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1、1高二学年第一次月考英语试题2015 年 10 月 7-8 日时间:150 分钟 总分:150 分第一卷第一卷第一部分第一部分: 阅读理解阅读理解 (共两节,满分共两节,满分 40 分分)第一节(共第一节(共 15 小题;每小题小题;每小题 2 分,满分分,满分 30 分)分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ATravelling is an exciting experience. It makes us feel pleased, and enjoy new wonders and new part of life that

2、 weve never known. A single holiday trip can give you the freedom and the chance to make changes that daily life does not allow. It matters little where you go on your holiday; it is all in what you make of it. Any travel can be interesting and attractive, giving you memories to last a lifetime.Havi

3、ng those memories is truly what travels are all about. Many people say that a bit of planning and research before you leave can make sure of those long-lasting memories. But why not try something unexpected? In fact, the most unforgettable moments of a travel experience are the ones that you dont pl

4、an for. Yes, maybe youll experience a bad meal in an unfamiliar place. But these experiences will make sure you find out little-known shops or an open-air theatre production that is only advertised in the local paper.Youll find the enjoyable moments happening all around you: a wonderful sunset or a

5、small child playing in the puddles(水洼) of a cobble(鹅卵石) road. The magic will truly be in the trip you take. Take time to go for a long walk for enjoyment when visiting a new place, which will allow you to listen, smell, and see the different culture and sights that your busy life may stop you from e

6、njoying.Simple things such as a leaf from a tree you sat under can keep the memories of your travel alive for years to come. Collect small things such as leaves, stones, or feathers, which can be turned into memorable works of art when you return home.1. What can we learn from the passage?A.There is

7、 no need to choose where to go on a holiday2B.Travelling is a good way for people to understand lifeC.Small things around you always look simpleD.Plans can make travelling become uninteresting2. If you want a most unforgettable travel experience, you could_.A.learn much about the new placeB.try some

8、thing unplannedC.find out as many local activities as possibleD.research into all the possible ways of travelling3. What is really magical in the trip?A.The beautiful local scenery B.The joy from a long walkC.The different culture and place D.The enjoyment around you4.The author wants to tell us tha

9、t_A.travelling is a wonderful experience B.travelling should be unexpectedC.travelling can make you tired but happy D.travelling may change your normal lifeBBrain Basics for learnersLearn why passively sitting around and not doing sports can be harmful to your brain. Well explore the role physical f

10、itness plays in learning, and why exercising your brain is just as important as exercising your body. Youre expected to know what it takes to develop brain-friendly learning strategies suitable for your interests, needs, and lifestyle.WhereBellevue College, Washington State (Tel:425-564-2263)WhenJun

11、e 7,2014,2:30 to 5:30 PMFee$4900Raise Your Emotional Intelligence(EQ)Ever notice that successful people arent always the brightest or technically skilled people in their craft? Well, youre right. Studies show that EQ is a better predictor of success in our lives than our IQ(智商). Whats more, our EQ c

12、an even affect our health! Learn why EQ is so 3important to our overall sense of well-being.WhereKarman Executive Center,Washington State(Tel:425-455-5400)WhenWednesday,June 11,2014,6:30 to 9:30 PMFee$5900Results with WordsIn this class, youll learn to develop a “raodmap” for effective communication

13、. Armed with fundamental techniques for good communication, youll learn to identify communication goals in yourself and others. More importantly, youll learn the power that focusing on your goals can have on the outcome of your conversations.WhereKenstein Community College,Washington State(Tel:425-3

14、56-2276)WhenJune 19,2014,6:30 to 9:30 PMFee$4900What Can You Do About Your New Years Resolutions(决心决心)Every year millions of people “resolve” to make changes in their lives, but few succeed. Why? Its because theyre going about in the wrong way. In this class, well explore everything from brain funct

15、ions that make change difficult to commom myths and strategies for change that can make or break your best efforts. Youll leave with simple solutions designed to keep your resulutions on track this time around.WhereDetrior Training Center, Washington State (Tel:425-566-5248)WhenJune 27,2014,7:00 to

16、10:00 PMFee$59005. Which class can Mr Smith attend if he is free only on weekends?A. Results with Words. B. Brain Basics for Learners.C. Raise Your Emotional Intelligence D.What Can You Do about Your New Years Resolutions.6. According to the passage, all the classes_.A. are given in the evening B. are intended for teenagers4C. last the same amount of time D. are given by the same organization7. Wh


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