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1、科技与专业英语(二)Unit Two: Water Quality Criteria 1,criteria 标准(复数),criterion(单数),注意与 standard的区别 2,critical 关键性的,紧要的,挑剔的,临界的critical value 临界值 3,hygienic 卫生的,hygiene n. 4,pathogen病菌,病源体 5,toxin 毒物,toxic有毒的, 6,aesthetical 美学的,审美的 7,potable 可饮用的,potable water 饮用水 8,corrosive 腐蚀的,腐蚀剂 9,distribution system 配水

2、系统 10,revise 修正,修订 11,concentration 浓度 12,microbiological criteria 微生物学标准 13,health and toxicity criteria 卫生与毒物标准 14,aesthetic properties criteria 感官性状标准15,coliform bacteria 大肠杆菌,coli. 16,statistical variation 统计偏差 17,sampling frequency 样本频数 18,lead铅,目前有111种元素,其中只有11个常见元素元素符号与英文名称无关,Na sodium, K pot

3、assium, Fe iron,Cu copper, Ag silver, Sn tin, Sb antimony, W tungsten, Au gold, Hg mercury, Pb lead 19,maximum allowable concentration 最大允许浓度 20,extract 萃取物,提取物 21,organophosphate 有机磷酸酯(有机磷),carbonate 碳酸盐,酯 22,endrin 异狄氏剂(狄氏剂的异构体),氧桥氯甲桥萘C12H8Cl6O, 23,lindane 林丹,(高丙体六六六,六氯环已烷C6H6Cl6,-BHC benzene hexa

4、chloride)24,DDT 二氯二苯基三氯乙烷 dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane一,mono-,二,di-, bi-, 三,tri-,四,tetra-,五,penta-,六,hexa- 25,activated carbon adsorption 活性碳吸附 26,nitrate 硝酸盐,词根-ate代表正盐,-ite代表亚盐-ide 代表简单化合物,例如:sulfur S, sulfate SO42-,sulfite SO32-, sulfide S2- 27,turbidity 浊度 28,phenolic 苯酚的,phenol 苯酚,chloroph

5、enols氯酚phenyl苯基 Unit 3, Microbiological Examination1,specimen 标本,样本 2,stand out 站出来,突出 3,mount 安装,装配,制作载片 4,stain 污点,瑕疵,着色 5,optical microscope 光学显微镜 6,resolution 再溶解,分解,分辨力 7,um, nm.10-1 deci- dm 分 101 deca- 十10-2 centi- cm 厘 102 hecto- 百 hm (hectometer)10-3 milli- mm 毫 103 kilo- 千 KB (kilo bytes)1

6、0-6 micro- m 微 106 mega- 兆 MB(mega bytes)10-9 nano- nm 纳(毫微) 109 giga- 京(千兆)GB10-12 pico- pm 皮(微微) 1012 tera- 垓(千京,兆兆)指数的读法:ax: the xth power of a, a to the xth (power),例如:10-7:ten to the minus seventh 或the minus seven power of ten 8,hanging drop 悬液滴 9,slide 幻灯片,载片,使滑动 10,random vibration 随机振动 rando

7、m 随机的,任意的, 不规则的 11,grid 格子,格栏,输电网(注意与grit 的区别) 12,nutrient agar 营养物琼脂 13,petri dish 皮氏培养皿,培养皿 14,incubate 孵化,incubation n. 15,colony 菌落 16,wide spectrum 广谱17,genus 类(属),属生物分类学中介于科和种之间的等 级,由包含显示相似特点的种所组成的群。生物分类中等 级有:界(kindom),门(phylum),纲(class),目(order), 科(family),属(genus),种(species)七个级别。例如人类 属:动物界,脊

8、索动物门,哺乳纲,灵长目,人科;目前 普遍采用的生物分类中有六个界:非细胞界(病毒和类病毒 等),原核生物总界(细菌界,蓝菌界),真核生物总界(真菌 界,植物界,动物界) 18,indicator 指示剂,指示器 19,Escherichia coli. 埃希氏大肠杆菌 20,coliform 大肠菌群 21,inhabitant 住户,常住居民,栖居生物 22,ferment 发酵 23,statistical 统计的 24,most probable number (MPN) 最大概率数communities 群落,interdependent 相互依赖的,相互依存的nutrition 营

9、养(尤指通过营养或滋养这样一个过程,生物吸收 食物并用于生长和组织的更换),营养学,nutrient 营养品, 营养物,有营养的trophic 营养的,与营养有关的,(生态学食物链中不同生物捕 食习惯和食物关系)exemplify 例证,作为.例子,举例说明ecosystem 生态系统,eco- 表示“环境、生态、生态学的”之 义, ecology 生态学,eco-friendly 生态友好的,ecocide 生 态灭绝;econ- 经济的,经济学的Reading Material A: Ecological Principlesautotroph 自养型,自养生物producer 生产者he

10、terotrophic 异养型的,异养生物,hetero-表示“其他的, 不同的,异”例如:heterogeneous多种多样的,混杂的,多 相的,非均相的,homogeneous均相的 consumer 消费者herbivore 食草动物carnivore 食肉动物decomposer 分解者carbohydrate 碳水化合物entropy 熵in terms of 就而言, 从方面说来food chain 食物链 food web 食物网 predator-prey 捕食者被捕食者 rotifer 轮虫 mayfly 蜉蝣类 minnow 小鱼 pike 狗鱼 Eltonian pyra

11、mid = ecological pyramid 埃尔顿金字塔 ( 生态学金字塔) 生态系统中营养结构与功能的一种图示 dynamically balance 动态平衡 population 种群(数) dominant 占优势 Unit 3, Ecological PrinciplesIn all communities of living organisms the various forms of life are interdependent to a greater or lesser extent. This interdependence is essentially nutri

12、tional, described as a trophic relationship, and is exemplified by the cycle of organic productivity and the carbon and nitrogen cycles. A biological community and the environment in which it is found form an ecosystem and the science of systems is known as ecology. The autotrophs in an ecosystem, i

13、.e. green plant and some bacteria, are termed as producers since they synthesize organic matter from inorganic constituents. Heterotrophic animals are known as consumers since they require ready-made organic food and may be subdivided into herbivores (plant eaters) and carnivores (meat eaters). Hete

14、rotrophic plants are termed decomposers since they break down the organic matter in dead plants and animals and in animal excreta. Some of the products of decomposition are utilized for their own growth and energy requirement, but others are released as simple inorganic compounds suitable for plant

15、uptake. Solar radiation provides the only external energy source and permits the synthesis of carbo- hydrates and other organic products which are then transferred to the heterotrophic phase of the cycle along with oxygen resulting from photosynthesis.In exchange, carbon dioxide, water and inorganic

16、 salts resulting from the activities of animals and bacteria are returned to the autotrophs. It should be noted that whilst carbon follows a cyclical path in such a system, energy flow is one-way only. It is important to remember that a continual energy input is thus necessary to allow the system to function. The loss of some part of the energy input to heat and entropy which inevitably occur in b


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