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1、北美原住民神幻美學2007幻奇文學 跨界想像研習營 師大英語系梁一萍 12/08/2007 北美原住民神幻美學 大綱 1. The Indian Picture Opera (E. Curtis,1911-1912) 2. Pocahontas (1995) 3. Smoke Signal (Sherman Alexie, 1997) 4. A Proposal for the Study of North American Indian “Fanthology”; Fantasy + Mythology;Northrop Frye + Rosemary Jackson + Gerald Vi

2、zenorEdward S. Curtis (1868-1952)Edward S. Curtis (1868-1952)Alfred Stieglitz (1864-1946)Camera Work (1897-1917): “Straight Photograpy”The North American IndianThe North American Indian (1907) (1907)In the Land of the Head-HuntersIn the Land of the Head-Hunters (1915)(1915)Mythologizing the “Indian”

3、 (1-3)When the Spanish conquistadors appeared on their horizons in the sixteenth century, elders of the Hopi people advanced to greet the soldiers in the belief that the Spaniards were representatives of their long lost white brothers. Contacts between whites and Indians like this- together with enc

4、ounters which proved bloody from the start brought North American Indian peoples into the consciousness of Europeans, and into the consciousness of those Europeans who, through the formative experiences associated with migration across seas and settlement in strange lands, became white Americans. (M

5、ick Gidley)Mythologizing the “Indian” (2-3) The whites at once started to mythologize: the Indians who helped the Mayflower settlers survive their first winter in the New World became noble savages, those who threatened Captain John Smith with execution became bloodthirsty villains, and those who ex

6、changed Manhattan Island for a few beads and trinkets became both fools and benefactors. I am, of course, oversimplifying a long and painful history of the construction of what one scholar, Robert Berkhofer, has called “the white mans Indian.“ (Mick Gidley, University of Leeds)Mythologizing the “Ind

7、ian” (3-3) But when the seeming white brother appeared on the mesas of Arizona in the sixteenth century, the Hopi had been expecting him for hundreds of years. That is, they had an extensive history quite their own, and a corresponding literature. Indeed, all of the Indian peoples-however much the c

8、oming of horses and other later imports affected the bases of their cultures-had a history, a religion, a system of government, social customs, handicrafts, and myths and songs of their own which predated the coming of white people among them. (Mick Gidley) The North American Indian The North Americ

9、an Indian by Edward S. Curtis is one of the most significant (and controversial) representations of traditional American Indian culture ever produced. Issued in a limited edition from 1907-1930, the publication continues to exert a major influence on the image of Indians in popular culture. Curtis s

10、aid he wanted to document “the old time Indian, his dress, his ceremonies, his life and manners.“The North American Indian In over 2000 photogravure plates and narrative, Curtis portrayed the traditional customs and lifeways of eighty Indian tribes. The twenty volumes, each with an accompanying port

11、folio, are organized by tribes and culture areas encompassing the Great Plains, Great Basin, Plateau Region, Southwest, California, Pacific Northwest, and Alaska. Shot in the HandShot in the HandChief in the DesertChief in the DesertBears BellyBears BellyMosaMosaQahatikaQahatika Girl GirlCanyon de C

12、anyon de ChellyChelly (Navajo) (Navajo)PieganPiegan Encampment EncampmentCrater LakeCrater LakeThe OathThe OathSioux ChiefsSioux ChiefsHeavy LoadHeavy LoadVanishing RaceVanishing RaceSacred LegacySacred Legacy神聖的遺產 (Sacred Legacy) 一九七至一九三年間年,愛德華寇帝 斯拍攝的四萬五千幅美國原住民的照片 ,是至今運用攝影對北美印地安人做人 種誌研究的最全面性紀錄。寇帝斯的

13、攝 影作品簡單深刻,令人難忘,鏡頭裡日 常生活中的男人、女人以及他們的動物 ,與週遭環境和大自然絕妙地融會成一 體。 神聖的遺產 (Sacred Legacy) 愛得華寇帝斯美國印地安人影像特展 國立台灣史前文化博物館 11/3012/30 高雄市立歷史博物館 01/0501/27 曙光湧現 (Coming to Light) 台北光點之家 12/15, 5-6pm; 12/16 1-2pm 寇蒂斯與美國印地安人的紀念影片The Indian Picture Opera (1911-12)請觀賞影片Anatomy of Criticism (1-12)NorthropFrye (1957)An

14、atomy of Criticism (2-12) The mythical mode, the stories about gods, in which characters have the greatest possible power of action, is the most abstract and conventionalized of all literary modes. . . . (134) 是有關神的故事 具備神力 擁有大量動能Anatomy of Criticism (3-12) We begin our study of archetypes, then, wit

15、h a world of myth, an abstract or purely literary world of fictional and thematic design, unaffected by canons of plausible adaptation to familiar experience. In terms of narrative, myth is the imitation of action near or at the conceivable limits of desire. (136) (神話與欲望有關)Anatomy of Criticism (4-12)Divine world = society of god = One God(sky) Human world = society of men = One Man Animal world = sheepfold = One Lamb Vegetable world= garden or park = One Tree Mineral world = city = One Building, Temple,Stone (141)Canyon de Canyon de ChellyChelly (Navajo) (Navajo) Anatomy of Critic


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