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1、ER AP ae 比较等级 SANpHUNSW 语法图解the+比较级,the+比较级 售玫尼转代tm 比较级tandi比较级the+比较级+of the two+名词no more thanot more than, no more ,thannotmore .than no less tharynot less than, more . thanabib alittie, muchy even, far, by far,a greatdeal still yet等 探究发现CDThe earth is forty-nine times as large as the moon.。GThe

2、earth is forty-nine times larger than the moon.This stone bridge is twice the length of the wood one.GThe book is as interesting as that one.It”s getting brighter and brighter!The closer you are, the more you”1l see.人DWe need a piece which is much bigger than that.The physics lesson was 3 lot more i

3、nteresting than thechemistry lesson. 必GHe has never spent a more worrying day. 全六(OHis whole school education added up to no more than oni 人我的发现(D例句(DB为倍数表达法,其结构分别是: 句倍数十as十形容词十as; 句倍数十_比较级 十than,句倍数十the十性质名词。O)例句为原级比较,其结构是:_as十形容词十as。G)例句OGG是比较级的表达。其中例句回的结构是“ 比较_级十and十比较级 ”, 例句的结构是“ the十比较级,the十比较级

4、 ”,例句中分别用 much, alot 修饰比较级; aa上 “香定词十比较级”表示 _最高级 ,例句是 比较级的特殊句芭SAs课 攻下人 汪柯 KEIANGYAODIANJINGXI一、英语倍数表达法1. 倍数表达法的三个常用句型(D倍数十as十ad1j.ado.十asThis big stone is three times as heavy as that one.这块大石头的重量是那一块的三倍。 CO)倍数十比较级十thanThis hall is 人ve times bigger than our classroom.这个大厅是我们教室的五倍大。(3)倍数十the十性质名词(siz

5、e, heighb width, depth, length等)十ofThis hill is four times the height of that small one.这座山的高度是那座小山的四倍。名师点津 英语中,用twice或double表示两倍,三倍或三倍以上用基数词十times,如three times, four times。即时演练们 一句多译 这条街是那条街的四倍长。CThis streetis four times longer than that one.)This street is four times as long as that one. 必GThis st

6、reetis fourtimes thelength of thatone. AS 2. 倍数表达法的两个变体(0倍数十what从句The rainfall this year is twice what it was last year.今年降雨量是去年的两倍。(2)倍数十as many/much十名词十asWe have produced three times as many computers as wedid last year.我们生产的计算机是去年的三倍多。SS即时演练习(D完成句子CDThe price of the house in Shanghai this yearis

7、twice whatit waslast year.今年上海的房价是去年房价的两倍。There are _ three times as many students as学生数量是我们预期的3 倍。(CO)句型转换CDThe big tree is twice as high as the small one._。 The height _that of ofwe expected.of the big tree is twiceHis books are three times as many as his younger sister.一Hehas got _three times as

8、many books as his younger =AN人短the small one. 属SS 二、形容词和副词的比较等级1. 形容词和副词的比较等级的基本句式(D原级比较: “.as十形容词/副词原级十a .”表示“和.一样?,否定式为“.not aslso十形容词/副词原级十as .?This picture is as beautiful as that one.这幅画和那幅画一样漂亮。The work is not as/so difficult as you imagine.这工作没有你想象的那么难。名师点津 在此句式中,若形容词原级后面跟单数可词,则应注意冠词与形容词的位置关系

9、, em人am)十单数可数名词十as”。NA He is as clever a boy as his brother.他是和哥哥一样聪明的男孩子。CO)比较级: “形容词/副词比较级十than”意为“比更?She speaks louder than her mother.她比她妈妈说话声音大。My computer is more expensive than hers.我的电脑比她的贵。受即时演练3 单句改错CDThe girl can run so fast as her elder sister. S0一asIdidn”tdo my homework as careful as you. .careful一carefullyThis book is as interesting book as that one。 ”Interesting 后加 aJohn plays football as well, if not better than, David. well 后加 as大


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