参考译文 cet 6 段落翻译

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1、 1.中美关系是世界上最重要的双边关系之 一。中美两国建交之前,我们经常相互指 责、对骂,但没有解决任何问题。两国建 交以来,尤其是中国加入世贸组织以后, 我们之间交往日益密切,各层次、多形式 的对话频繁。其中不乏争争吵吵,却使我 们双方都受益。实践证明,中美两个大国 长期保持友好关系,不仅是中美两国人民 的幸事,也有利于世界和平与发展。 Sino-US relationship is one of the most important bilateral relations in the world. Before China and the United States establishe

2、d diplomatic ties, the two countries often found themselves to be accusing or abusing each other. But that didnt settle anything . Since the establishment of the diplomatic ties, particularly after Chinas accession to the WTO, the exchanges between China and the United States have become increasingl

3、y close and we have carried out frequent dialogues of various forms at all levels. While we did have a fair amount of bitter argument, both of us had actually benefited from such exchanges. Practices show that to maintain long term friendship between our two big countries not only benefits the Chine

4、se and the American people, but also does good to the world peace and global development. 2.颐和园是世界上保存最完整的皇家园林 ,也是当今中国最大的皇家园林。它坐落 于北京西北部的郊区,占地290公顷,主 要由万寿山和昆明湖构成。在1998年12 月,联合国教科文组织将颐和园列入世 界遗产名录。该名录宣称“颐和园的人 工景观与自然景观和谐地融为一体,堪称 中国风景园林设计中的创造性杰作。” The Summer Palace is regarded as the best preserved imper

5、ial garden in the world, and is the largest of its kind in modern China. Situated in the northwestern outskirts of Beijing, the palace occupies an area of 290 hectares and consists mainly of the Longevity Hill and the Kunming Lake. In December 1998, the UNESCO included the Summer Palace on its World

6、 Heritage List. It declared the Summer Palace an “outstanding expression of the creative art of Chinese Landscape Garden Design, incorporating the works of humankind and nature in a harmonious whole.” 3.唐朝定都长安(今天的西安),是当时 世界上人口最多的城市。我们通常认为唐 朝是中国文化的鼎盛时期,其文化程度相 当于甚至超过汉朝全世界文化发展的黄 金时代。唐朝初期,其统治者通过战争获 得的领土

7、可与汉朝通过战事所获得的疆域 相媲美。在7世纪和8世纪的两次人口普查 中,按照登记的家庭来看,唐朝时期的人 口约为5千万。 The Tang Dynasty chose Changan (now Xian), the most populous city then in the world, as its capital city. It is generally regarded as a prime in Chinese civilization, which is equal to ,or surpass that of the Han Dynastyanother golden age

8、 of the world culture. Its territory, acquired by its ruler through the military campaigns in the early Tang Dynasty, rivaled that of the Han. In the two censuses of the registered families in the 7th and 8th centuries, the Tang Dynasty estimated a population of about 50 million . 4.今年是中国加入世贸组织10周年。

9、10年 来,中国平均关税水平从15.3%降至9.8% ,达到并超过了世贸组织对发展中国家的 要求。近年来,中国经济在发展的同时着 力稳物价、调结构、保民生、促和谐;继 续处理好保持经济平稳较快发展、调整经 济结构、管理通胀预期的关系。中国经济 保持平稳较快发展,对世界经济发展无疑 将是有利的。 This year marks the tenth anniversary of Chinas accession to the WTO. During the past decade, Chinas average tariff level has dropped from 15.3 percent

10、to 9.8 percent, which has reached and surpassed the WTO requirements for developing countries. In recent years ,China has developed its economy with focus on stabilizing prices, adjusting the economic structure, ensuring peoples well-being, and promoting harmony. China maintains a balance of achievi

11、ng steady and fast economic growth, adjusting the economic structure and managing inflation expectation. Undoubtedly, continuous steady and fast growth in China will serve the interest of the global economic growth. 5.扩大内需是主攻方向。中国的一大优势 是拥有追求美好生活并且愿意为之辛勤工 作的13亿人民,拥有巨大的国内市场。我 们要努力扩大国内消费需求,包括促进信 息产业的发展

12、,例如扩展宽带和4G牌照 等。在关注消费的同时,我们也要保持合 理的投资力度,重点是加快发展节能环保 产业、中西部铁路项目和市政设施建设等 。 5.A key focus is the expansion of domestic demand. Here China enjoys one great advantage :its 1.3 billion people are keen to work hand in pursuit of a better life and make up a huge domestic market. We will expand consumer deman

13、d through initiatives such as the promotion of the IT sector through the expansion of broadband and 4G licenses. While focusing on consumption, we will keep a reasonable scale of investment with priority given to energy conservation, environmental protection, railway projects in the central and west

14、ern regions, and municipal facilities. 6.2012年中国十大流行语中,“正能量”一 词位居榜首。这个词的流行源于美国心理 学家理查德怀斯曼的正能量一书。 在当今中国,“正能量”被赋予了更多内涵 ,所有的积极的、健康的、催人奋进的、 给人力量的、充满希望、充满爱心的人和 事,都是“正能量”。正能量就是要给人向 上的信心和希望,鼓励大家爱国家、爱社 会、爱生活,追求一切美好的事物。 6. The phrase “positive energy“ topped the list of Chinas buzzwords in 2012.The popularit

15、y of the phrase is attributed to the book, “Rip It Up“, written by the British psychologist Richard Wiseman. It has acquired extra levels of meaning in China today. All positive, sound, inspiring, energizing, hopeful and loving people and things are considered “positive energy.“ It is meant to give people confidence and hope, encourage people to love their country, society and life, as well as to pursue all the goodness.


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