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1、浙江省研修班中学英语 英语教学理论讲座DateDate该资料由西风瘦马友情提供该资料由西风瘦马友情提供Experiential Learning in ELT: Moving Toward Quality-Oriented Education (体验感受性英语学习: 推进素质教育之举) by Dr Wu Benhu College of Foreign Languages, ZNU浙江师大外国语学院教授 吴本虎博士 E-mail: Tel:0579-2283381浙江教育学院外语系英语教学理论讲座DateDate该资料由西风瘦马友情提供该资料由西风瘦马友情提供Kohonen, V., R. J

2、aatinen, P. Kaikkonen and J. Lehtovaara. 2001. Experiential Learning in Foreign Language Education. Harlow, Essex: Pearson Education. (Applied Linguistics andLanguage Study.) DateDate该资料由西风瘦马友情提供该资料由西风瘦马友情提供1. Can you imagine different approaches to English language learning as many as possible?(Koh

3、onen, et al. 2001: 26)DateDate该资料由西风瘦马友情提供该资料由西风瘦马友情提供Information-intake learningDependent learningAutonomous learning Independent learningCooperative learning Interdependent learningCritical learningDiscovery learningCreative learningDynamic learning1. Can you imagine different approaches to Englis

4、h language learning as many as possible?(Kohonen, et al. 2001: 26)DateDate该资料由西风瘦马友情提供该资料由西风瘦马友情提供2. What are theoretical backgrounds of these approaches to language learning?DateDate该资料由西风瘦马友情提供该资料由西风瘦马友情提供2a. What are theoretical backgrounds of these approaches to language learning?(1) Information

5、-intake learning aiming at knowledge accumulation is based on behaviorist theory of learning which stresses the use of repeated stimulus and reinforcement to achieve information memorization as a process of habit formation. DateDate该资料由西风瘦马友情提供该资料由西风瘦马友情提供2b. What are theoretical backgrounds of thes

6、e approaches to language learning?(2) Independent learning aiming at creative thinking build-up is based on cognitive theory of learning which emphasizes the productive and creative use of information to enrich human knowledge with new ideas and discoveries. DateDate该资料由西风瘦马友情提供该资料由西风瘦马友情提供2c. What

7、are theoretical backgrounds of these approaches to language learning?(3) Cooperative learning aiming at communicative competence development is based on social-cognitive theory of learning which draws attention to the social nature of learning and advocates the practice of interpersonal communicatio

8、n as a process of socialization of learners. DateDate该资料由西风瘦马友情提供该资料由西风瘦马友情提供3. What is experiential learning?(Kohonen, et al. 2001: 22-35)DateDate该资料由西风瘦马友情提供该资料由西风瘦马友情提供3. What is experiential learning?2.2 What is experiential learning?2.2.1 Role of experience in learning2.2.2 Foundations of exper

9、iential learning2.2.3 Basic model of experiential learning2.2.4 Directions and settings of experiential learning2.2.5 Reflection and motivation in experiential learning (Kohonen, et al. 2001: 22-35)DateDate该资料由西风瘦马友情提供该资料由西风瘦马友情提供4. What is the goal of experiential learning? Why?The goal of foreign

10、language education has to be extended from communicative competence towards intercultural competence.This is because people need to communicate different purposes with a diversity of persons from various linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Therefore, foreign language education must be sensitive to

11、the changing needs, experiences and expectations of international language users. DateDate该资料由西风瘦马友情提供该资料由西风瘦马友情提供5. What is the basic principle of experiential learning? The basic principle of experiential learning is to integrate formal classroom learning with informal community learning to let le

12、arners personal experiences play a significant role in learning. (Kohonen, et al. 2001: 22)DateDate该资料由西风瘦马友情提供该资料由西风瘦马友情提供6. What are experiential learning techniques?(Kohonen, et al. 2001: 23)1 Personal journals and reflections 2 Portfolios, thought questions and reflective essays 3 Role plays, dr

13、ama activities 4 Personal stories and case studies 5 Visualisations and imaginative activities 6 Models, analogies and theory construction 7 Empathy-taking activities 8 Discussions and reflections in cooperative groups DateDate该资料由西风瘦马友情提供该资料由西风瘦马友情提供1 It is a research-based approach: personal journ

14、als and reflections, portfolios, thought questions, reflective essays, case studies, models, analogies and theory construction. 2 It is an interactive process for learners to learn from each others experiences: role plays, drama activities, discussions and reflections in cooperative groups. 3 It str

15、esses high personal involvement to encourage learners to be actively and personally engaged in learning: personal stories, visualisations and imaginative activities and empathy-taking activities 7. What are general features of experiential learning techniques?(Kohonen, et al. 2001: 23)DateDate该资料由西风瘦马友情提供该资料由西风瘦马友情提供8. What are pedagogical characteristics of experiential learning? Providing learners with various interactive practices. Giving learners opportuniti



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