沪教牛津(09版)三年级英语下册课件 Touching and feeling(1)

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《沪教牛津(09版)三年级英语下册课件 Touching and feeling(1)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《沪教牛津(09版)三年级英语下册课件 Touching and feeling(1)(26页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Touch this _. touch 触摸watch 手表 I like the _ watch .sm_ _th 光滑的 moon afternoon room ooThe _ is smooth .rough 粗糙的 The _ is rough .Smooth smooth smooth .The watch is smooth .Rough rough rough .The bag is rough .Smooth smooth smooth .The _ is smooth .Rough rough rough .The _ is rough .s_ft 柔软的 It is a/

2、an _ . It is _ .oh_ _d 硬的 car farm jarar It is a/an_. It is _ .The _ is soft. The _ is hard .Apple , apple ,I can see .Hard and smooth , For you and me ._ , _ ,I can see ._ and _ , For you and me .watchbagsoftsmoothhardroughsmoothsofthardbagroughwatchsmoothsofthardbagroughwatchsmoothsofthardbagrough

3、watchsmoothsofthardbagroughwatchsmoothsofthardbagroughwatchsmoothsofthardbagroughwatchTouch this _ . It is _ .softTouch this _ . It is soft .Is it hard ?No. Its _.softTouch this _ . Is it _ ?No. Its _.Touch this _ . Is it _ ?Yes, it is .bagNo. Its _.softhardA:B:In a shop A: Hello , Danny . B: Hi , K

4、itty . A: What can you see ? B: I can see a watch . A: What colour is it ? B: Its yellow . A: Touch this watch . Is it soft ? B: No . Its hard . A: Is it smooth ? B: Yes, it is . A: I like this watch .A: Hello , _ . B: Hi , _ .A: What can you see ? B: I can see a _ .A: What colour is it ? B: Its _ .A: Touch this _ . Is it _ ? B: Yes, it is ./ No , Its _ .A: I like this _ .In a shop


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