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1、1ModuleModule 3 3 MyMy FirstFirst RideRide onon a a TrainTrain一积词汇见多识广 课内单词回扣(一)阅读词汇写其义1classical n 古典音乐 2jazz n. 爵士乐3orchestra n. 管弦乐队(团) 4court n. 宫廷5genius n. 天才 6symphony n. 交响乐(团);交响曲7prince n. 王子;亲王 8album n. 专辑9solo adj. 独奏的 10tune n. 曲调(二)表达词汇写其形1audience n. 听众 2peasant n. 农民3band n. 乐队 4cat

2、chy adj. 动人的5complex adj. 复杂的 6mix vt. 使混合(三)拓展词汇灵活用*poser n作曲家compose vt.作曲;创作composition n作文;作曲;写作2.conductor n指挥conduct vt.指挥(乐队)*3.musician n音乐家music n音乐musical adj.音乐的*4.director n指挥;导演direct vt.指挥 adj.直接的direction n方向5.lose vt.失去;丢失;专心致志于loss n损失lost adj.丢失的;迷失的*6.talent n天分;天赋;才华talented adj.

3、有才能的7.tour vt.巡回演出;观光;旅游tourist n观光者;旅游者tourism n旅游业8.influence vt.影响n.影响;作用influential adj.有影响力的9.record vt.录音recorder n录音机*10.lecturer n(大学的)讲师lecture n she promises to be a successful singer.8The twins are so alike that many people mix them up.单句改错1Losing in thought, he didnt notice he had alread

4、y passed by his home.LosingLost2The audience were so large that no seat was left in the grand hall.werewas3When mixing with water, salt dissolves quickly, which is a physical reaction.mixingmixed4My teachers words had a great influence to my studying science at college.toon/upon5Chinese citizens are

5、 to have their fingerprints recording when applying for or changing their identity cards.recordingrecorded.单句写作(补全句子/句型转换)1当这位司机听到因为超速被禁驾时,茫然不知所措。The driver was_at_a_loss when he heard that he was forbidden to drive for speeding.2Influenced by a high school biology teacher, he took up the study of m

6、edicine.Under_the_influence_of a high school biology teacher, he took up the study of medicine.3Write down the mistakes you made it will help you avoid making the same ones later.Keep_a_record_of the mistakes you made it will help you avoid making the same ones later.第二板块 短语、句式突破 1go deaf 变聋9教材原句 As

7、 he grew older, he began to go deaf.随着年龄的增长,他的耳朵变聋了。go blind/mad/bad 变瞎/变疯/变坏,变质go wrong/wild/blank/silent 出毛病/变疯狂/变茫然/一言不发go pale/red/grey 变得苍白/发红/花白go hungry 挨饿Meat soon goes_bad in hot weather if it isnt put in the fridge.天热时,如果不放进冰箱,肉很容易变坏。With time going on, my fathers hair goes_grey.随着时间的流逝,我爸

8、爸的头发变得花白。名师指津 “goadj.”常指由好变坏,由正常情况变为特殊情况,常接表示贬义或颜色的形容词。2make a note of 记录教材原句 Read the text and make a note of any new information.读一读这篇文章并将任何新的内容都记录下来。(1)make/take a note/notes (of .)记下,记录()take note of 注意到leave a note for sb. 给某人留个便条compare notes (with sb.) (与某人)交换意见(2)note sth. down 把某事记下来Her par

9、ents took_note_of her talents and helped her to be a singer.她父母注意到了她的天赋并帮助她成为一名歌唱家。And you also should keep it in mind that comparing notes with your classmates frequently is a good way to improve your study.(2015四川高考书面表达)而且你也要记住,经常与同学们交换意见是提高学习成绩的一种好方法。3By_the_time he was 14, Mozart had composed ma

10、ny pieces for the harpsichord, piano and violin, as well as for orchestras.莫扎特到 14 岁的时候,不仅已经谱写了很多管弦乐曲,还谱写了许多拨弦键琴曲、钢琴曲和小提琴曲。by the time 为连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“当的时候” ,这时主句通常用完成时。(1)by the time一般过去时,主句一般用过去完成时10(2)by the time一般现在时,主句一般用将来时或将来完成时By the time we arrived at the station, the train had_left (leave)

11、当我们到达车站时,火车已经离开了。By the time you arrive tomorrow morning, I will_have_left (leave) the country.明天早晨你到达时,我将已经离开这个国家了。By_the_time you get this letter Ill be in Canada.等你收到这封信的时候,我已经在加拿大了。4However, it_was_Haydn_who encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna.然而,是海顿鼓励贝多芬移居维也纳的。该句中的 it was . who .是强调句型,强调的是句子

12、的主语,该句的正常语序是:However, Haydn encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna.(1)强调句的基本句型:It is/was被强调部分that/who句子其他部分(2)强调句的一般疑问句:Is/Was it 被强调部分that/who句子其他部分?(3)强调句的特殊疑问句:疑问词is/wasitthat句子其他部分?(4)not . until .结构的强调句型:It is/was not until . that .It was when I got back to my apartment that I first came across

13、 my new neighbors.(2017天津高考单选)正是当我回到公寓时,我第一次偶然遇见了我的新邻居们。Was it because Jack came late for school that Mr. Smith got angry?(2014四川高考单选)是因为杰克上学迟到史密斯先生才生气的吗?What_was_it_that prevented him from coming in time?是什么使得他没及时来到?It was not until all the fish in the river died out that they realized the importan

14、ce of environment protection.直到河里所有的鱼都死光了,他们才意识到环保的重要性。短语、句式过关练.go 短语填空1The car went_wrong while they were driving along the country road.2I learned to lipread when I started to go_deaf.3On hearing the news of the accident, the mother went_pale and worried about her child.4The traffic lights went_gr

15、een and I pulled away.115When she heard her son was killed by a car, she went_mad.note 短语填空1Please make_a_note_of when and where the meeting will be held.2The police noted_down every word he said.3Youd better leave_a_note_for your parents when you leave home.by the time 单句语法填空1By the time the new sc

16、hool year began, I had_finished (finish) reading his third book.2By the time he retires (retire), he will have worked for 35 years.3By the time Jack returned (return) home from England, his son had graduated from college.4By the time you receive the letter, I will_have_left (leave) the city for my hometo



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