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1、English Stylistics (英语文体学)IntroductionThe Goals for this CoursenTo get a scientific view on style;nTo understand some basic theories on stylistics;nTo understand , appreciate, and even analyze the stylistic features of literary works and other varieties;nTo prepare for the future research work. 教 材:

2、n实用英语文体学(英文版), 钱媛著, 外语教学与研究出版社, 2006 参考书:n英语文体学教程徐有志编著, 高等教育出版社,2005n英语文体和文体要略秦秀白编著, 上海外语教育出版社, 2002n英语文体学引论 王佐良、丁往道编著,外语教学与研究出 版社, 2001n英语文体学要略王守元编著, 山东大学出版社, 2000n文体学概论刘世生朱瑞青编著,外语教学与研究出版社, 1995n文体学研究在中国的进展 王守元等编,上海外语教育出版社, 2004n理论文体学 胡壮麟著, 外语教学与研究出版社, 2000n英语语体学程雨民编著, 上海外语教育出版社,2004Ways outn1. Pre

3、viewn2. Reviewn3. Memorizingn4. ThinkingAssessmentA.Daily Performance 30%B. 1. Attendance 30%C. 2. Classroom Performance 25%D. 3. Homework 25%E. 4. Course Paper 20%F.B. Final Assessment 70%Lead-in QuestionsnWhat is language? What does linguistics study?nWhat is Stylistics? What does Stylistics study

4、?nWhat is the connection between Stylistics and style? What is style?nDoes Stylistics have any connections with linguistics? 0.1 DefinitionnStylistics is a branch of linguistics which applies the theory and methodology of modern linguistics to the study of style.nIt studies the use of language in sp

5、ecific contexts and attempts to account for the characteristics that mark the language use of individuals and social groups.nA discipline that studies the ways in which language is used; it is a discipline that studies the styles of language in use.Modern StylisticsnGeneral stylistics: The general f

6、eatures of various types of language usenLiterary stylistics: On unique features of various literary worksStylistics we are discussing here is general stylistics, which studies the stylistic features of the main varieties of language ncovering the functional varieties from the dimension of fields of

7、 discourse (different social activities)nFormal vs. informal varieties from the dimension of tenors of discourse (different addresser- addressee relationships)nSpoken vs. written varieties from the dimension of modes of discourse (different mediums) nCovering the various genres of literaturenThe sco

8、pe of general stylistics and the scope of literary stylistics are only partly overlapping, as is shown in the figure:0.2 LanguagenLanguage is a system of different types of linguistic organization such as phonology, syntax and lexicon.nLanguage is also a social phenomenon, or institution. The langua

9、ge of a participant in a social activity reflects his social characteristics (status, education, age, sex). It also reflects his awareness of the various factors of a social situation.0.3 Concepts of StylenSome or all of the language habits (speech and writing habits) of one personnSome or all of th

10、e language habits shared by a group of people at one time, or over a period of time.nTo be exact, we shall regard STYLE as the language habits of a person or group of persons in a given situation.文体(style)nUnit Two: The characteristics of varieties of English that an EFL learner is required to know

11、(chapters 58).0.7 Levels of Linguistic DescriptionnAny piece of spoken or written language (i.e. a text) can be described or analyzed in terms of two distinct, though interacting levels:nThe phonological/graphological level;n The lexicogrammatical level.nPhonology is defined as the system of speech

12、sounds in a language (phonemes, stress, pitch, rhythm, intonation, tempo). Graphonology refers to the writing system of a language (spelling, punctuation marks, capitalization, type style, etc.)nThe lexicogrammatical system consists of vocabulary and syntactic structuresnNote: phonological level; le

13、xical level; syntactic level; discoursal leveln文体学的任务是观察和描述若干种主要 文体的语言特点,亦即它们的各自的语 音,句法,词汇与语篇的特点。其目的 在于使学习者能够更好地了解它们所表 述的内容和在恰当的场合分别使用它们 。主要内容:1英语本身各种语言要素 的文体作用。2文学文体。3各体英 语,分别举例说明其文体特点。 n我们必须了解语言在其各个层面上所能体 现出的文体功能,并能准确地识别具有特 定文体意义的语言特征在对不同语篇进 行文体分析时,我们可以把这些能够在特 定语境中体现特定文体功能的语言特征统 称为文体标志(stylistic markers)或文体特 征(stylistic features)



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