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1、Section 3Geographical Indications 地理标识 Art.22-Art.241Geographical IndicationsnArticle 22Protection of Geographical IndicationsnArticle 23Additional Protection for Geographical Indications for Wines and SpiritsnArticle 24International Negotiations: Exceptions2n概念: 标示出某产品来源于某 成员地域内,或来源于该地 域内的某地区或某地方,该

2、 商品的特定质量、信誉或其 他特征,主要与该地理来源 相关联。n n地理标识作为一种商业标记,一般是由地地理标识作为一种商业标记,一般是由地 理名称和产品通用名称组合而成。如新疆理名称和产品通用名称组合而成。如新疆 葡萄干,其中葡萄干,其中“ “新疆新疆” ”是地理名称,是地理名称,“ “葡萄干葡萄干 ” ”是商品通用名称。是商品通用名称。3n特征:1. 区别性2. 地域性例:法国白葡萄酒、新疆葡萄 干、景德镇瓷器3. 表明商品特定品质 (自然因素/人文因素)4Typical Vocabularyn“Geographical indications are, for the purposes

3、of this Agreement, indications which identify a good as originating in the territory of a Member, or a region or locality in that territory”5nTerritory, region, localitynTerritory: land that is under the control of a particular country or ruler 领土;版图;领地nRegion: a large area of land, usually without

4、exact limits or borders (通 常界限不明的)地区,区域,地方nLocality: the area that surrounds the place you are in or are talking about (围绕所处或提及的)地区 6nInvalidate 对比 invalidate,nullify, quashnInvalidate: if you invalidate a document, contract, election, etc., you make it no longer legally or officially valid or accep

5、table. 使无效;使作废。nQuash: (law) to officially say that a decision made by a court is no longer valid or correct. 宣布(法庭的裁决)无效;撤销(判决) 。e.g. His conviction was later quashed by the Court of Appeal.nNullify: to make sth such as an agreement or order lose its legal force 使失去法律效力 ;废止。e.g. Judges were unwilli

6、ng to nullify government decisions. 7nex officio (Latin)because of ones position 依据职权的(adv.) / 职 权上的(adj.) nEx officio examination 职权调 查nEx officio if a Members legislation so permits 在其立 法允许的情况下可依职权8n“The registration of a trademark for wines which contains or consists of a geographical indication”

7、contain: it contains sth else, it has that thing inside or as part of it 包含 ;含有;容纳。e.g. This drink doesnt contain any alcohol. consist ofconsist of sthsth: to be formed or from the things or : to be formed or from the things or people mentioned people mentioned 由由组成(或构成)组成(或构成) e.g. The committee co

8、nsists of ten members.e.g. The committee consists of ten members.9n“protection shall be accorded to each indication, subject to the provisions of para. 4 of Art. 22.”n1. likely to be affected by sth, especially sth bad可能受影响的;易遭受的; e.g. Flights are subject to delay because of fog.n2. depending on sth

9、 in order to be completed or agreed 取决于; 视而定。 e.g. All the holidays on offer are subject to availability.n3. under the authority of sth/sb 受支配 ;服从于。 e.g. All nuclear installations are subject to international safeguards.n nT T h h e e r r e ef fo or r e e, ,s s t ty yl l i is s t t i ic c s sl lo o

10、o o k k s sa at tw w h h a at ti is s g g o oi in n g go o n n w wi i t th hi in nt th h e el la a n n g g u u a a g g e e; ;w w h h a at tt th h e el l i in n g g u ui is s t t i ic ca a s s s s o o c ci ia at t i io o n n s sa a r r e et th h a at tt th h e es s t ty yl le eo of fl la a n n g g u

11、u a a g g e er r e e v v e e a al ls s. .10EquitableEquitable Equitable: (formal) fair and Equitable: (formal) fair and reasonable; treating everyone in an reasonable; treating everyone in an equal way equal way 公平合理的;公正的公平合理的;公正的【 fairfair】e.g. to ensure equitable treatment of the e.g. to ensure eq

12、uitable treatment of the producers concernedproducers concernedthe most equitable solution to the the most equitable solution to the dispute (dispute (对该纠纷最公正的解决办对该纠纷最公正的解决办 法法) )11n“ The Council shall take such action as may be agreed to facilitate the operation and further the objectives of the se

13、ction.” “理事会应采取各方同意的行动,以便利本节的运用 ,并促进本节目标的实现.”nfacilitate: to make an action or an process possible or easier 促进;促使;使便利。nfurther: to help sth to develop or be successful 促进;增进。n改译成:“推动本节规定的贯彻执行,推进 实现本节目标。” 12Idiomatic usagenFor the purposes of 为了起见nif its legislation so permits 如果立法允许/在 其立法允许的情况下nIn

14、respect of sth:(formal or business 商)=with respect to sth:concerning 关于,就而 言nAt the request of 应的要求;根据的请 求 e.g. He was there at the request of his manager.nIn the context of 在情况下;在背景下 e.g. This speech needs to be set in the context of Britain in the 1960s.13nIn the course of (used with expressions f

15、or periods of time 时间段) =during 在期间;在时候 e.g. In the course of tradenIn connection with sb/sth: for reasons connected with sb/sth 与有关(或相关) e.g. A man has been arrested in connection with the murder of the teenager.nOn the basis that/ on the basis ofThe reason why people take a particular action 原 因;缘

16、由 e.g. Some videos have been banned on the basis that they are too violent.14n“ geographical indications which are not or cease to be protected in their country of origin, or which have fallen into disuse in that country.”nCease to be 停止/不再是nFall into 进入某种状态15nIn good faith 善意的 / in bad faith 恶意的nIn good faith: believing that what you are doing is right; believing that sth is cor


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