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1、1UnitUnit 3 3 SafetySafetyLessonLesson 1414 AccidentsAccidents HappenHappen1.1. AnalysisAnalysis ofof thethe StudentsStudents The students of Grade 9 have mastered certain vocabularies,expressions and structures. They also have the abilities of self-teaching and working in groups. Most of them are w

2、illing to express their opinions in English.2.2. AnalysisAnalysis ofof TeachingTeaching ContentContentLesson 14 is the second lesson in Unit 3, Book 5.This unit focus on the subject safety. Students cares about the subject because it is close to everyone. Lesson 14 mainly talks about how to avoid th

3、e car accidents.【知识目标】Enable Ss to use new words: expect, recover, in time, etc.【能力目标】Enable Ss to write an accident report as a reporter.【情感目标】Know how to avoid car accidents as pedestrians, drivers, and cyclists.【教学重点】New words: expect, wound, recover, ugly, etc.Phrase: jump out, in time 教学目标教学目标

4、教材分析教材分析2【教学难点】Write a list of how to avoid accidents.Tape recorder, MultimediaStepStep 1.1. Warm-upWarm-upGreeting:Show pictures and ask Ss what happened. -Car accidents.StepStep 2.2. PresentationPresentation1. Explain and show the new words.2. Listen and fill in the blanksAnn was hit by _.The stre

5、et was _and the car couldnt stop _.Mr. Morin knows _. Ann has a _leg and an _shoulder wound.3. Check the answers.4. Read and match the actions with the right person on page 37.5. Language points: 课前准备课前准备 教学过程教学过程3Thirteen-year-old Ann Brown was hit by a car at 15 Park Road. 本句运用了一般过去时的被动语态,其形式为“was

6、/were+及物动词的过去分词”。She and her brother, James, were on their way to an early basketball practice. on the/ ones way to 意为“去的路上”,to 遇到副词要省略。We didnt want to be late for practice. be late for意为“迟到”。for 后接名词或代词,若接动词要用动名词形式。Ann dropped her basketball, and it rolled onto the street. drop 在这里为及物动词,意为“(使)落下,投

7、下”。drop 也可用作不及物动词,意为“掉下,滴下,落下”。drop, falldrop 意为“落下,掉下”,表示人或物从高处掉到低处。也可意为“放弃”,还可表示“由于疲劳而倒下”。fall 意为“落下”,也可指人或物从高处掉到低处。还可表示“跌倒”或“被打败,沦陷”。She raced to get it. race 在本句中为不及物动词,意为“逃跑,疾走”。Mrs. Andrews, who was walking several steps behind the two students, saw it happen. 本句含有一个由 who 引导的非限制性定语从句,saw it ha

8、ppen 句式为 see sb. do sth.,表示“看见某人做某事”。And the street was icythe car couldnt stop in time. in time 意为“及时”,表示情况恰到好处。4on time 意为“准时,按时”。I shouted to the girl. shout 意为“大喊(大叫)”,常作不及物动词,与介词 to, at 或 for 连用。I wanted to stop her from running after the ball, but she didnt hear me. “stop sb./sth. +from doing

9、sth.”结构意为“阻止某人/某物做某事”,相当于keepfrom doing sth.或 preventfrom doing sth.,除由 keep 构成的短语外,其余两个短语中的 from 均可省略。run after 意为“追逐,追赶”。10. Then the ambulance took both students to the hospital. 本句中的 both 为形容词,意为“两个的,两者的”。both 还可作代词,意为“两者,双方”。bothand意为“和都”。Doctors say she can expect to return to school in about

10、a week. expect 为及物动词,意为“期望,料想”,常用表达有:expect to do sth.期望做某事, expect sb. to do sth.期望某人做某事,expect sth.期望某物。return to 意为“回到(某地),返回”,相当于 go/come/get back to someplace,但return 不能与 back 连用,因为 return 已含有 back 之意了。return 还有“归还”之意,相当于 give back,同样不与副词 back 连用。“归还某人某物”可表达为:return sth. to sb.。StepStep 3.3. Pr

11、acticePractice1. Fill in the blanks with the word in time recover expect wound (1) ”Dont worry! You will _soon,” the doctor says.5(2) “Please show me your_,” the doctor says.(3) We all _the foreign teachers to visit our school next week.(4) I arrived for my flight to London just _.2. Group work: Dis

12、cuss how to avoid car accidents.3. Show the rules for different groups of people, match the rules with the correct groups.4. Check the answers.StepStep 4.4. ConsolidationConsolidation 1. Imagine: You are a reporter. You are going to report on an accident. What are you going to report? Work in groups.2. Report.3. Writing: Write down the report.StepStep 5.5. HomeworkHomework1. Listen and read.2. Finish exercises of this lesson3. Write the report on your notebooks.略。(本文来自微传网:)



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