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1、II . Common Errors1西 南 科 技 大 学 网 络 教 育 Run-on Sentences( 串句) 串句是在没有连接词或标点符号的情况下,将两个独立的单句串在一 起。 “ 逗号割裂” - 逗号不可以连接两个独立的句子;句号和分号可以。 Example: The exam was postponed, the class was canceled as well. Three Ways to Avoid Run-on Sentences Period and a Capital Letter( 句号 + 大写) Comma and a joining word ( 逗号 +

2、 连接词) Semicolon ( 分号 ) 例句: The exam was postponed. The class was canceled as well.( 句号 + 大写) The exam was postponed, and the class was canceled as well.( 逗号 + 连接词) The exam was postponed; the class was canceled as well.( 分号) 2西 南 科 技 大 学 网 络 教 育 Fragmentary Sentences ( 破句 ) 有些所谓的句子,或无主语,或无谓语动词 。仅仅是单

3、词的堆砌,无法表达一个完整的 意思。 从属连词引起的破句(从属连词引导的从句 不能单独成一个句子) Which is a good thing.- 破句 改正方法:增加主句;删除连接词 He told me a story which is a good thing. It is a good thing. 3西 南 科 技 大 学 网 络 教 育 Fragmentary Sentences ( 破句 ) -ing 分词和不定式引起的破句 He works ten hours a day. Then going to class for two hours. 改正方法:添加主语,把 -ing

4、变为动词的正确形式; being 改为 be He works ten hours a day. He goes to class for two hours. He works for ten hours a day and then goes to class for two hours. 增加细节引起的破句 由于增加一些由 for example, such as, including 等细节引起的破句缺少主语或 是谓语动词。 One of my greatest joys in life is eating desserts. Such as cake or ice cream. 改正

5、方法:把破句与前边具有完整意义的句子连接起来;为破句增加主语或谓 语动词。 One of my greatest joys in life is eating desserts, such as cake or ice cream. 缺少主语的破句 改正方法:把破句与前句相连;增加适当主语。 He went to the refrigerator to get milk. And discovered no milk left. He went to the refrigerator to get milk and discovered no milk left. 4西 南 科 技 大 学 网

6、 络 教 育Exercise: p365西 南 科 技 大 学 网 络 教 育 Faulty Parallelism (Faulty Coordination 错误平行结构 ) 平行结构是把两个或两个以上意思并列的成分用同等的语法形 式来表达。 反之则为错误平行结构。 A student needs books, notebooks, and he needs pens. A student needs books, notebooks and pens. 改正错用的并列连词 And who and which 应尽量避免使用;除非前面已经出现由 who which 引导的从句 。 eg. T

7、om, a wise boy, and who is my friend, is from U.K. Tom, who is a wise boy, and who is my friend, is from U.K. Tom, a wise boy and my friend, is from U.K. 6西 南 科 技 大 学 网 络 教 育 Faulty Parallelism( 错误平行结构多项平行 把一组词连续的排列起来,使意思和结构保持平行。 When we arrived home, we unpacked our suitcases, took showers, and the

8、n we went to sleep after eating lunch, When we arrived home, we unpacked our suitcases, took showers, ate our lunch, and went to sleep. 注意错误的省略 在平行结构中省略关键词,会使搭配不当,句义模糊。 检验方法:将动词与助动词分别搭配,若时态有误,该平行结构便不 成立。 He always has and always will compete for the highest honor. He has always competed and will alw

9、ays compete for the highest honor. 用 than as 引出的比较 要保持逻辑通顺,语法无误 My leaning is as much as Paul. My learning is as much as Pauls learning. 7Misuse of parallel 例:Advertising should be informative, persuasive, and of interest.8西 南 科 技 大 学 网 络 教 育Misuse of parallel 例:Advertising should be informative, pe

10、rsuasive, and of interest.应改为:Advertising should be informative, persuasive, and interesting.9Faulty parallel constructionsFaulty ParallelismWe thought she was charming, intelligent, and a very capable young woman.10西 南 科 技 大 学 网 络 教 育Faulty parallel constructionsFaulty ParallelismWe thought she was

11、 charming, intelligent, and a very capable young woman.RevisedWe thought she was charming, intelligent, and very capable.We thought she was a charming, intelligent, and very capable young woman.11Faulty ParallelismA man is judged not only by what he says but also by his deeds.ReviseFaulty Parallelis

12、mWe have great faith and high hopes for her.Revise12西 南 科 技 大 学 网 络 教 育Faulty ParallelismA man is judged not only by what he says but also by his deeds.RevisedA man is judged not only by what he says but also by what he does.Faulty ParallelismWe have great faith and high hopes for her.RevisedWe have

13、 great faith in and high hopes for her.13Ambiguous reference of pronounsAmbiguousShe told my sister that she was wrong.Clear“I am wrong,” she said to my sister. She admitted that she was wrong and said so to my sister.“You are wrong,” she said to my sister.My sister was told that she was wrong.Obscu

14、reIn Dreisers Sister Carrie, he describes a penniless girls way to success.ClearIn his Sister Carrie, Dreiser describes a penniless girls way to success.ObscureHe was knocked down by a bicycle, but it was not serious. ClearHe was knocked down by a bicycle but was not seriously hurt.14ObscureI am goi

15、ng to the lecture on modern Chinese drama, because he is a dramatist I like.ClearObscureAs she was greatly influenced by her history teacher, she chose it as her major.Clear15西 南 科 技 大 学 网 络 教 育ObscureI am going to the lecture on modern Chinese drama, because he is a dramatist I like.ClearIm going t

16、o the lecture on modern Chinese drama, because the speaker is a dramatist I like.ObscureAs she was greatly influenced by her history teacher, she chose it as her major.ClearAs she was greatly influenced by her history teacher, she chose history as her major.16Dangling modifiers( 垂悬修饰语) 修饰语在句中找不到逻辑上被修饰的对象。 Faulty



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