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1、 一、什么是行为动词n行为动词指除动词be和have以外,一切可以单独作 谓语的动词。动词be和动词have一般表示状态,而 行为动词大都用来表示动作,如work,study,swim 等。二、行为动词一般现在时的构 成n行为动词一般现在时须用动词原形表示,但当主 语是第三人称单数时,词尾须加-s或-es,其构成 方法与名词复数构成方法相同,现以动词work为 例: I You(你) He She It We You(你们) Theywork.works.work.三、行为动词一般现在时的基 本用法n1)表示现在经常发生或习惯性的动作或状态: I usually walk to school.

2、 They work here. My grandfather watches TV every evening. He goes to school by bus.n2)表示客观事实或普遍真理: The sun rises in the east. The earth moves round the sun. Two plus two makes four.n3)表示主语的特征、性格、能力等: She sings well. John and I love sports. We work hard. They all like me. n注意:英语中的人称代词有主格和宾格之分。主 格人称代词

3、在句中作主语;宾格人称代词作动词 或介词宾语。一般现在时还常用在下列句子中: Here comes the bus. Here he comes. There goes the bell.四、行为动词一般现在时第三人称 单数形式的构成n行为动词一般现在时的第三人称单数形式的构成 方法和名词复数的构成方法完全一样。n1)一般在动词原形后加s:work works run runs live livesn2)以s, x, sh, ch结尾的动词加es:finish finishes teach teaches watch watches guess guesses fix fixes mix mi

4、xesn4)如词末为o,o前为辅音字母,加 es:go goes do doesn3)以辅音字母加y结尾的动词变y 为i 再加es:carry carries fly flies但play plays的y 之前是元音字母,只加s。五、常与一般现在时搭配使用 的时间状语n1)表示时间频度的词语: always usually often sometimes hardly nevern2)与every一起用的状语词组:everyday week month spring year Mondayevery other day (=every two days) every three hours o

5、nce every two monthsn3)其他inthe morning the afternoon the eveningtwice a week要点6 一般现在时的否定式一般现在时的否定式是在动词原形前加助 动词do not (dont );主语是第三人称单数时在动 词原形前加助动词does not (doesnt),其结构为 : 1)主语 + dont+ 动词原形They dont work here.I dont go to school on Sundays. 2)主语(第三人称单数)+ doesnt+ 动词原形She doesnt like sports.The boy doe

6、snt study hard.*如句中用了never(从不),hardly(很少、几乎 不)等词来表示否定意义,就不能再使用助动 词dont 或doesnt , 试比较: I dont know you. I hardly know you. I dont hardly know you.(F)一般现在时用never , hardly 表示否定意义时,如主 语为第三人称单数,行为动词要加-s 或-es。试比较 : He never gets up early. He hardly gets up early. He doesnt get up early on Sundays. The gir

7、l hardly goes to school by bus. The girl doesnt go to school by bus. 另外,为了加强否定意义可在否定句中加at all, 如 I dont like the book at all.要点7 行为动词一般现在时的疑问式和回答一般现在时的疑问式在句首加助动词do, 主语 为第三人称单数时在句首加does,其结构是: 1) Do + 主语+ 动词原形?They live near our school.Do they live near our school? 1) The students like learning Englis

8、h. 2) Do the students like learning English? 2)Does + 主语(第三人称单数)+ 动词原形?He watches TV every evening.Does he watch TV every evening?My father teaches Chinese.Does your father teach Chinese? 简略回答用助动词do/does 和dont/doesnt 代替 行为动词. Do you often go shopping with your mother? -Yes, I do. / -No, I dont. Does

9、 his mother work in that factory? -Yes, she does. / -No, she doesnt.(回答时须用人称代 词)要点8 用作助动词的do与用作行为动词的do在英语中,do既是一个助动词,又是一个行 为动词。 1)do 用作行为动词一般表示“做”、“干”等意 思,We do morning exercises every day.Jack often does some washing on Sundays.She never does her homework in the evening. 2)do用作助动词主要用来帮助构成疑问句、否定 句或用

10、于替代等。 Do you drive to work every day ?(帮助构成疑问句)He doesnt work on Sundays.(帮助构成否定句)Does he like the job? Yes, he does.(用于替代)*区别do在以下句子中的不同功能Do you do your lessons every day?The students dont do their homework on Saturdays.n写出下列动词在句中的适当形式:1)We _ (love) sports. 2)She _ (sing) well. 3)Tom and John _ (wa

11、tch) TV every evening. 4)My son _ (go) to school by bike. 5)Their teacher usually _ (walk) to school. 6)Five plus two _ (make) seven. 7)They all _ (like) him. 8)The sun _ (fall) in the west.love sings watch goes walks makes like falls4)His father and mother like watching TV. 5)She does her homework in the evening. 6)The students do morning exercises every day.将下列句子改为否定句和疑问句:1)They work in a factory. 2)Mary likes sports. 3)The boys go to school on foot.


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