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1、关于汇款申请书范本关于汇款申请书范本申请日期 Application Date汇 款 申 请 书APPLICATION FOR OUTWARD REMITTANCE OR条 款一、如因下列情形而引致之任何损失,包括但不限于款项交付或通知延误;书函、电报或其他文件在寄发或传送途中遗失、残缺、错误、遗漏或延误;代理行或同业之行为;战争;检查或骚乱等;本地或外国政府或其行政 机构所施行之一切法律、法令、条例、管制及其他难以控制之事故,本行概不负责。二、有关电汇汇款之一切电文,本行可用文字或密码发出;对于代理行或同业之一切错误、疏忽或过失,或于收到时误解;本行概不负责。三、在中国以外引致之一切费用收款

2、人未支付,本行有权要求汇款人负担所有因此汇款而导致之一切费用。四、此汇款如需退汇或更改,汇款人须候本行接到外国同业通知证明汇款已取消及按外国同业实际退回之款项照本行当日买入价折算退回汇款人。本行有权要求汇款人负担所有因此而引致之一费用。所有已收的电报 费、邮费及手续费恕不退还。1. The Bank shall not be liable for but not limit to any loss or damage due to delay in payment or ingiving advice of payment; loss of items in transit or otherw

3、ise, mutilation, error, omission or delay in transmission or delivery of any item, letter, telegram or cable or the actions of our correspondents or other agencies or declared or undeclared war; censorship; civil commotion etc; or any law, decree, regulation, control, restriction or other act of a d

4、omestic or of foreign government. or other group or groups exercising governmental powers, whether de jure or de facto, or any act or event beyond our control.Bank may send any message relative to telegraphic transfer either literally or in cipher and is not to be liable for errors, neglects, or def

5、aults of any correspondents, or other agencies; or from its misinterpretation when received.3. All charges incurred outside China are for the account of the beneficiary. However, the Bank is entitled to reimbursement from the applicant/remitter for the expenses of the Bank, its correspondents and ag

6、ents.4. Any request for cancellation or amendment has to be made by the applicant/remitter in person upon production of proper identity documents, and refund can only be made by the Bank upon receipt of its correspondents effective confirmation of cancellation and at the Banks current buying rate for the currency of the remittance at the time of refund. The Bank is entitled to reimbursement from the applicant/remitter of the expenses so incurred by itself and its correspondents or agents. All cable/postage charges and commission collected are not refundable.



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