why don

6、t you/we?意为“为什么不 呢?”其后接动词原形,本句用来提出建议。 How/What about?意为“怎么样?”about为介词 ,故其后接名词,代词或动名词。本句用来提出建议或征求 对方的意见。 英语新课标(RJ)B:精题精练 .单项填空 ( )1._ you speak Japanese?No, I cant.ACan BMustCMay DShould ( )2. Jack, can you come to my party on Sunday evening?_.AIts kind of you BReallyCThat sounds good DSure, Id love

7、to A D 英语新课标(RJ).根据汉语意思完成句子 1你会游泳吗?Can ? 2我可以看一下你的新手表吗?I a look at your new watch? 3这个星期六你能和我一起去动物园吗?to the zoo with me this Saturday? 4当然了,我乐意去。Sure, . 5玛丽不会开车。Mary . cant drive Id love to Can you come Can have youswim 英语新课标(RJ)能力提升训练.单项填空 ( )1.Would you like to go to the concert with me?Id love to

8、, _Im afraid I have no time.Aso BorCand Dbut ( )2.The old pen is broken. Id like _ one to writewith.Athe other BanotherCothers Dthe others D B 英语新课标(RJ)( )3.Please keep quiet! Im studying _ my English test.Aas BtoCfor Dwith ( )4.Thanks for_me _your party.Ainvite; to Binviting; toCinvite; for Dinviti

9、ng; for ( )5. _ going to the movies with us?AWhat aboutBWhy notCWould you likeDCan you C B A 英语新课标(RJ)( )6.He doesnt play_ basketball well,but heplays_ piano wonderfully.Athe; / Bthe; theC/; the D/; / ( )7.Today is Sunday. The day after tomorrow is _.ASaturday BMondayCTuesday DWednesday ( )8._ did y

10、ou talk with?Julia.AWhat BWhomCWhere DWhen B C C 英语新课标(RJ).完形填空 Dear Uncle,Thank you very much for your invitation. Im sorry, _1_ I cant visit you this week. Im really_2_this week. Its Monday today. This evening I have too much_3_.Tomorrow, I am going to see the doctor. There is something wrong with

11、 my_4_.I cant see the blackboard clearly. Maybe I should_5_a pair of glasses. On Wednesday,I have football training.As_6_know,I am on our school football team. I have football training_7_the school team.On Thursday,I have to study for my English test. I am not_8_at English. I should work harder. On Friday evening,Im going to the_9_. My favorite star Jay Chou wil



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