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1、Present continuous tense现在进行时Definition We use the present continuoustense to talk about things that are happening now. 我们使用现在进行时谈论现在正在 发生的事情.When we saw the following words, we should use present continuous at present 目前;现在 at the moment 此刻,现在 right now 此刻,现在;立刻,马 now 现在 Look ! Listen !How to form

2、the -ing form of a verb.Most verbs+ingwalk Verbs ending in e -e+ingcomeVerbs ending in ie-ie+y+inglieShort verbs ending in a vowel + a consonantDouble the consonant +ingrunwalkingcominglyingrunning lielaylainlying(vi)(躺下,位于) laylaidlaidlaying(vtvi)(平放、产卵) lieliedliedlying(vtvi)(撒谎)positive:be(is am

3、are) doingnegative:be(is am are) not doingHe/She/It is (not) eating.I am (not) eating.You/We/They are (not) eating.Question: Is he/she/it eating? Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isnt. Am I eating? Yes, you are. No, you arent. Are you/we/they eating? Yes, we/you/they are. No, we/you/they arent.写出下列动

4、词的现在分语形式 read play dance write sit gethave eat look carry begin puttake swim leaveshine make sleepcut change lie study pay visit wait readingplayingdancing writingsittinggettinghavingeatinglooking carryingbeginningputtingtakingswimmingleavingshiningmakingsleepingcuttingchanginglyingstudyingpayingvis

5、itingwaitingWhat is it doing?It is dancing/skating.hat is he doing?He is drawing.WWhat are they doing?They are playing basketball.What are they doing?They are playing football.What is she doing? She is swimming.What are they doing? They are boating. What are they doing? They are running.What is she

6、doing?She is dancing.Simon _at some football cards.is lookingKitty and Sandy_ ice cream.are eatingMillie _ for her new shoes.is payingDaniel _ computer games.is playingI _ lots of shopping bags.am carryingWe _ some cold drinks.are havingSandy: Hello, Amy. _ you _ (study) at the moment?Amy: No, Im no

7、t. My cousin _ (visit) me.Sandy: Oh,really? What _ he _ (do) now?Amy: Well, he _ (play) a new computer game.Sandy: _ you _ (play) the game with him now?Amy: No, Im not. I _ (wait) for my turn.arestudyingis visitingisdoingis playingAre playingam waitingturn 轮次 我正在等着轮到我.wait for ones turn 等候轮到某人, 等待某人

8、的顺序我正等着轮到我问问题 .I am waiting for my turn to ask the question.Complete the dialogue.A: Isnt it _ weather?B: Yes, and the sun is _.A: Where are they now?B: They are _ the beach.A: What are they doing?B: Mr and Mrs Zhang _ _ at the sea. Jack is looking at a plane in the sky. Mary is behind her parents.

9、A: Whats on the sea? B: There _ two _.lovelyshiningonare lookingstandingareboatsWritingWriting a short passage by using present continuous according to the picture. Its fine today. The children are playing in the park. Look! Some girls are playing games. Helen is climbing up a tree. A girl is standing behind a house. Beibei is looking for her. There is a boy over there. Whats he doing? He is flying a kite. They are all having a good time.Very good!


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