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1、Blue Ocean Cultural Exchange Association Introductions关于蓝海文化交流协会About Blue Ocean Cultural Exchange Association蓝海文化交流协会是为了促进各国学生对本国以及其他各 国文化了解,加强自身对世界文化的认知程度的一个多国 合作的文化交流协会。我们希望通过各国学生的互动,来 提高同学们的文化素养。在迎领经济全球化的同时,迎接 文化全球化。 Blue Ocean Cultural Exchange Association is to promote cultural exchanges betwe

2、en students from various countries, as well as other countries for its own cultural understanding, strengthen their awareness of world culture, a multi-country cooperation in cultural associations. We hope that the students through their interaction, to improve the cultural qualities of the students

3、. To lead economic globalization at the same time, to meet the cultural globalization.蓝海文化交流协会的前景 Prospects for Blue Ocean Cultural Exchange Association文化的交流,带动社会的发展。所以任何国家对于文 化事业的发展都是积极的。而就个人而言,学习文化 是必需的,通过文化交流,我们可以不断得完善自我 。由此,我们协会是有相当大的发展空间的。 Cultural exchanges, promote social development. Therefo

4、re, any country for the cultural development is positive. In respect of an individual, learning culture is necessary, through cultural exchanges, we can continue to have self-perfection. As a result, our association has a large development space.蓝海文化交流协会内涵 Connotation of Blue Ocean Cultural Exchange

5、 Association就此,我们解释三个名词。蓝海、文化、交流。In this connection, we explain the three terms. Blue Ocean, culture and communication.蓝海 Blue Ocean对于蓝海,呈现给我们的往往是浩瀚无垠。不错,我 们协会包含的内容以及我们所领导的团队覆盖面是相 当大的。不仅在中国,我们将陆续在北美、南美、西 欧、中东、东南亚开展我们的活动。 For the Blue Ocean, presenting to us is often vast and boundless. Yes, our asso

6、ciation with the content as well as our team under the leadership of coverage is quite large. Not only in China, we will spread aboard in North America, South America, Western Europe, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, to carry out our activities.文化culture 文化的概念是广泛的,我们将拓展丰富的领域。比如 ,我们会引进国外的管理艺术,时装秀等等来开

7、阔我 们的眼见。同时也会将我们中国的文化向外传播,让 大家了解中国。 The concept of culture is broad, we will develop a rich area. For example, we will offer the introduction of foreign management of arts, fashion shows and so on to open our witness. We will also spread our Chinese culture outside, so that others can understand Chin

8、a.交流communication可以说交流是我们协会的亮点。我们将致力于发展 P2P事业。我们采取通过同龄人的互动交流,来了解 你感兴趣其他文化。而脱离传统的告知形式。这样你 可以有目的、有选择的提高自己的综合水平。 It can be said that communication is the highlight of our association. We are committed to the cause of the development of P2P. We take the way of people through peer interaction, to underst

9、and youre interested in other cultures. Going beyond the traditional form of this. So that you can intentional and selective improve their comprehensive level.我们的管理模式 Our management model我们采用以学校为最小单位,省份设分支机构,然后 根据实际情况建立大区,中央设总部。进行分步管理 模式。 We use the school as the smallest units, provinces, setting u

10、p branches, and then based on the actual situation of the establishment of a large area and set up headquarters in the Central. Carried out step by step management.我们的传播方式 Our mode of transmission我们将通过三条途径传播文化 1、网络 2、杂志 3、社团 We will be transmitted through the three culture 1、 the network 2、 magazine

11、s 3、 community网络the network 我们将构建自己的网络平台,来吸引各国学生加入。 通过我们的网络平台,我们可以直接通过和他人交流 等方式来了解本国以及他国文化。同时也可以安全容 易的交到外国朋友。 We will build its own network platform to attract students from various countries to join. Through our network platform, we can directly through the means of communication with others to und

12、erstand their own and his countrys culture. Also easily can be safely handed foreign friends.杂志magazines我们将首先现在中国推出我们自己的学习杂志,希望 通过我们的学习杂志,提高我们的文化素养。 We will first launch in China for our own studying magazine, hope that through our studying magazines, to improve our cultural accomplishment.社团 commun

13、ity我们将会与学校联合,在各校设立我们的机构,这样 我们可以在学校的帮助下在校园内发展我们的社团。 We will work with schools, set up our institutions, so that we can with the schools help in the development of our campus community.相关问题的解决方案 Related solution to the problem我们将大家普遍提出的问题加以解答。 Any generally questions will be answered.我们协会的会员 Our membe

14、rs of the Association我们会员主要对象是在校初中生、高中生、大学生。我们的会员是完全免费的。因为我们的目的是为了提高学 生的文化素质,而不是盈利的企业。我们的会员是无义务的。可以随时加入和退出。 The main crowd of our members are the junior school, high school and university students. Our members are completely free of charge. Because our aim is to improve the cultural quality of the s

15、tudents, rather than profit enterprises. Our membership is no obligation. You can join and quit at any time.我们协会的生存方式 The survival of our association approach鉴于我们协会对会员的免费性,我们运行的基本费用 主要靠一些广告商以及其他支助。 我们将对一些希望通过我们传播文化的企业收取一定 的费用。 In view of our Association members cost-free, we mainly rely on basic costs of running a number of advertisers, as well as other support. Any corporations hope culture transmission through us, we charge fees.蓝海文化交流协会 欢迎您的加盟 Blue Ocean Cultural Exchange Association welcome to join us谢谢 thank you



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