科技英语写作Ch04 定义

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1、Scientific English WritingTangshan Teachers College New Materials thermoelectric thermometers consist of two thermocouples which are connected with a potentiometer and a constant temperature bath.194.2 定义的种类(Types)v5. 列举特性法通过列举其特性或特点对其进行充实;使读者更能了解全貌。 例11 Physics is the science that deals with those

2、phenomena of matter involving no change of chemical composition. It also includes the science of matter and motion, mechanics, heat, light, sound, electricity, and the branches of science devoted to radiation and atomic structure.204.2 定义的种类(Types)v6. 使用同义词使用一种概括性的词将所要定义的词进行技术归类。 例12 During a heart

3、attack (myocardial infarction), a coronary artery is blocked, cutting off the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscles it serves.214.2 定义的种类(Types)v二、广延定义广延定义:将各种定义方法(词源法、逻辑法(归纳法 )、功能法、同义词和列举实例等)综合在一起对某一 事物进行定义,进一步说明事物的本质和特点的内涵与 外延。正式定义能抓住事物的本质,做出确切简要的说明;广 延定义能对定义做出详尽透彻的解释。224.2 定义的种类(Types)例1

4、3 The term macromolecule is derived from the Greek macros, “large” and the Latin molecular, “particle”. It is a giant molecule of very high molecular weight, usually greater than 10,000. Proteins and synthetic polymers are both examples of this type of molecule. It is built up by the repetition of m

5、any small simple chemical units (monomers). In some cases the chains are interconnected to form three dimensional networks.234.2 定义的种类(Types)例14 An atom is similar to a biological cell or a microscope model of a solar system. It is the smallest unit of a chemical element, composed of a central nucle

6、us surrounded by electronically charged particles.244.2 定义的种类(Types)例15 There are four kinds of laughter in the theatre. One is the gag laugh; the short, sharp hark of reaction to a funny line. The second is the nervous titter, with an edge of hysteria, that greets a grotesquerie or a sick and speci

7、al joke. A third is the warm and rippling laughter of an audience happily involved in the plays characters. And the fourth is commonly known as the belly laugh: loud, released, and visceral. 使用描述的方法给剧院里的四种“笑”下了定义,这种方法也 常用于广延定义中。254.2 定义的种类(Types)例16: Work Professor Philippe Lecorbeillier, Natural Sc

8、iences I Syllabus, Harvard University, 1951 (1)We feel we have been doing more “work” when we have lifted 20 Lbs from the floor to a bench 1 ft high than if we had lifted only 10 Lbs; and we feel it takes more work to lift 10 Lbs from the floor to a table 2 ft high than to a bench 1 ft high. Such qu

9、antitative judgments may have been the starting point for the following quantitative definition: 给“work”下定义的出发点。 264.2 定义的种类(Types)(2)The work done by a force F Lbs constant in magnitude and direction, when it has moved its point of application a distance D ft along its own direction, is the product

10、 FD. Work=forcedistance The unit of work is the foot-pound (ft-Lb), a derived unit: W(ft-Lb)=F(Lb)D(ft)定义,首先用文字叙述定义,然后用数学语言概括。 274.2 定义的种类(Types)(3)Note that this is a definition, not a physical law. Note also that it contradicts some of our experiences. If we lift 20 Lb through 3 ft twenty times in

11、 succession, the definition says we are doing the same “work” each time, namely, 60 ft-Lb, whereas we know our work get harder as the task progress. The same would be true if we tried to climb the stairs in the Hancock Building. The fact is that physics uses some specialized words of the English lan

12、guage, “work” for instance, in a new and specialized sense entirely its own. (to be continued)284.2 定义的种类(Types)v(continuing) Also we must not make physics say more than it does: “physics” is concerned with measurement of length, time, force, and derived quantities; it says nothing about sensations.

13、 Scientists know very little as yet about “biophysics” in general, and physiological fatigue in particular (They are working at it, just as Leonardo Da Vinci and Simon Steven and Galileo were working at understanding mechanics.). 物理学上赋予“work”一词新的特殊含义,不同于日常英语中 这一词的意思。 294.2 定义的种类(Types)v三、学术定义对某一学术领域

14、中某些关键性的术语或词汇根据其理论 与实验的情况进行专门的定义。首先在以前的研究的基础之上进行;然后根据自己的研究结果对其定义。所有被引用的论文均应在参考文献中列出。 304.2 定义的种类(Types)v四、个人定义个人定义是个人根据自己的立场、观点、经历、感情对 某一事物或某一概念所下的定义。 例17 Radicals are defined as those who seek fundamental changes in political, social and economical systems, who detest compromise, conciliation, and a

15、ccommodation, the necessary elements of a democratic, tolerant, and human policy, and who accept violence as an appropriate means. by William P. Gerberding, “Liberals and Radicals”, The Reporter314.3 定义写作的注意事项(Notices)v注意事项一、避免循环定义二、避免冗长和使用复杂的、非常用的词汇三、一定要抓住事物的本质324.3 定义写作的注意事项(Notices)v一、避免循环定义循环定义就

16、是在定义中重复使用了要被定义的词汇。 例1 1. adhesive tape dispenser: device for dispending adhesive tape 2. adhesive tape dispenser: a device from which adhesive tape can be obtained by pulling the tape334.3 定义写作的注意事项(Notices)v二、避免冗长和使用复杂的、非常用的词汇冗长的定义和使用非常用词汇的定义会把一个相对简单 的定义变得模糊不清。 例2 1. network: A network is anything reticulated or decussated at equal distances, which interstices between the i


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