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1、数词和冠词的翻译考考大家: 几个 A few; several; a number of 好几百个 Hundreds of 几十万 Hundreds of thousands of 成千上万 Thousands of 这是你第几次来杭州? Is this your first visit to Hangzhou? 我十分愿意回答这个问 题。 I feel more than happier to answer this question.第一节、数词的翻译 数词通常用来表达精确的数目和数量 ,翻译过程中“一就是一,二就是二”不能 含糊。 然而,在一定的语境中,数字已经失 去了精确的概念,变得抽

2、象、模糊、笼统 ,如在“三思而后行”、“百战百胜”中,数 词已不再表达原先的精确数值,翻译这样 的数据时,就不能死抠数字本身。一、保持原来数字不变 你好像一夜之间长高了十英寸。 You look as if you grew ten inches in the night. 一寸光阴一寸金。 An inch of time is (worth) an inch of gold. 你故意淹死两千两百个小工,每一个小工 的性命你扣三百钱。 You drowned 2200 coolies in cold blood, and for each life, you raked in 300 doll

3、ars.一些笼统数字的翻译 十几个 几十个 几十年 七十好几了 亿万 More than/ no more than twenty Dozens of Decades Well over seventy Hundreds of millions of翻译磨刀石(数字直译) 一个中心,两个基本 点 四项基本原则 和平共处五项原则 他们俩每人有十个孩 子。 一鸟在手,胜于百鸟 在林。 One central task and two basic points The four cardinal principles The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexisten

4、ce Both of them have ten children. (each?) A bird in the hand is better than a hundred in the woods.二、改变原来的数字 有的数据无法直译,如一些一语双关 的歇后语,以及字面意义和实际意义完全 不符的成语和俗语等。有的数词虽然可以 直译,但与译入语的表达习惯不协调,易 引起歧义。 这些情况下,只好牺牲某些形式上的 特点,结合上下文的内容和译入语的习惯 ,采取意译法,酌情改变数字。 他买了24本杂志。 He has bought two dozen magazines. 500年来,中国的戏剧有了很

5、大的发展。 The past five centuries witnessed great development in Chinese drama. 他的数学在班上是首屈一指的。 His math is second to none in his class. 每次我们闲聊,她十有八九要说到你。 She talks about you nine times out of ten when we have a chat. 三五中秋夕,清游拟上元。(红楼梦 ) Mid-autumns fifteenth night is here again. As on the feast of lanter

6、ns we stroll round.一些序数词的翻译 你们队得了第几名? Did your team win the championship? 这个孩子是你的老几啊? Is this your oldest / youngest child? 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。 Once bitten, twice shy. (套译) 三思而后行。 Look before you leap. (套译)要遵照英语习惯 普及工作若是停留在一个水平上那么 教育者和被教育者岂不都是半斤八两? If popularization remains at the same level for everwill n

7、ot those educators and those being educated be six of one and half a dozen of the other?翻译磨刀石(意译) 1 对于人性,我有研究,略知一二。 2 你不该对此事说三道四。 3 此乃千载难逢的好机会,你一定要抓住 。 4 别三心二意了,就这么办吧。 5 五大三粗 6 不管三七二十一。 7 六神无主key 1 I have studied human nature, and I know a thing or two. 2 You should not have said anything about the

8、matter. 3 You must seize the chance. Its a chance of lifetime. (very rare chance) 4 Dont be wavering. Go right ahead. 5 big and tall 6 do something regardless of the consequences 7 restless (in a state of utter stupefaction)三、省略数词 翻译活动中,总有一些数词在语法。语言 形式上都不符合译文的表达习惯和文化背 景,无法找到对等的词来翻译,这时该省 则省,但译文在联想意义上

9、应该和原文一 致。如: 身怀六甲: To be pregnantExamples: 六街三市 六亲 六畜 万紫千红 一诺千金 九死一生 Downtown area All ones relatives and friends (Six) domestic animals A variety of color A promise that will be kept A narrow escape from death (a near escape /go) 此地无银三百两。 A guilty person gives himself away by conspicuously protestin

10、g his innocence. 那大汉已有七八分醉。(水浒传) Now the big fellow was already half- drunken. 等他们赶来增援时,已是“正月十五贴门神 ,晚了半月啦”。 But they were too late for a rescue. 有些商场的售货员态度冷若冰霜,拒人千 里之外。 Shop assistants in some markets are frosty in manner, repelling customers from a distance.翻译磨刀石 1 百闻不如一见。 2 乱七八糟 3 沧海一粟/不足挂齿/不值一提/九

11、牛一毛 4 一个巴掌拍不响。 5 孤注一掷 6 一不做,二不休 7 一失足成千古恨key 1 Seeing is believing. 2 at sixes and sevens 3 a drop in the bucket 4 It takes two to make a quarrel. 5 to put all ones eggs in one basket 6 In for a penny, in for a pound. or One may as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb. 7 A hundred years cannot repai

12、r a moments loss of honor. or A single slip may cause lasting sorrow.倍数的翻译 1 倍数增加 表示A 的大小是B 的N倍,或者A比B大N-1 倍: A is N times as great (long, much) as B. A is N times greater (longer, more) than B. A is N times the size (length, amount) of B. 这本书比那本书厚两倍。 This book is three times as thick as (three times

13、 thicker than) that one. 注:当相比对象B很明显时,英语中的than (as, of)B常被省略。第二节、活用英语冠词 定冠词(the)、不定冠词(a/an)、零冠词 汉译英时要注意冠词的适当添加。一、补足不定冠词 a/an 1 补充a/an表示次数概念 我有权要求你对你的话作一番解释。 I have a right to demand an explanation of your words. 做了一番视察 To make an inspection of 进行一场辩论 To have an argument with 汉语动词转化成英语抽象名词时, 或使用there

14、 be结构时,注意根据 上下文和语法需要添加不定冠词 气温突然下降。 There was a sudden fall in temperature. 城里发生了麻疹病。 There has been an outbreak of measles in town.2 表示种类或部分概念 一种宁静的幸福充满了他的心田。 A serene happiness filled his heart. 她干工作有惊人的坚忍不拔的毅力。 She did her work with a perseverance that was truly amazing.3 添加不定冠词表示具有某 种品质的人或物 百岁以上的

15、人是很少见的。 A man over a hundred years old is a rarity. 这种红黄纹路的贝壳真是稀奇物。 This red and yellow striped seashell is quite a curiosity.drill 1 我们的折叠桌是个很方便的家具。 2 摄影是一种艺术。 3 他以幽默大师闻名,但他现在没有什么 幽默了。 4 在村与村之间,你几乎看不到一个人。 5 少校真诚地喜欢并尊敬他的嫂嫂。+a/ankey 1 Our folding table is a great convenience. 2 Photography is an art. 3 He was famed as a wit, but he has no wit now. 4 You saw hardly a soul between the villages. 5 The major had a sincere liking and regard for his sister-in-la



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