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1、定语从句单句翻译练习 1. 这位是帮过我的那个人 This is the man who helped me. 2.你找的那位大夫在屋里。 The Doctor whom you are looking for is in the room. 3.你认识那个叫王宇的人吗? Do you know the man whose name is Wang Yu? 4.这就是你要的那本书。 This is the book which you want. 5.河边的那栋楼是我们学校。 The building which stands near the river is our School. 6.有

2、机器的房间是车间。 The room in which there is a machine is a workshop. 7. 这位就是你在找的那个人。 This is the person whom you are looking for. 8.我的书丢了。我非常喜欢那支笔。 I have lost my book, which I like very much. 9. 我收到的那封信是我父亲写给我的。 The letter that I received was from my father. 10.我们要做的就是每天练习。 All that we have to do is to pr

3、actice every Day. 11.我所学的第一课永远也忘不了。 The first lesson that I learned will never be forgotten. 12. 你给我的书我全读完了。 I have read all the books (that) you gave me. 13.他是惟一的我想跟他说话的人。 He is the only person that I want to talk to. 14.他们谈论着他们能记起的那些在学校的人和 事。 They talked of things and persons that they remembered

4、in the school. 15. 我知道他为什么来晚了。 I know the reason why he came late. 16.这就是我住过五年的地方。 This is the place where we lived for 5 years. 17. 我永远也忘不了遇到刘先生的那天。 I will never forget the Day when I met Mr. Liu. 18.这就是我去年住的房子。 This is the house where he lived last year. 19.这就是我去年去过的房子。 This is the house that (whi

5、ch) he visited last year. 20. 我有两个妹妹。她俩都是学生。 I have two sisters, who are both students. 21.我的钢笔丢了。我非常喜欢那支钢笔。 I have lost the pen, which I like very much. 22.我和你喜欢同样一本书。 I like the same book as you do. (as作宾语) 23.我也该用你的方法做这件事。 I shall do it in the same way as you did. (as作 状语) 24.我想有一本他那样的字典。 I want

6、to have such a Dictionary as he has.(as 作宾语) 25.正如我们所知道的,他学习很刻苦。 As we all know, he studies very hard. (as作宾语) 26.大家都知道,他是我们班最好的学生。 As is known to all, he is the best student in our class. (as作主语) 27.我的父亲今年九十多岁了,受到了大家的尊敬。 My father, who is over 90 years old, is respected by all. 28.这儿有一封布朗先生的来信,他要来巴

7、黎。 Heres a letter from Mr Brown, who wants to come to Paris. 29.这儿有一封布朗一家的来信,他们要来巴黎 Heres a letter from the Browns, who want to come to Paris. 30.带你来我这儿的那个女孩是我朋友。 The girl who took you to my place is my friend. 31.昨天,我遇到了几天前救小孩的那个解放军战士了 。 Yesterday I met the PLA man who saved a child the other day.

8、32.他雇佣的那群年轻人老是抱怨工作 时间长。 The young men whom he employs are always complaining about their long hours. 33.那就是你要找的那个人。 Thats the man whom you are looking for. 34.这部电影是关于一个间谍,其妻子背叛了他 。 The film is about a spy whose wife betrays him. 35.居住在一个由玻璃制的房子里会使人感到恐 惧。 Living in a house whose walls were made of gl

9、ass would be horrible. 36.所有掉在地上的苹果都被猪吃了。 All the apples that fall down are eaten by the pigs. 37.穿蓝色罩衣的年轻妇女是一位歌手。 The young lady that wears a blue blouse is a singer. 38. 通往语言室的楼梯有点滑。 The stairs which leads to the language lab are rather slippery. 39.我们不会忘记我们相处的日子。 We wont forget the days when we s

10、tayed with you. 40.知识一文不值的日子一去不复返了。 Gone are the days when knowledge means nothing. 41. 这是我父亲出生的地方。 This is the place where my father was born. 42.鲁迅曾住过的房子已经变为名胜了。 The house where Lu Xun once lived has become a place of interest. 43.那就是他们如何克服这个困难的方法。 That is the way how they overcame the difficulty.

11、 44.那就是她照看我们的方法。 That was the way how she looked after us. 45.他表面不高兴的原因相当清楚。 The reason why she looks unhappy is quite clear. 46.我不知道他那样讲的原因。 I dont know the reason why he said that. 47.我为琼斯先生工作,他在付超时工资时,很慷慨。 Mr Jones, for whom I was working, was very generous about overtime payments. 48.我买了一打鸡蛋,当我在

12、门口撂箱子时,其中六个 破了。 I bought a dozen of eggs, six of which broke when I dropped the box at my door. 49.众所周知,中国是一个发展中国家。 As is well known to all, China is a developing country. 50.她来自非洲,从她的皮肤就可以看出。 She comes from Africa, as can be seen from her skin. 51.了解比尔的人,都认为他诚实。 Such persons as knew Bill thought he

13、 was honest. 52. 他穿的鞋和我的同号。 He wears the same size of shoes as I do. 53. 史密斯是我妻子的一个亲戚,昨天他来看望我们了 。 Mr. Smith, who came to see us yesterday, is a relative of my wife. 54.他们回来找我们了,那意味着他们在别的地方已被 拒绝。 They are coming back to us, which means that they have been refused elsewhere. 55. 老王的那位20岁的弟弟是一位解放军战士。(不

14、只一个兄弟) Lao Wangs brother who is twenty years old is a PLA man. 56. 老王的弟弟今年20岁,他是一位解放军战士。(不清楚有几个兄弟) Lao Wangs brother, who is twenty years old, is a PLA man. 57.所有听到这个消息的人都很高兴。 All that heard the news was delighted. 58.我能为您做点什么? Is there anything that I can do for you? 59.他是曾统治过这个国家的最好的一位国王。 He was t

15、he best king that ever ruled the country. 60.这是几年来我看到的最好的一部电影。 This is the best film that I have ever seen for years. 61.这是我写好的第五本书。 This is the fifth book that I have ever written. 62.她是被请进宫里来的惟一一位。 She was the only person that was invited to the Palace. 63.他们谈论了他们记起的人和事。 They told about thing and person that they remember at school. 64.她取得了很大进步并获得了奖金,这使我们很惊讶 。 She made great progress and won a prize, which gave us a surprise 65. 泰勒太太的猫很老了,生病以后就死了。 Mrs. Tailors cat, which was very old, beca


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