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1、1高二英语练习卷(4)第一节 单项填空(满分 10 分)21.Id rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I prefer soft music while eating._Loud music makes me tense.ANo way. BWhy not? CAt your service. DMe too!22. Do you have anything _, sir?A. to be washedB. to washC. washingD. being washed23. Nowadays, many farmers in o

2、ur country want to _ rural life and make a living in cities.A. break upB. run out ofC. keep up withD. break away from 24. Whats the main idea of the passage, Julia? Im sorry, Mr White, I cant make _ of it. Its beyond me.A. senseB. understandingC. judgementD. idea25. Did Roger fix the computer himsel

3、f? He _ because he doesnt know much about the computers.A. has it fixedB. had fixed itC. had it fixedD. fixed it26. Why did you _ the second paragraph of your rewritten composition? Because I thought it was off the point.A. make outB. leave outC. figure outD. put out27. The Chinese people _ 56 natio

4、nalities, each of whom has their own characteristics.A. is consisted ofB. is made ofC. consists ofD. is made from28. My camera can be _ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.2A. adaptedB. revisedC. fitD. adjusted29. With a lot of difficult problems _, the new manager felt like a cat on hot

5、bricks.A. settled B. to settleC. being settledD. settling30. I feel it is your wife who _ for the spoiled child.A. is to be blamedB. is going to blameC. is to blameD. should blame31. Paul failed in the exam again because he _ confidence to pass it.A. lacked ofB. was lacking ofC. was lackingD. lacked

6、 32. Every politician admits the great power of _.A. a pressB. pressC. the pressD. presses33. Our government must _ the pace of construction in order to meet the demands of ordinary people.A. make upB. break upC. bring upD. speed up34. One of the ball sports, volleyball, is very interesting _.A. to

7、watch B. to be watchedC. to be watchingD. to watching35. _ with so much trouble, we failed to complete the task before the due time.A. FacedB. FacingC. FaceD. To face36The windows and doors came from old buildings around the town which_.Awas pulling down Bwere pulling downCwas being pulled down Dwer

8、e being pulled down37It is believed that on December 21st, 1891, the first basketball game in _history was played. Then in 1936 in Berlin, it became _Olympic event.38Never in the past twenty years _so greatly as today.3Adid the city change Bthe city changedChas the city changed Dthe city has changed

9、39They baby is due in November, by_ the new house should be finished.Awhere BwhichCwhen Dthat40Did you have trouble finding the city library?Not really. Mr Li had given us good directions and we _find it.Adared BwouldCcould Dwere able to第二节 完形填空 (满分 15 分)If you have ever been discouraged because of

10、failure, please read on. For often, achieving what you set out to do is not the important thing. Let me explain.Two brothers decided to dig a deep hole behind their house. As they were working, a couple of older boys stopped by to 41 . “What are you doing?” asked one of the visitors. “We plan to dig

11、 a hole all the way through the 42 !” one of the brothers volunteered 43 . The older boys began to laugh, telling the younger ones that digging a hole all the way through the earth was 44 . After a long silence, one of the diggers picked up a jar full of spiders, worms and many other kinds of insect

12、s. He 45 the lid and showed the wonderful 46 to the scoffing(嘲笑的)visitors. Then he said quietly and 47 , “Even if we dont dig all the way through the earth, look at what we have found along the way!” Their goal was far too ambitious, but it did cause them to dig. And that is 48 a goal is for to caus

13、e us to move in the 49 we have chosen, in other words, to keep us 50 ! But not every goal will be fully 51 . Not every job will end 52 . Not every hope will come to pass. Not every love will last. Not every dream will be 53 . But when you fall short of your aim, perhaps you can say, “Yes, but look a

14、t what I found along the way! Look at the wonderful things 54 my life because I tried to do something!” It is in the digging that life is lived. And I believe it is the joy in the journey, in the end, that truly 55 . 41. A. rest B. work C. watch D. laugh 42. A. house B. earth C. wall D. road443. A.

15、calmly B. patientlyC. excitedlyD. impatiently 44. A. importantB. difficult C. impossibleD. interesting 45. A. moved B. removedC. broke D. pushed 46. A. contents B. scenes C. picturesD. jars 47. A. properly B. confidently C. carefully D. happily 48. A. what B. how C. where D. which 49. A. way B. directionC. life D. sight 50. A. thinking B. movingC. digging D. living 51. A. made B. preparedC. kicked D. achieved 52. A. hopelessly B. pleasantly C. surprisin



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