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1、中 司司| 讲课内基础自浏j一根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写。1. My home is very close (近的) to my school,so 工walk to school_ every day.2.T like Peoples -Cinema and Tthink the seats there arevery comfortable (和舒适的).3. The smog(雾堆) in Wuhan makes many people 记,and they hope to breathe fresh (新鲜的) air.4. His uncle is a reporter

2、 (记者). He is busy.S. You can buy tickets (票) quickly online now. 二,单项填空。( B )L.(临泉一中模拟)一Where do you often exer-clse?一often exercise in a park. Its myhome.A. next B. close toC. over D. in front( C )2. Please put on some warm ,its Verycold outside.A.clothing B. clothC. clothes D. clothings )3.)4.Ther

3、e is a good noodle houseA.to the town B. on the townC. on town D. in town(2016 . 大和一中月考) At the Beijing Olym-pics; Bolt broke the 100=meter and 200-meterrecords and became the man in theworld.A. fastest B. heaviestC.tallest D. slowest( )5S. 一Hello! Tm new here. Can I ask youquestions?一Sure.A. some B

4、. anyCamuch Di miany课后巩固提升三.单项填空。( )1. Town Cinema is the to my home and 工 cambuy ticketsthe quickly there. A. close;good B. closer;betterC. closest; better D. closest; most( D )2.(2017 .崇文中学模拟) Well try to do work with time than before.A. much;much B.little;littleC.less;more D. more ;less( B )3.(20

5、17 临泉一中模拟)一Math is as interest-ing as English,LI think.一 . 工think English is more interest-ing than math.A.Ithink so B.I dont think soC.I hope so D.I hope not )4. ( 易错题 ) Pve heard that Zhuhai Chimelong O-cean Kingdom is one of ocean parksin Asia. 【导学号:76112025 】A.very large B. the largerCi much lar

6、ger Di the largest)S. 一When is Day?一Is on June 1st,Dave.A. Child B. ChildrenC. Childs D. Childrens 王E四 ,选择合适的选项补全对话。( 有两项是多余的)A:1.B:I want to buy a new pair of shoes.2. A:Ithink Jiapeng Shoe Store has the best quality( 质量) shoes. - -A. Which shop has the best quality sports shoes?B:3. Does it have t

7、he most comfortable shoes?C. What do you want to do on Saturday?D. Is it close to our house?匡. 工 want to buy cheap shoes.F. Can I ask you a question? G. Which is the best clothing store? A:Yes,the shoes there are the most comfortable.B:I dont have much money. 4.A:It has the cheapest shoes in our tow

8、n.B:S DAl:Yes,its notfar fron our house- Ionly takes aboutfive minutes by bus. A. Which shop has the best quality sports shoes?|B. Does it have the most comfortable shoes?C. What do you want to do on Saturday?D. TS it close to our house?下.IT want to buy cheap shoes.TF. Can Task you a question? G. Which is the best clothing store? 训咱



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