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1、12014 级哈师大附中高二上学期月考试题英语命题人:高二英语备课组命题人:高二英语备课组 (满分(满分 150 分分 时间时间 100 分钟)分钟)第第 I 卷卷第一部分第一部分 阅读理解阅读理解 (共两节,满分(共两节,满分 40 分)分) 第一节第一节 阅读(共阅读(共 15 小题;每小题小题;每小题 2 分,满分分,满分 30 分)分)ATwo mayors made a bet on the outcome of the Vegetable Bowl, the annual football game between their high school teams. If Arvad

2、as team lost, the mayor of Arvada would send the mayor of Boulder ten pounds of sliced potatoes, ready for frying. If Boulders team lost, the mayor would send ten pounds of sliced tomatoes, ready for sandwiches or salads.Unfortunately, before the game started, the mayor of Boulder happened to hear t

3、he Arvada mayor tell someone: “They grow the worst tomatoes. If they lose and send us their tomatoes, Im going to give them all to my pig.” The mayor of Boulder was upset to hear this, because he thought Boulders tomatoes were the best in the state. So he gave the matter some thought.The following w

4、eek, the big game was played. Boulder lost its star quarterback in the first half when he tripped (绊倒) over a cheerleader and hurt his big toe. The quarterback sadly watched the rest of the game from the bench. His team ended up losing, 38 to 12. The two mayors shook hands after the game, and the Ar

5、vada mayor said, “Im really looking forward to those tomatoes.” As the Boulder team left the stadium, some unhappy fans threw ripe tomatoes at them.A week later, the mayor of Arvada received a package of beautifully sliced tomatoes. He took them straight to his pig, which ate them right up. That nig

6、ht the mayor of Boulder asked his wife if Arvadas mayor had called. “No,” she said. “Why?” “Because I mixed a pint (品脱) of hot sauce into the tomatoes and I wanted to know how his pigs doing.”1. The underlined word “They” in the second paragraph refers to _.A. the mayor of Arvada B. the mayors of Bo

7、ulderC. people in Arvada D. people in Boulder2. Which of the following statements is true according to this reading passage?A. The mayor of Arvada won the bet and got ten pounds of sliced tomatoes from Boulder.2B. The star quarterback on the Boulders team was hurt by someone from Arvada.C. A quarter

8、back was not a team member.D. If his team lost the game, the mayor of Boulder would eat up ten pounds of sliced potatoes.3. Why did the mayor of Boulder send a package of sliced tomatoes to the mayor of Arvada?A. Because his football team lost the game.B. Because the two mayors had made a big plan.C

9、. Because his tomatoes were the best in the state.D. Because the mayor of Arvada needed some sliced tomatoes for sandwiches and salads.4. How do you think the pig was doing after it ate all the sliced tomatoes?A. The pig was going to die from food poisoning.B. The pig was not doing quiet well.C. The

10、 pig would have some trouble with its teeth.D. The pig seemed quite all right.BMore than one million children in the United States do not go to school. Instead, they learn at home. Most often, their parents are their teachers. Educational companies, libraries and the Internet provide many families w

11、ith teaching material.Parents choose home schooling for several reasons. Some choose it because of their religious beliefs. Others say it provides more time for the family to be together. They say the home offers a better place for learning. Some parents believe home schooling avoids problems of rat

12、ional schools. Critics, however, say children need to attend school with other children.All fifty American states and the District of Columbia permit home schooling. Some states do not require much preparation by parents or testing of children. Other states have more requirements for home schooling.

13、 Home schooling in the United States began when the country was established. In farm areas, people often lived far from a school. Widespread home schooling took place until about the middle of the nineteenth century. Then, in 1852, the state of Massachusetts passed the first law requiring children t

14、o attend school.Over the years, the American public education system strengthened and grew. By the 1960s and 1970s, however, some Americans believed that traditional education was not helping their children. So a number of parents began home schooling.3Home schooling expert Linda Dobson says many pe

15、ople have helped the movement grow. She says many kinds of people have joined the movement. These include rich people and poor people. They represent many races, religions and political beliefs. Ms. Dobson says the number of home-schooled children has increased by an estimated fifteen to twenty perc

16、ent each year during the last fifteen years.5. Which of the following is one of the reasons why parents choose home schooling?A. It makes parents and their children have less time together. B. Some people have different religious beliefs from the others.C. It cant provide a comfortable place for children to be in.D. There are too many students in a home classroom.6. Home schooling was started in _.A. the 1960s B. the 1970sC. th


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