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1、 Unit One Will people have robots?What day was it yesterday ?What did you do last night ?What day is it today ?What are you doing now ?What day will it be tomorrow ?What will you do tomorrow ?What will you do tomorrow ?I will .Will you go shopping ?Yes, I will. No, I wont.I wont go shopping.Will she

2、 he go shopping ?Yes, she(he) will. No, she(he) wont. She(he) wont go shopping.What will I do tomorrow ?A: Will you ?B: Yes, I will. No, I wont.There will be a TV in my house tomorrow .I will buy a big TV tomorrow .What will be there in this picture in 10 years?10 years later There will be more peop

3、le. There will be fewer trees. There will be more pollution. There will be将会有There will be more buildings.(建筑物)There will be more cars.Tom and Mary are talking about our school in the future, in 10 years. Tom: Will there be more students? Mary:Yes, there will. There will be more classes.Tom:Will the

4、re be more pollution? Mary:No, there wont.There will be less pollution,because there will be more trees. Report : There will be 3a Look at the pictures of Sally. Then fill in the blanks in the sentences.1. Five years ago, Sally was .2. She played .3. She had .in high schoolsoccera cat一般过去时:be动词、行为 动

5、词都用过去式。4. Today Sally is .5. She plays .6. She has .7. In five years, Sally will be .8. She will play .9. She will have .in collegea guitara dog一般现在时:动词用现在式 ,但当主语为第三人称单数 时,动词要有相应的变化。 a mother / wifetennisa baby一般将来时:动词在will后 面必须用原形。3b PAIRWORKLook at activity 3a. Make predictions about Sally.A: What

6、 do you think Sally will be in five years?B: I think shell be a doctor.A: What sport will she play?B: Shell play(= she will)Five years ago, Sally was in primary school, She played football with classmates after class, and she had a cat. Now shes a college student, she likes playing the guitar . She

7、is good at English and she has good grades. In five years, she will be a doctor, she will make much money, and she will travel around the world. She will play tennis. She will have a car and a baby.3c Now write about yourself.Five years ago, I was . I played . I had .Today, I am . I play . I have .I

8、n five years, I will be . I will play . I will have .课堂小结:will 引导的一般将来时:一般将来时表示将来发生的动作或情况 ,最基本的结构:will + 动词原形 “主谓(宾)句型”的一般将来时:肯定句:主语+ will +动词原形+(宾语)+其他成份People will have robots in their homes.否定句:在will 的后面加not即可。will not = wontPeople will not (wont) have robots in their homes.一般疑问句:把will 提到句子主语之前,结

9、尾变问号。Will people have robots in their homes?特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+will +主语+动词原形+其他成份?When will people have robots in their homes?“There be”句型的一般将来时肯定句: There will be +名词+其他成份注意:无论后面加单数名词或复数形式,be都必须用原形。There will be only one country.否定句:在will后面加not.There wont be only one country.一般疑问句:把will提到there之前。Will there

10、 be only one country?Yes, there will. / No, there wont.1.抄写 Grammar Focus p 3a 两遍 并记 忆2.写一篇关于我的过去,现在将来情况的文章, 不少于60字,可以模仿课堂上关于Sally的 文章.Thank you!; http:/ 网瑞测速 wpd46xry 了笑,以后的事情以后再说,现在的当务之急是找个铁饭碗,至于将来再危险,也总比现在饿死强。“不过既然都走到这一步了,我恐怕也没 有别的路可走了。不是吗?”说话之余,此时他们已经走到了这条街道的尽头,与刚才人来人往热闹景象不同,这里就很少有人路过了,甚至 有种荒凉的感

11、觉。“这这里是城乡结合部吗?”这里的环境让慕容凌娢感到稍许压抑,她向刘钦询问,并没有得到回复。此时,刘钦谨慎 的向四周望了望,确定没有人后,才像特务接头一样,小心翼翼地靠近了一堵残破不堪的墙。并用手在墙上很没有规律的敲了几下。“你这是 在干什么?不用这么鬼鬼祟”最后一个祟字还没有说出口,慕容凌娢就被眼前的变化惊呆了,以至于把一系列要问的问题都咽进了肚 子里。面前的这堵墙居然自动分离了,还发出一阵阵机械齿轮相互碰撞的声音。“你你是要带我去对角巷*还是凤凰社*”慕容凌 娢平静了一下自己的心绪,毕竟她也是看过不少魔幻幻玄幻小说的,现在唯一能想起来的,也就只有这些了。“你还真是有喜剧天赋,看小说 看多

12、了吧。”看着这堵墙打开的越来越宽,里面出现了一条暗道,暗道的另一边还隐约能看到亮光。想必距离不远。“这是通向晴穿会总部的 秘道之一。很隐蔽,而且很方便。”刘钦说着便直径走入了秘道。慕容凌娢也急忙跟了上去。当他们就走到了秘道尽头,慕容凌娢才发现这里 竟是一个豪华的大厅。没想到这条秘道居然修道了室内!她暗自惊叹晴穿会这些成员的高超水平。“刘钦,这么简单的任务都完不成,你还敢 回来!害得我也被夏大人指责了。”一个年约二十的女子狠狠瞪着刘恺钦吼道,“亏你在晴穿会呆了那么久。”“晓念,我可是把人给带回来 了啊,只不过只不过是慢了一点。”刘钦赶紧解释,似乎有些害怕这个叫甲晓念的人。这个居然就是自己刚刚在街

13、上遇到的老奶奶! 慕容凌娢此时已经凌乱了。这人也太有才了吧,装的那么像,到了二十一世纪绝对是个祸害。不过听他们说话的口吻,似乎早已计划好要把自 己带到这里。可是到底是为了什么呢?注 对角巷*:J.K.罗琳的著名魔幻小说系列哈利波特中英国魔法界最繁华的商业街道。凤凰社*:同 为小说哈利波特中的组织。(古风一言)千山暮雪,随君化蝶,随君至海角天边。第009章 传说中的晴穿会眼前这个叫甲晓念的女子竟然就 是自己刚刚在街上遇到的老奶奶!慕容凌娢此时已经彻底凌乱了。她看起来也就二十多岁,居然装的那么像,这人真是太有才了。如果到 了二十一世纪绝对是个祸害。不过听她还刘钦说话的内容,他们似乎是计划好要把自己带到这里来的。可这是为什么啊?他们又是如何知道自 己穿越了


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