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1、The Notebook Cast: 瑞恩高斯林 Ryan GoslingNoah Calhoun 瑞秋麦克亚当斯 Rachel McAdams.Allie Hamilton 詹姆斯麦斯登 James MarsdenLon Hammond Directed by: Nick Cassavetes (尼 克卡索维茨 ) 别名:The Notebook/深情日记/写 我情真/手札情缘/忘了忘不了Plot An elderly man reads from a notebook to an elderly woman about a story between two young lovers, A

2、llie and Noah. The story dates back to the summer of 1940, on Seabrook Island, South Carolina. Allie Hamilton (Rachel McAdams) is a high school girl from a wealthy family spending the summer in Seabrook. At a carnival, Allie meets Noah Calhoun (Ryan Gosling), a local boy who takes a fondness towards

3、 her. After Noahs several attempts to go on a date with Allie, she finally agrees, resulting in both of them falling in love with each other over the summer. Once Allies rich parents have met Noah, they disapprove of him. After a fight with Noah, Allie is forced to leave Seabrook a week earlier than

4、 planned, leaving her unable to say goodbye to her beloved Noah. After waiting several years for Noah to write to her, Allie becomes engaged to Lon. After seeing Noahs photo in a newspaper she travels back to Seabrook to check on Noah, recognizes the strong feelings she still has for him. Allie is t

5、hen forced to choose between her fianc(未婚夫) and her first love. Throughout the movie, flashbacks show the elderly man and the elderly woman reading. It is revealed that she is Allie and he is the one she chose. He is Noah. Allie has developed Dementia (老年痴呆症).They die in each others arms 经典对白 The be

6、st love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds, and thats what youve given me. Thats what I hoped to give to you forever. 真正的爱能唤醒我们的灵魂,让我们获得更多, 在我们心中留下火种、让我们获得内心的平静; 而这些就是你多给我的,也是我希望能够一辈子 给你的。 I am no one special,

7、 just a common man with common thoughts. Ive lived a common lies . There are no monuments dedicated to me .And my name will soon be forgotten. But in one respect, Ive succeeded as gloriously as anyone whoever lived .Ive loved another with all my heart and soul and for me that has always been enough.

8、 我,没有什么特别的只是一个有着普通想法的普通人。过着普通的生活没有人为我立碑著书,歌功颂德我的名字也将很快被人遗忘但是在一件事情上我比其他任何人都要成功我全心全意地爱着一个人而且对我来说这就足够了When I see something that I like I gotta ha I love it I goI mean ,I go crazy for it And well ,its you 当我看到一件喜欢的东西时 我就必须得我就是喜欢 我会我会为之而疯狂而我说的就是你 Would you stop thinking what he want, what I want, what yo

9、ur parents want, what do you want? what do you want? what do you want? 你能不能不要去想别人想要什么,不要想着我 想要什么,他想要什么,你父母想要什么。你 想要什么?你想要什么? They are shoot stars, a spectacular moment of light in the heavens, a fleeting glimpse of eternity. And in a flash, they are gone.它们都像是滑过天堂的流行,拥有壮观的一刻 ,虽然只是一闪而过,缺拥有短暂的永恒Your m

10、other is my home Thats my sweetheart in there. Im not leaving her. This is my home now. And your mother is my home. 这里住着我心爱的人,我不会离开她。现在这里 就是我的家,有你们妈妈在的地方就是我的家一些常用的表达方式 She had the world at her feet. 养尊处优 Dads got more money than God. 她老爸巨有钱 What a coincidence! 好巧啊 I have a very strict schedule. 我每天的

11、时间都安排的满满的 And they challenged each other every day. 他们每天都互相吵架My lips are buttoned, right now! 好吧,我立刻闭嘴 I lost track of time. 我忘了时间了 Its not in the cards for me. 命里注定 Fate stepped in an dealt him a sweet card. 命运又一次捉弄了他讲爱情的电影,我见着多了,但是如恋恋笔记本这般,把 恋爱描述到教科书级别的,还真是头一遭。我承认,富家女与穷小子的爱情模式的确俗套。早在1997年, 那艘巨轮就把世间的这种跨阶级的爱情讲到每个人都惊天动地 了。在影史的百年长河中,随手一捞,更皆是如此这般典型的 生死之恋。然而,恋恋笔记本似乎没有故意营造那样大开 大合的戏剧感,亦未刻意浪漫到不接地气,却只是娓娓道来, 将平常最生活化的言语叙述成为最不落窠臼的山盟海誓。不论你我是在初恋中喃喃细语,抑或于热恋时浓情惬意,还是 早已结婚生子、白发苍茫,我们都需要时刻把握住这种无与伦 比的浪漫精髓,让我们爱到海枯石烂、天地轮回。那就跟着恋恋笔记本谈一场旷世的爱情吧!那就带着彼此 的梦想享受这一生一世的爱情吧!好好去爱吧!



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