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1、英语高考总复习人教版必修一英语高考总复习人教版必修一英语高考总复习人教版必修一1._pset vt. 使不安;使心烦烦 adj.心烦烦意乱的;不安的;不适的2_In vt.不理睬;忽视视3_knsn vt.(使)担忧忧;涉及;关系到 n担心;关注;(利害)关系 英语高考总复习人教版必修一4_lus adj.松的;松开的5_dmn n德国人;德语语 adj.德国的;德国人的;德语语的6_sIriz n连续连续 ;系列 7._nd n雷;雷声 vi.打雷;雷鸣鸣8_ktn n窗帘;门门帘;幕布 9._ptn n伙伴;合作者;合伙人10_sf vt.惊异;惊叹。不可数名词(4)奇迹;奇观,奇事。可数

2、名词(5)句型Its a wonder.难得;奇怪的是(Its)no wonder.难怪;并不奇怪;当然英语高考总复习人教版必修一这样 考过(2009宁波质检 )Jack Brown is very clever and he studies hard as well.No _ he always comes out first in the exams.Aanswer BquestionCwonder Dproblem 解析:no wonder 难难怪;相当于Its no wonder that.。 答案:C英语高考总复习人教版必修一(2009沈阳质量监测 )Ive joined a yog

3、a class at our local fitness center.Its a great way to stay fit.Want to join us?_.Yoga is for girls.Id rather do some weight at the gym.ANo wonder BNo wayCNever mind DNo problem英语高考总复习人教版必修一解析:由答语语“Yoga is for girls.Id rather do some weight at the gym.”可以看出,他不愿意练习练习 瑜伽,所以对对对对 方的邀请应该请应该 是拒绝绝的,因此要选择选择

4、 No way意思是“不可能”。No wonder “怪不得”;Never mind “不要紧紧,没关系”;No problem“没问题问题 ”。 答案:B英语高考总复习人教版必修一9purpose n目的;意图;意向on purpose故意地,有意地on purpose to do sth.故意有意做某事for/with the purpose of为了目的on purpose doing sth.有意地做某事英语高考总复习人教版必修一(2009广西模拟)Im sorry I stepped on your toe;it was an accident.It wasnt.You did it

5、 _.Afor purpose Bwith purposeCon purpose Dto purpose 解析:on purpose 是固定词组词组 ,表示“故意地”。答案:C这样 考过英语高考总复习人教版必修一10settle vi.安家;定居;停留 vt.使定居;安排;解决settle down 定居/安定下来;安静下来settle in/into 适应(新的家、工作、环境等)settle on/upon 决定;同意(某事)settle up 付清欠账;结清账单settle one s affairs 安排好自己的事情英语高考总复习人教版必修一11suffer v经历 或遭受,忍受英语高考

6、总复习人教版必修一提示:suffer 用做及物动词时,意为“遭受;忍受”,后常跟pain,defeat,loss,poverty以及表示疾病的名词;用做不及物动词时,后常跟介词from,意为“受折磨;受之苦”。英语高考总复习人教版必修一这样 考过(2009稽阳联考)A big population in northern China are suffering a great deal _ the dry weather across the area in early spring this year.Afrom BtoCof Din 答案:A英语高考总复习人教版必修一12be/get ti

7、red oftire sb. out=tear sb. out使某人精疲力竭be tired out=be torn out精疲力竭be tired of(doing)sth.厌倦了(干)be tired from/with因而疲倦be bored of(doing)sth.厌倦了(干)be bored to death厌烦得要死英语高考总复习人教版必修一这样 考过(2009广州模拟)Tom is talkative.Im sure youll soon get tired _him.Awith BofCat Don 解析:此题题考查查介词词的使用。题题意为为;汤汤姆很健谈谈。我相信你不久就会

8、对对他厌烦厌烦 的。“对对感到厌烦厌烦 ”应应表达为为get tired of.;而get tired with.表示“因而疲劳劳”与题题意不符。 答案:B英语高考总复习人教版必修一13in order to 为了in order not to do sth. 为为了不做某事in order for sb. to do sth. 为为了让让某人做某事in order thatclause 为为了/以便so as to do sth.为为了做某事 提示:in order to与so as to都可以引导导目的状语语从句,但so as to不能用于句首。两者都可以转换转换 成由in order t

9、hat/so that引导导的状语语从句。英语高考总复习人教版必修一这样 考过(2009河南部分重点联考)In order to protect our planet,_.Aall kinds of pollution should be reducedBwe should reduce all kinds of pollutionCthe environment should be protected first Dits important to protect our environment英语高考总复习人教版必修一解析:考查逻辑查逻辑 主语语。前半部分是目的状语语,“保护护”的逻辑逻辑

10、 主语语必须须是“人”,因此句子的主语语必是表“人”的名词词或代词词。 答案:B英语高考总复习人教版必修一(2009湖南师大附中)He made an apology _ be blamed _ what he had done.Its really wise of him.Aso as to not; of Bin order to not; forCso as not to; for Din order not to; of 解析:so as to的否定形式在不定式to前面加not;因某事责备责备 某人用blame sb. for sth.。 答案:C英语高考总复习人教版必修一14get

11、along/on with(1)与相处处Do you get along with your boss?Do you and your boss get along?你跟老板合得来吗吗?(2)进进展She was getting along with her homework when I called.我去看她时时她正在做功课课。英语高考总复习人教版必修一提示:get along可以换为 get on或go on。当表示相处,进展好时,可以用well,nicely,fine等副词来修饰,不可以用good。英语高考总复习人教版必修一这样 考过(2009南通调研)We do not know h

12、ow astronauts can _ when they spend months in space without the protection of the atmosphere.Aget off Bget upCget along Dget in 英语高考总复习人教版必修一解析:get along 表示“过过活,进进展,和睦相处处”,符合语语境。而get off表示“下车车”;get up 表示“起身”;get in表示“到达,收获获”。 答案:C英语高考总复习人教版必修一15join in 参加;加入join hands with sb. 与某人携手/合伙join sb. in (d

13、oing) sth. 和某人一起做某事join the Party 入党join up with sb. /sth.和某人/物连起来join.to 把连起来英语高考总复习人教版必修一这样 考过(2009绍兴 一中)The girl on the bus began to sing a pop song and soon all the others _.Ajoined Bjoined inCattended Dtook part 答案:B英语高考总复习人教版必修一二、帮你解疑1While walking the dog,you were careless and it got loose an

14、d was hit by a car.当你遛狗时,你不小心松开了狗,结果狗被一辆小汽车撞了。While walking the dog,.While you were walking the dog,.省略了walk的逻辑逻辑 主语语you和be动词动词 were,以避免重复。 英语高考总复习人教版必修一While living in England,he picked up some English.While he was living in England,.When asked about the secret of his success,he said that he owed i

15、t to his wife.When he was asked about the. 提示:当连词连词 when,while,before,after等引导导的时间时间 状语语从句的主语语与主句的主语语一致时时,可将从句中的主语语和be动词动词 省去。英语高考总复习人教版必修一这样 考过(2009 湖南三十校联考)_at school,Jill wrote her first detective novel.ADuring BSinceCWhile DIn英语高考总复习人教版必修一解析:语语境:吉尔在学校写出了她的第一部侦侦探小说说。此处应处应 用while,表“在期间间,当的时时候”。此题题易误选误选 A。注意during“在期间间”是介词词


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