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1、Welcome !Look at these pictures:What are they doing ? They are diving.dive v. 跳水 diving n.跳水 diver n.跳水者伏明霞郭晶晶田亮Lesson 6Diving “Dream Team” Diving “Dream Team”Read carefully and answer the questions: 1. What is a “Dream Team”? 2. Is there a “Dream Team” in basketball? 3. Why is Chinas diving team ca

2、lled the “Dream Team”? 4. Who is Fu Mingxia? 5. What do you know about her? 6. Which team won the most gold medals at the Olympics for many years? 7. What countries want Chinese diving coaches? Why?Language notes: 1. In basketball, the U.S. has the “Dream Team”: the team with the best athletes. Who

3、is the girl with yellow hair and dark eyes? The woman with a camera was a journalist. 2. But China has the “Dream Team” in diving.havingdive v diver n. diving n.carrying3. At Atlanta in 1996, she won gold medal in the womens 10-metre platform and the 3-metre springboard events.10米跳台 the 10-metre pla

4、tform一个8岁大的孩子 an 8-year-old child一根3米长的绳子 a 3-metre rope一篇2000字的文章 a 2000-word articlewith prep. 意思是“有或带”根据语言环境,可用having 或carrying 替换。Language notes:at age 13 = at 13 = at the age of 13 “在13岁时”She went to college when she was 13.= She went to college at age 13.4. She was the first woman in 36 years

5、to win both events.5. Fu Mingxia won her first victory in 1991.7. But not anymore!= But they dont win the most gold medals at the Olympics anymore.not anymore(any more) = no more 强调次数not any longer = no longer 强调时间He doesnt smoke anymore. = He no more smokes.6. Then, at the 1992 Barcelona Olympics,

6、she became the youngest Olympic champion at age 13.victory victoriesLanguage notes: 8.They want Chinese diving coaches! include vt. “包括” including prep. “包括” 其后所跟的内容是句子包含 内容的一部分,常做插入语置于句末,用逗号隔开。coach coachesMy family my father,my mother and me .My classmates visited the Great Wall, myself.9. These c

7、ountries include Canada and the U.S.includesincludingFill in each blank with the proper word from the brackets: 1. She was the first woman in 36 years _(win) both events. 2. China _(win) many gold medals in diving since 1984. 3. Li Lei studies very well. I do my _(good) to catch up with _(he). 4. Ch

8、inas ping-pong players have the most _ (victory). 5. China wants more foreign football _(coach). 6. She always practise _(dive) on Sunday. 7. Fu Mingxia is one of Chinas best _(dive). 8. She won gold medals in the _(woman) 10-metre platform. 9. Everybody in the village, _(include) the old men and wo

9、men, took part in the meeting.to winhimcoachesbestvictoriesdiving divers womensincludinghas wonwondiving sinceone of thesingerswas able to atage 10to catch up withthe firstto finish根据汉语意思完成句子: 1. 自1984年以来,中国获得了许多跳水金牌吗?Has China _ many gold medals in _ _ 1984? 2. 王菲是中国最著名的歌手之一。Wang Fei is _ _ _ most

10、famous _ in China. 3. 林琳在10岁的时候就能说一口流利的英语了。Lin Lin _ _ _ speak English fluently _ _ _. 4. 玛丽正尽最大努力追赶同学们。Mary is doing her best _ _ _ _ her classmates 5. 曲宁是第一个完成作业的学生。Qu Ning is _ _ student _ _ the homework.A task: TalkTalk about the 2008 Olympics with a about the 2008 Olympics with a partner. Try partner. Try toto using the flowing phrases using the flowing phrases or any others you can or any others you can thinkthink of: dream of: dream team, catch up with, not team, catch up with, not anymoreanymore, good , good luck, give upluck, give up. .Thank you !


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