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1、Depart-departure(派生词,名词形式 ) Any extra costs incurred must be paid to the hotel by yourself before departure from the hotel. (ILETS 1, General training module )(关于旅行 ) 语境:生活化 -与旅行相关出现次数: IELTS1 4 次 (departure) IELTS 2 2次( depart )Derive An important principle is that all corpora, whatever their size,

2、 are inevitably limited in their coverage, and always need to be supplemented by data derived from the intuitions of native speakers of the language, through either introspection or experimentation.( IELTS 4 , T3, R3)语境 : 学术化 - 关于如何获取语言信息出现次数 : IELTS 4 3 次Decent I have also bought myself decent seco

3、nd-hand clothes and shoes. (IELTS 4) 语境:生活化 - 关于一个针对街头少年的援助项目出现次数:频率不高,都与生活有关Deforest+desalt+decode+deface+devalue: de( 去除 ) 小提一下: afforest, deforestation Deforestation : 出现次数4 次 (学术相关)Desalt: 没有出现过(因为 de 同为去除 ,所以顺带提及)Decode:反义词( encode)Devalue: =reduce(近义词 ) deregulation In many countries deregulat

4、ion has helped to drive the process along.(IELTS 6) 出现次数:频率较少语境:学术化(关于物品的进出口) Deprive De( 去除 )+prive (=private个人的,隐私的)=剥夺Moreover, the loss of diversity may also deprive us of different ways of looking at the world. (IELTS 4 )出现次数:频率较少语境:学术化,语言的流失Dis(否定)1) ,+able (可以 ,能够 )=不可以That represents a signi

5、ficant drop in the number of disabled old people in the population. If the trends apparent in the United States 14 years ago had continued (雅思 6) 一般形容残疾人disabled people 另外: disable + from doing/for( 使无能 /使伤残 ) An accident disabled him from playing football. 一场意外导致他不能再玩足球了2)+agree (同意 )=不同意派生词: disag

6、reement(n)= 分歧,意见不合Disagreement 在学术类文章中出现较多(分析表格,分析问卷调查)(如)to prevent the other person voicing disagreement. 防止他人说不3)+cover(覆盖 )=探索发现,认识到( Vt) )派生词: discovery(n)=发现如:美国的一个屏道就是discovery 出现频率很高,经常出现在学术文章中,比如雅思1 中(火对生存的影响) The technique became more efficient after the discovery of iron, 在发现铁矿之后,这个技术变得更

7、有效了同理可证4)+believe(相信 )=不相信,怀疑(vt)5)+play (表演 )=陈列,展览(n)/(vt) 出现频率很高,多出现在学术词汇中,并且多以动词形式出现Why do humans, virtually alone among all animal species, display a distinct left or right-handedness? 为什么单只有人类与其他动物不同,显示出独特的左右撇子现象?En(注入)1)+courage (勇气,胆量 )=鼓励,激励,促进Encourage sb to do sth(鼓励某人做某事) 如: encourage a

8、man to work better 在雅思 1-6 中都出现过,所以频率很高。所以建议记下:encouraging(adj, 鼓励的,振奋的) Encouragement (n) 鼓励,怂恿2)+close(关闭 )=把。 。 。围起来 /装入信封( vt)I enclosed you a list of books. 我给你附上了一张书单。只出现过一次,并且是在题目中出现(ielts 1,一篇关于旅行的文章)Your air tickets will be enclosed with other documents. 你的飞机票会和其他文件装在一起。2)+dure(联想 during( 在

9、很长一段时间)=忍受,忍耐,容忍,坚持出现频率较低,一般出现在学术文章中如雅思 3 中:Although the lives of the Siriono have changed in the intervening decades, the image of them as Stone Age relics has endured. 虽然西里奥诺人的生活在其间的十年有所改变,但他们石器时代的遗址却保留了下来其中,它持久的含义经常出现En (使) 1)+able(能够 )=使能够,使可能反义词: disable 用法: enable sb to do sth 如:This pass enab

10、les me to travel half-price on trains. 我用这张通行证可以半价乘火车2) +rich (富裕 )=使富裕 /富有近义词: improve 出现频率低,目前为止只在雅思2 中出现过如雅思 2 中: In it races, cultures, and ideas, as well as goods from a variety of places, jostle, mix and enrich each other and the life of the city. 多样的种族,文化,思想以及来自各个地方的多种多样的货物,相互拥挤着,混合着并丰富着城市的生活

11、。Inter(相互之间)1)+act(做)=相互影响,相互配合,交流,沟通,合作派生词: interaction 在雅思忠都出现过,频率较高I like to interact with others 我喜欢和他人互动同理可证2)+national( 国家的 )=国际的,国家之间的3)+net (网)=网络5)+change (交换 )=交换,互换4)+face (脸)=接口,界面,交流注:脸和脸互相靠在一起交流网络接口 interface, 以这个词的发音来记出现频率较低,如雅思4 中:Judging from the way it watches and tracks airborne f

12、lying fish, it can apparently see fairly well through the air water interface as well. 通过对飞鱼的观察与跟踪,发现它在空中与水面的交汇处视觉也非常好Trans( 转变到另一边 ) 1)+form( 形状 )=改变,使改变形状变形金刚 transformer 近义词: change 多出现在学术类文章中,如雅思2 中:Sea ports have been transformed by the advent of powered vessels, whose size and draught have inc

13、reased. 海港的转变来自于动力轮船的出现,它的体积与吃水量都比以前大。2)+act(做)-把东西运到对方一边=交易,谈判,办理(业务)Transact with sb We transacted business with the firm. 我们和这家公司交易。动词形式没有出现过,其名词形式(transaction )出现过一次,在雅思5 的一篇关于英国科学家的文章中In 1665 a new scientific journal, Philosophical Transactions, was inaugurated. 在 1665 年,一本名为达观的交易的杂志面世了3)+ship(

14、船)=换船,换车4)+port (港口) -把货物转到港口=运输派生词: transportation(n) 单词后面加er= 运输工具Films and compact discs cost little to transport, even by aeroplane. 就算使用飞机,电影与压缩碟片的运费也很低。5) +plant( 植物 )=移植虽然没有出现过,但很有可能考(因为与植物学及医学有关)Re( 反复 ) 1)+act(做) -重复做 =起反应,回应,有影响(回忆一下前面提到的带act 的单词 ) React+against=反对 By the 1920s architects

15、throughout Europe were reacting against the conditions created by industrialisation. 在 19 世纪 30 年代,欧洲的建筑学家曾经抵制由工业化所对环境的破坏 React + to= 对。起反应People s moods too, have been shown to react to the length of the daylight hours. 白天的长短也会对人的情绪造成影响。React + with= 起化学反应React + on/upon =影响,起作用2)+call(叫)-重复呼叫 =唤起,

16、回忆起,招回,收回(回忆起)I dont recall where to meet her我不能记起在哪儿见过她(招回)Recall your messenger 召回你的使者。3)+view=回顾,检查4)+birth= 重生可以指人的重生,也可指事物的重生A rebirth of classicism in architecture建筑中古典主义的复兴5)+cover(覆盖 )=恢复,重新找回看望病人时说:Hope you recover soon(祝你早日康复)派生词: recovery(n) 词组: economic recovery( 经济复苏 ) Recovery 在雅思中出现较多,如 the recovery of speech is quite often better 说话能力通常恢复的比较好



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