module 5《unit 14 careers》(lesson2)ppt课件

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1、Unit 14 Careers Lesson 2 Interviews 北京十一学校 刘英Lead in T: Last period, you found the right job which suits you, and the most important thing is how to apply for your ideal job successfully. What should you pay attention to when you conduct an interview? Lets see more advice on job interview.Pre-listen

2、ing Task 1: Look at the advice for job interviews. Use a dictionary to check the meaning of the phrasal verbs. 1. Put on causal clothes for the interview 2. Go out for a walk before the interview to relax. 3. Think about the job and write down your strengths and weaknesses. 4. Find out information a

3、bout the company.5. Turn up at the interview a couple of minutes early. 6. Take down notes during the interview. 7. Sit down or get up when they ask you to. 8. Make up information about yourself. 9. Make out you understand something when you dont. 10. Go into a lot of detail about your personal life

4、. 11. Speak up and express yourself clearly. 12. Sit up straight and maintain eye contact.When you are at an interview, what you shouldWhen you are at an interview, what you shoulddo and what you shouldnt do? do and what you shouldnt do?Do Find out information about the company. Dont Put on casual c

5、lothes for the interview Now make a list of things to do and things not to dofind out information about the company.find out information about the company. go out for a walk before the interview to relax.go out for a walk before the interview to relax. think about the job and write down your strengt

6、hs think about the job and write down your strengths and weaknesses. and weaknesses. turn up at the interview a couple of minutes early.turn up at the interview a couple of minutes early. take down notes during the interview.take down notes during the interview.sit down or get up when they ask you t

7、o .sit down or get up when they ask you to .speak up and express yourself clearly.speak up and express yourself clearly.sit up straight and maintain eye contactsit up straight and maintain eye contactDoDoPut on casual clothes for the interview. Make up information about yourself. Make up information

8、 about yourself.Make out you understand something when you dont!Make out you understand something when you dont!Go into a lot of detail about your personal life.Go into a lot of detail about your personal life.Dont Dont Task 2: Learn some new words nursery appointment instant battle (见学案)Exercise2:

9、Complete Mandys account of an interview with verbs from Exercise Do you think Mandy got the job? Why or why not? Could you give him some advice? Teachers advice: When you answer questions in a job interview, please remember the golden rule: Always give the monkey exactly what he wants.Pre-listening

10、Task 3: Learn some underlined words according to the contexts to have a better understanding of the listening material.1. Moral Classics or Daode jing is a book which was written by Laozi.Pre-listening 2. Personal interviews will often be on a one to one basis but can also be done as a group exercis

11、e.The basis of this drink is orange juice. China has gained an excellent _ now in the international community on the_ of holding the 29th Olympic successfully. Whats more, volunteers show their friendliness and good _ actions to the world.Fill in the gaps using: reputation, basis and moralreputation

12、basismoralWhile-listening Task 1: listen and answer What does the interviewee do? Was the interviewee successful? Task 2: Listen to an interview for a holiday job and complete the chart with key words.Reasons to join the companyOlivers experiencesQualities for the job1.1.patience,.2. well-organized

13、2.3.Task 3: Listen to the interview again and complete the questions the interviewer has asked.1. _ at Camp Elizabeth?2. _do you have?3. _do you think_?4. Are there_ _?So why do you want to work with usWhat experience What qualitiesany questions you would like to ask meare important for the job1 tak

14、e a seatAfter-listening: Task 1: Complete the Function File with words from the list. 2 thank you3 enjoy4 work experience 5 qualiti es6 certai nly7 important thing8 just one thing 9 getting in touchYes, he probably got the job because he was polite, expressed himself clearly and had the right person

15、al qualities and experience.Task 2:Task 2: Do you think Oliver Do you think Oliver got the job? Why or why not?got the job? Why or why not?Assignment Change the interview into an account based on exe 2, using some phrasal verbs from the exe 1.Period Two Objectives: nReview the previous interview nLearn some listening strategies Step 1: Work with your partners. One acts as an interviewer, the other works as an interviewee. (P25 Exe 7) Act out your interview. Use expressions from the Function File. Step 2: Pronunciation exercise (Exe 10 and 11 ) In a job interview when you dont catch what he sa


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