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1、Chpter2 AppendixCHAPTER 2Appendix:Extend the Ricardos ModelChpter2 AppendixExtend the Ricardos Model一、Review the Assumptions of Ricardos Model 二、Loose those assumptions and see what will happen to Ricardos model 三、Summary 四、Reference Books 五、ExerciseChpter2 AppendixReview the AssumptionsnOne input:

2、Labor(L)nTwo outputs &Two countriesnCosts are constant and there are no economies of scale. nFactors of production are perfectly mobile. nGoods are identical. nPerfect knowledge.nNo transport costs. nNo tariffs or other trade barriersChpter2 AppendixLoose the Assumptions(1)One inputTwo or more input

3、sH-O Model Specific Factor Model Talk about it in chapter 3&4Chpter2 AppendixLoose the Assumptions(2)Two outputs &Two countriesRicardo Model with Many Goods or Many CountriesRicardos model no essential changeChpter2 AppendixLoose the Assumptions(3)Costs are constantIncreasing opportunity costs or de

4、creasing returns to scaleQCQFPPCQCQFPPCChpter2 Appendix International Trade under Increasing Opportunity CostnAutarkynThe Patten of Production and TradenComparisonnConclusionChpter2 AppendixAutarky HomeForeignChpter2 Appendix The Patten of Production and TradeHomeE0ForeignE0Chpter2 AppendixCompariso

5、nHomeE0HomeE0Constant CostIncreasing Opportunity CostsummaryChpter2 AppendixConclusionnThe principle of comparative advantage is still effective under the increasing opportunity cost.However, pure specialization is impossible.n(在机会成本递增的情况下,两国仍然 按照比较优势原则进行贸易;但此时, 两国只能进行不完全分工)。 Chpter2 AppendixLoose t

6、he Assumptions(4)No economies of scaleEconomics-of-scale and imperfect competition model Talk about it in chapter 6Chpter2 AppendixLoose the Assumptions(5)Factors of production are perfectly mobileFactors of production cant move freely among sectorsTransfer CostsIndustry ObstructIncreasing the produ

7、ction costs of exportReduce the volume of international tradeChpter2 AppendixLoose the Assumptions(6)Goods are identicalGoods are idiosyncraticIntra-sector Trade Talk about it in chapter 6Chpter2 AppendixLoose the Assumptions(7)Perfect knowledgeImperfect knowledgeMore difficult to find the right goo

8、ds and reach contractionsReduce the volume of international tradeChpter2 AppendixLoose the Assumptions(8)No transport coststransport costsNon-traded GoodsReduce the volume of international tradeChpter2 AppendixLoose the Assumptions(9)No tariffs or other trade barriersTrade BarriersIncreasing the Tra

9、nsaction CostsReduce the volume of international tradeTalk about it in chapter 7Chpter2 AppendixSummaryn放宽李嘉图模型的某些假设,并不会对 比较优势原则造成实质性的影响,只是 增加了国际贸易的交易成本,形成了不 完全分工,减少了国际贸易的数量。n但是,产品同质性和不存在规模经济等 假设的放宽,则是部门内贸易理论和规 模经济贸易理论等现代贸易理论产生的 基础。Chpter2 AppendixIncreasing Transaction CostsnWhat is transaction cos

10、ts? expense of searching for a trading partner, specifying the product(s) to be traded, negotiating the price and contract,and the ex post costs. nWho find the “transaction costs”?nReasons of transaction costs especially in ITImperfect Information(Knowledge)Transport CostTrade BarrierPolitical RiskC

11、hpter2 AppendixRonald H. Coase1. Great Britain2. University of Chicago, USA3. Major Work(The Firm,the Market, and the Law) 厂商、市 场与法律“The Nature of the Firm”企 业的性质Chpter2 AppendixImperfect SpecializationnIncreasing Opportunity CostnTransaction CostsnThe Size of TradernThe existence of more than one f

12、actor of production reduce the tendency toward specialization(Talk about it later) Chpter2 Appendix Trade Between Big Country and Small Countryn在李嘉图的两国贸易模型中,一个隐含的假设是,两国的规 模大小相似。因此,在自由贸易的情况下,两国各自放弃不 拥有比较优势的产品而将所有的资源用于生产本国拥有比较 优势的产品。但在现实世界中,贸易中两国的大小可能相差 很大,比如中国与斯里兰卡相比,无论是人口还是土地面积 ,前者都是后者的上百倍。即使中国有生产小麦的比较优势 ,斯里兰卡有生产大米的比较优势,两国进行自由贸易,中 国也不可能只生产小麦而不生产大米,因为即使把斯里兰卡 全部生产的大米都出口到中国来也满足不了中国的最低消费 。因此,如果大国与小国发生贸易,小国可以只生产其拥有 比较优势的产品,而大国仍然需要两种产品都生产。nCase Study:Who will feed China?



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