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1、句子翻译 sentence translation第二讲:汉译英第二讲:单句翻译我希望你不要拖我的后腿 北京申奥成功的消息令我们热血沸腾 I hope that you wont pull my leg Beijings winning the bid for the Olympics makes our blood boil. I hope that you wont hold me back Beijings winning the bid for the Olympics makes us e xcited 周末许多人睡得很晚Many people sleep late at weeke

2、nds Many people go to bed very late at weekends.第二讲:单句翻译(1)网络确实有问题,但情况却决非像媒体说的那么 糟。(2)新技术史无前例地把世界连在了一起,我们的地 球变小了。There really are some problems with the network, but it is not as bad as the media exaggerate New technology has connected the world together unprecedentedly, which makes it smaller.The n

3、etwork, which is practically involved in some existing problems, is not really as bad as the media reportNew technology, which has unprecedentedly linked the world together, makes it appear smaller.第二讲:单句翻译(3)这种人与自然的巧妙和谐,多少能够说明这个国 家的几分魅力。(4)世界上所有物质都呈现三种不同的状态中的一种 ,即固态、液态和气态。The harmony between humank

4、ind and nature can more or less illustrate the charm of this country.Any substance in the world appears in one of the three states, that is, solid, liquid and gas.From the harmony between human and nature, almost everyone can more or less admire the charm of this city. Any substance in the world und

5、oubtedly, belongs to one of the three states, that is, solid, liquid and gas.第二讲:单句翻译汉译英的基本方式a 基本结构b 基本句型c 基本句式d 基本时态翻译汉句没有巧 先定结构错误小 时态语态要注意 用词尽量要地道Unit 9石油和天然气不仅使我们出行方便,它们还可以是我们 的住所冬暖夏凉并且为我们提供电力尽管许多国家在研发并使用不同的替代能源, 在未来很 长的一段时间,石化燃料仍将是占据主导地位的能源Oil and natural gas doesnt only give us mobility, but al

6、so they heat and cool our homes and provide electricity.Although many countries are developing and using different alternative energy, fossil fuels will remain crucially important for a long time in the future. but also they can make our homes cool or warm.will still play a leading role for a long t

7、ime in the future.Unit 10在最佳燃烧情况下,每发一个单位电所燃烧煤炭而产生 的二氧化碳是燃烧天然气的两倍多该公司正在就如何有效减少二氧化碳排放做一项实验性 研究Under optimal burning situations, coal produces more than twice as much carbon dioxide per unit of electricity as natural gas.The company is conducting an experimental research about how to cut down carbon em

8、ission efficiently.as much carbon dioxide as natural gas per unit of electricity is working on a pilot study in an effort to cut down Unit 11虽然这些影响有一定的规模,且显而易见,但是,与其 直接和间接的海洋污染相比,石油泄漏造成的污染物质 总量还是显得很少污染的海岸水域引发的死亡和疾病每年要耗费全球经济 128美元Despite the scale and visibility of such impacts, the total quantities

9、of pollutants from oil spills are obviously small compared with those directly or indirectly from other sourcesDeaths and diseases caused by polluted coast waters cost the global economy $12.8 billion a year.smaller than those Every year $12.8 billion has to be spent on the deaths and diseases cause

10、d by polluted coastal waters in the world.Unit 13在市场经济下,政府掌管每个人和每件事,而在市场经 济下,政府提供帮助来解决市场不能解决的问题。随着人口的倍增,世界将会对能源有如饥似渴的需求With a command economy the government runs everybody and everything, while with a remarket economy it supposedly provides assistance only to correct problems that cant be solved by

11、the market.With the population multiplying, the world will be desperate for energy.it helps to solve the problems As the population multiplies, the world will be energy- hungry.Unit 15 Unit 17随着越来越多的系统加入互联网, 越来越多的信息可以 转化为数字形式,用户能得到的信息量将会持续增长.与其它几代不同,4G并不是为语音服务而是为英特网服 务的With more and more systems app

12、lied through the internet, more and more information can be converted to digital form and thus, the amount of stuff available to users will continuously grow.Unlike previous of cellular technology, 4G is not designed for voice services but for the internet.will continue to grow Different from former

13、 cellular technologyUnit 18 Unit 19然而,碳捕获和存储现在通常用来描述从燃烧源捕获二 氧化碳的非生物过程我们得出的唯一结论就是如果全球变暖是一场潜在的灾 难,解决全球变暖的唯一办法就是新技术。However, it is quite conventional to use the term carbon capture and storage to desirable non-biological process of capturing carbon dioxide from combustion at the source.Our only conclus

14、ion is that if global warning is a potential disaster, the only solution to it is new technologyThe term carbon capture and storage is usually used to describeWe can only come to the conclusion thatUnit 20 Unit 21在法国一个潮汐发电设施作为替代能源运行了好多年, 而且证明是一个巨大的成功。据保守估计,到2030年,生物燃料将会占到高达20%的 能源市场份额An ocean wave e

15、nergy generator in France has been in operation as alternative energy for many years, which proves to be a great success.It is conservatively estimated that biofuel will account for up to 20% of the energy market by 2030.which is considered as a great successthe share of biofuel will take up as much

16、 as 20% of段落翻译特点: u两到三句 u更注重逻辑关系 u恰当使用一些语言现象 u要有整体感,话题感08汉译英短文1目前很难预料世界未来石油需求趋势。普遍的观点是美 国石油进口增长速度缓慢,欧洲石油进口几乎保持不变 ,而亚洲石油需求增长势头强劲,尤其是中国和韩国, 但日本除外。 At present it is hard to forecast the tendency of the future petroleum demand around the world. Its widely believed that the U.S will slow down the speed of oil import, Europe will stay almost the same, while the oil demand will spring up in Asia, especially in China and South Korea



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