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1、18 春福师大学英语(预)在线作业一1、A 2、D 3、B 4、C 5、C 一、单选题共 50 题,100 分1、The doctors are_about the guidelines under which they can carry out euthanasia. Aat a stretch Bat a loss Cat random Dat length 正确答案是:A2、Remember that customers dont _ about prices in that city. Adebate Bconsult Cdispute Dbargain 正确答案是:D3、Jean

2、talked_she had heard all about yesterdays traffic accident. Aas well Bas if Cas to Das for 正确答案是:B4、Research findings show we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we _ during the day. Ashould have done Bmay have done Cwould have done Dmust have done 正确答案是:C5、To her disappointme

3、nt, her best friend did not_at her birthday party. Aturn over Bturn around Cturn up Dturn in 正确答案是:C6、Before the first non-stop flight made in 1949, it _ necessary for all planes to land for refueling. Awould be Bhas beenChad been Dwould have been 正确答案是:C7、We expected many club members would come to

4、 the tea party,_turned up. Aonly a few Bvery few Cbut a few Dbut few 正确答案是:D8、If you are walking away from a clock tower, you will hear the ticking of the clock fade to a point_it cannot be heard. Awhich Bwhat Cwhere Dhow 正确答案是:C9、The grey building is where the workers live, and the white one is whe

5、re the spare parts _. Aare producing Bare produced Cproduced Dbeing produced 正确答案是:B10、He made a request _immediate help. Aat Bfor Con Dby 正确答案是:B11、The survival of civilization as we know it is _ threat. Awithin Btowards Cunder Dupon 正确答案是:C12、Hardly had he arrived at the airport_he was told that t

6、he flight had been cancelled. Athan Bwhen CbeforeDthen 正确答案是:B13、If there were no steel, there ( ) no train, cars or planes. Awill be Bwould be Chave been Dare 正确答案是:B14、I walked too much yesterday and _ are still aching now. Amy legs muscles Bmy leg muscles Cmy muscles of leg Dmy muscles of the leg

7、 正确答案是:B15、It is recommended that the project_until all the preparations have been made. Ais not started Bwill not be started Cnot be started Dis not to be started 正确答案是:C16、Mark often attempts to escape_whenever he breaks traffic regulations. Ahaving been fined Bto have been fined Cto be fined Dbei

8、ng fined 正确答案是:D17、I used to smoke _ but I gave it up three years ago. Aseriously Bheavily Cbadly Dseverely 正确答案是:B18、Only after class_to raise the question. Adid he allowed Bwas he allowed Che was allowed Ddid he allow 正确答案是:B19、In some big cities in America, there are three or four elementary scho

9、ols and secondary schools,_. Awith each within ones walking or cycling distance Beach within ones walking or cycling distance Cit is within ones walking or cycling distance Dwith each that is within ones walking or cycling distance 正确答案是:B20、Medical care reform has become this countrys most importan

10、t public health _. Aquestion Bstuff Cmatter Dissue 正确答案是:C21、I havent brought ( ) money with me. Aany Bsome Cno Danything 正确答案是:A22、When the fever eventually_, he is likely to feel tired and weak for a while. Adies down Bdies out Closes Dleaves 正确答案是:A23、We felt very proud ( )the work we had done. A

11、with Bin Cof Dfor 正确答案是:C24、How I wish I could bring_my children in an environment close to nature! Aabout Bin Cout Dup 正确答案是:D25、The price of beer _ from 50 cents to $4 per liter during the summer season. Aaltered Branged Cseparated Ddiffered 正确答案是:B26、He decided to make further improvements on the

12、 computers design _ the light of the requirements of customers. Aon Bfor Cin Dwith 正确答案是:C27、A major-party nominee has the critical advantage in the campaign for the presidential election_he has the support from the party-faithful. Ain that Bin which Cfor which Dfor that 正确答案是:B28、The little man was

13、 _ more than one metre fifty tall. Anearly Bquite Chardly Dalmost 正确答案是:A29、I_my talk with Tony. Lets go out for a walk. Ahave finished Bhad finished Cfinish Dfinished 正确答案是:A30、Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as _ sickness. Anormal Bregular Caverage Dordinary

14、正确答案是:D31、The destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money could _. Astand up to Bmake up for Ccome up with Dput up with 正确答案是:B32、A persons calorie requirements vary _ his life. Aacross Bthroughout Cover Dwithin 正确答案是:B33、Tommy was very poor. He ( ) not go to school

15、. Acould Bcan Cmust Dshould 正确答案是:A34、I am for your proposal that the discussion about future plans_. Ato be put off Bbe put off Cshould put off Dwas put off 正确答案是:B35、An Olympic Marathon is 26 miles and 385 yards, approximately_from Marathon to Athens. Adistance Bis the distance Cthe distance Dthe distance is 正确答案是:C36、_that this small town was exposed to various kinds of dangers. AIn 2003 BThe year of 2003 CIt was 2003 DIt was in 2003 正确答案是:D37、Because of the _ emphasis placed on classroom work, the instructor will report your absences to the adviser. Alarge Bstrong Chard Dhigh 正确答案是:B38



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