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1、中西教育比较Athenian Paideia LITERACY AND NUMERACY CLASSIC TEXTS AND MEMORIZATION MUSIC PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT MILITARY TRAINING HIGHER EDUCATIONCicero: Seven-part scheme1.ENTRANCEthe subject is introduced and good intentions are assured 2.NARRATIONstatement of situations vital to comprehending the topic at

2、 hand 3.PROPOSITIONorators dominant idea or thesis 4.DIVISIONspeakers outline of concepts to illustrate 5.CONFIRMATIONbodies of evidence supporting speakers beliefs 6.REBUTTALcountering an antagonists potential disagreement with evidence 7.CONCLUSIONsummary of evidence and last appeal to audiences e

3、motions Source: http:/www.lcc. gatech.edu/gallery/rhetoric/figures/cicero.html.论语子曰:“吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑 ,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,七十而从心所欲 ,不逾矩。” 子曰:“温故而知新,可以为师矣。” 子曰:“不愤不启,不悱不发。举一隅不以三隅反, 则不复也。” 子曰:“三人行,必有我师焉:择其善者而从之,其 不善者而改之。” 子曰:“有教无类。”庄子 天道世之所贵道者,书也。书不过语,语有贵也。语之所贵者,意也,意有 所随。意之所随者,不可以言传也,而世因贵言传书。世虽贵之,我 犹不足贵也,

4、为其贵非其贵也。 桓公读书于堂上,轮扁斫轮于堂下,释椎凿而上,问桓公曰:“敢问:公 之所读者,何言邪?”公曰:“圣人之言也。”曰:“圣人在乎?”公曰:“ 已死矣。“曰:“然则君之所读者,古人之糟粕已夫!”桓公曰:“寡人 读书,轮人安得议乎!有说则可,无说则死!”轮扁曰:“臣也以臣之事 观之。斫轮,徐则甘而不固,疾则苦而不入,不徐不疾,得之于手而 应于心,口不能言,有数存乎其间。臣不能以喻臣之子,臣之子亦不 能受之于臣,是以行年七十而老斫轮。古之人与其不可传也死矣,然 则君之所读者,古人之糟粕已夫!” Source:http:/ g13.htm朱熹“子能食,饲之,教以右手。子能言,教之自名 及唱

5、喏万福安置。稍有知,则教之以恭敬 尊长。有不识尊卑长幼者,则严诃禁之。”朱熹(注:古有胎教,况于已生子。始生未有知,固举以礼,况于 已有知。孔子曰:“幼成若天性,习惯如自然。”故于 其始有知,不可不使之知尊卑长幼之礼。若侮詈父母、殴 击兄姊,父母不加诃禁,反笑而奖之,彼既未辨好恶,谓 礼当然。及其既长,习已成性,乃怒而禁之,不可复制。 于是父疾其子,子怨其父,残忍悖逆,无所不至。盖父母 无深识远虑,不能防微杜渐,溺于小慈,养成其恶故也。 )六岁教之数与方名。男子始习书字,女子始习女工之小者。 七岁男女不同席、不共食。始诵孝经、论语,虽 女子亦宜诵之,自七岁以下谓之孺子,早寝晏起,食无时。 八岁

6、出入门户及即席饮食,必从长者。始教之以谦让。男 子诵尚书,女子不出中门。九岁男子诵春秋及诸史,始为之讲解,使晓义理。女子 亦为之讲解论语、孝经及列女传、女戒 之类,略晓大意。(注:古之贤女,无不观图史以自鉴,如 曹大家之徒。皆精通经术,议论明正。今人或教女子以作 歌詩、执俗乐,殊非所宜也。)十岁男子出就外傅,居宿于外。读诗、礼、传 ,为之讲解,使知仁义礼知信。自是以往,可以读孟、荀 、杨子,博观群书。凡所读书必择其精要者而读之。其异 端非圣贤之书传,宜禁之,勿使妄观以惑乱其志。观书皆 通,始可学文辞。女子则教以婉娩、听从,及女工之大者。三字经 人之初,性本善。性相近,习相远 苟不教,性乃迁。教

7、之道,贵以专 孟母昔,择邻处。子不学,断机杼 窦燕山,有义方。教五子,名俱扬 养不教,父之过。教不严,师之惰 子不学,非所宜。幼不学,老何为 玉不琢,不成器。人不学,不知义 为人子,方少时。亲师友,习礼仪 香九龄,能温席。孝于亲,所当执 融四岁,能让梨。弟于长,宜先知 首孝悌,次见闻。三字经尔小生,宜立志 莹八岁,能咏诗。泌七岁,能赋棋 彼颖悟,人称奇。尔幼学,当效之 蔡文姬,能辨琴。谢道韫,能咏吟 彼女子,且聪敏。尔男子,当自警 唐刘晏,方七岁。举神童,作正字 彼虽幼,身已仕。尔幼学,勉而致 有为者,亦若是三字经犬守夜,鸡司晨。苟不学,曷为人 蚕吐丝,蜂酿蜜。人不学,不如物 幼而学,壮而行。

8、上致君,下泽民科举考试书目论语 11,705 孟子 34,685 易经 24,107 尚书 25,700 诗经 39,234 礼记 99,010 左传 196,845- 总字数 431,286Fundamental Contrasts in Argumentative Writing:Western Chinese卢梭的教育观Our wisdom is slavish奴性 prejudice, our customs consist in control, constraint约束, compulsion强制力. Civilized man is born and dies a slave.

9、The infant is bound up in swaddling clothes襁褓, the corpse is nailed down in his coffin棺材. All his life long man is imprisoned by his institutions体制.Nature would have them children before they are men. If we try to invert颠倒 this order we shall produce a forced fruit immature不成熟 and flavorless, fruit

10、which will be rotten腐烂 before it is ripe; we shall have young doctors and old children. Childhood has its own ways of seeing, thinking, and feeling; nothing is more foolish than to try and substitute替代 our ways; and I should no more expect judgment in a ten -year-old child than I should expect him t

11、o be five feet high.Teach your scholar to observe the phenomena of nature; you will soon rouse his curiosity, but if you would have it grow, do not be in too great a hurry to satisfy this curiosity. Put the problems before him and let him solve them himself. Let him know nothing because you have tol

12、d him, but because he has learnt it for himself. Let him not be taught science, let him discover it. If ever you substitute authority for reason, he will cease to reason; he will be a mere plaything玩物 of other peoples thoughts. Source:www.gutenberg.org/etext/5427,060316,Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Emile.

13、Horace MannEducation, then, beyond all other devices of human origin, is the great equalizer of the conditions of men -the balance-wheel of the social machineryI mean that it gives each man the independence and the means, by which he can resist the selfishness of other men But education creates or d

14、evelops new treasures- treasures not before possessed or dreamed of by any oneBad Effects of the American Two-Party Political System What kind of political doctrines would be administered to the children, amid the vicissitudes(多变) of party domination, their alternations of triumph and defeat? This y

15、ear, under the ascendancy(优势) of one side.Next year, the vanquished(被征服的) triumph; and constitution, gloss, and authority, make that sound doctrine, which was pestilent (致命的) error before, and that false, which was said to be true. Right and wrong have changed sides. The children must now join in chorus(一致) to denounce(谴责) what they had been taught to reverence(尊敬) before, and to reverence what they had been taught to denounce. In the mean time, those great principles, be



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