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1、英语等级考试口试流程侯考室: 填写个人信息卡进入考场(一) 主考官向学生A和B各提问2-3个问题 (二) 考生A和B根据主考官提供的卡片:1. A问-B答2. B问-A答如果是二级口试, 主考官还会根据考生手里的卡片, 向考生继续提 问2个问题一级常问问题:1.How old are you? 2.Where are you from? Where do you come from? 3.Do you have a job? 4.When do you usually go to bed? 5.Where do you study? 6.Do you like your school? 7.W

2、hats your favorite subject? 8.Whats your favorite sports? 9.What time do you get up every morning? 10. What do you do after school?二级常问问题: 1.What do you think of your major? 2.What subjects dont you like? Why? 3.How do you like your school life? 4.What is your hobby? 5.How often do you do sports? 6.

3、What are you good at? 7.What do you do in your spare time? 8.How do you learn english after class? 9.What will you do on summer holiday. 10. What do you think of part-time job? 11. How do you get along with your classmates? 12. How do you go to school?请用英语提问以了解下列信息: 名称 开业时间 地点 交通 经营范围请根据下列信息回答问题: 友谊

4、商厦 昨天上午 鹏飞路55号 可乘坐966公交车 各种商品Student AStudent B1. Whats the name of the shopping mall? 2. When was it opened? 3. Where is it? 4. How can we go there? 5. What does it sell?1. Friendship shopping building. 2. Yesterday morning. 3. At No. 55, Pengfei Road. 4. You can take bus 966. 5. It sells all kinds

5、 of goods.请用英语提问以了解下列信息: 目的地 哪架航班 单程还是双程 有几件行李 请出示证件请根据下列信息回答问题: 法国巴黎 中国航空公司119航班 两张往返机票 三件,没有超重 出示护照Student BStudent A1. Where are you going? Where will you go? 2. Which flight will you take? 3. A single ticket or a return ticket? 4. How many pieces of luggage do you have? 5. Please show me your id

6、entification.1. Paris, France. 2. Flight 119, Air China. 3. Two return tickets. 4. Three, they wont be overweight. 5. Here is my passport.请用英语提问以了解下列信息: 英语角活动时间 活动地点 组织者 是否有外籍专家参加 多久举行一次请根据下列信息回答问题: 每周六9am-11:30am 东山公园前广场 市政府 约10名英美外教参加 每周两次Student AStudent B1.What time does the english corner begin

7、? 2. Where is the english corner? 3. Who organizes it? Who is the organizer? 4. Is there any foreign teachers? 5. How often is it organized?1. From 9 am to 11:30 am every Saturday. 2. At the square in front of Zhongshan park. 3. The city government. 4. About 10 from England and America. 5. Twice a w

8、eek.请用英语提问以了解下列信息: 建成时间 开业时间 商店地址 经营范围 交通请根据下列信息回答问题: 上月底 昨天上午9点 中山路80号 衬衣、毛衣、袜子等 乘坐329、839等Student BStudent A1. When was the shop built? 2. When was it opened? 3. Where is the shop? What is the shops address? 4. What does the shop sell? 5. How can we go there?1. At the end of last month. 2. At 9 ye

9、sterday morning. 3. No. 80, Zhongshan Road. 4. Shirt, sweater, sock and so on. 5. You can take bus 329, 839 and so on.请用英语提问以了解下列信息: 1. 词典名 2. 出版时间 3. 出版社 4. 编者 5. 价格请根据下列信息回答问题: 1. 英汉词典 2. 2000年10月 3. 高等教育出版社 4. 李华 5. 88元Student AStudent B1. What is the name of the dictionary? 2. When was it publis

10、hed? 3. What is the publishing house? 4. Who is the editor? 5. How much is it?1. . 2. It was published in October,2000. 3. Senior Education Publishing House. 4. Li Hua. 5. 88 yuan.请用英语提问以了解下列信息: 1. 电影名称 2. 放映地点 3. 放映时间 4. 电影内容 5. 票价请根据下列信息回答问题: 1. 音乐之声 2. 红星影院 3. 每天19:30, 22:30 4. 抱歉,我也没看过 5. 成人10元,

11、儿童5元Student BStudent A1. Whats the name of the film? 2. Where is it shown? 3. When is it shown? 4. What is it about? 5. How much is the ticket?1. The sound of Music. 2. In Red Star Cinema. 3. At 19:30 and 22:30 evertday. 4. Sorry, I dont know. I havent seen it myself. 5. Ten yuan for adults and five

12、 yuan for children.请用英语提问以了解下列信息: 1. 篮球赛时间 2. 篮球赛地点 3. 参赛球队 4. 谁可以去看 5. 票价 请根据下列信息回答问题: 1. 6月30日下午1:30 2. 市体育中心 3. 北京队上海队 4. 任何人 5. 免费进场 Student AStudent B1. When will the basketball match be held? 2. Where will it be held? 3. Which teams will take part? 4. Who can go to watch the game? 5. How much

13、is it?1. At 1:30, on the afternoon of June 30th. 2. City Sports center. 3. Team Beijing to Shanghai. 4. Anybody can go. 5. It is free.请用英语提问以了解下列信息: 1. 杂志名称 2. 多久出一次 3. 内容 4. 价格 5. 销售地点 请根据下列信息回答问题: 1. 读者 2. 一个月一次 3. 生活,学习,旅游等信息 4. 5元 5. 各书店及报摊都有 Student BStudent A1. Whats the name of the magazine? 2. How often is it published? 3. What does it contain? What are there in it? 4. How much is it? 5. Where is it sold?1. The Reader. 2. Once a month. 3. It contains life, study, tour and so on. 4. 5 yuan. 5. You can buy it in any bookshop and newsstand.



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