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1、对外经贸英语合同写作保险条款 (Insurance Clause)包括:v投保人(Insurant) v投保险别 (coverage)v保险金额(amount of insurance)v保险条款规定执行的依据(the executing regulation)v一、投保人(Insurant)v保险由.人投保vInsurance is to be covered/effected by the Buyer.v二、投保险别 (coverage)v(一)三种基本险(three kinds basic risks)v1.平安险(Free from Particular Average, F.P.A)

2、v2.水渍险(With Particular Average, W.P.A)v3.一切险(All Risk, A.R.)v(二)两种附加险(two kinds of additional risks)v1.一般附加险(general extraneous risk)vi. Theft, Pilferage& non-delivery Risks, T.P.N.D(偷窃 、提货不着险 )vii. fresh and/or rain water damage risks,F.W.R.D (淡水雨淋险 )viii. shortage risk(risks of shortage)(短量险)viv.

3、intermixture and contamination risks (混杂、污染险) vv. leakage risk(risk of leakage) (渗漏险)vvi. clash and breakage risks (碰损与破碎险)vvii. taint of odour risk (串味险)vviii. sweating and heating risks(受潮受热险)vix. hook damage risk (钩损险)vx. rust risk (锈损险)vxi. breakage of packing risk (包装破裂险)v2. 特殊附加险(special extra

4、neous risks)vwar risk (战争险)vfailure to delivery risk(交货不到险)vimport duty risk(进口关税险)von deck risk (舱面货物险)vrejection risk(拒收险)vAflatoxin Risk (黄曲霉素险)vSurvey in Customs Risk(海关检验险)vSurvey at Jetty(码头检验险)vStrikes Risk(罢工险)v投保用“against”v如:由卖方投保水渍险和偷窃、提货不着险vInsurance is to be covered by the Sellers agains

5、t W.P.A. and T.P.N.Dv三、保险金额(Amount of Insurance)vFor(amount)v如:v1.由卖方按发票金额的100%投保一切险和战争 险vTo be covered by the sellers for 100% of the invoice value against All Risks and War Risk.v2.由卖方按发票金额加10%投保一切险和战争险 ,其超过金额的保费由买方负担。vTo be effected by the Sellers for invoice amount/value plus 10%, any additional

6、 premium for insurance coverage over 110% of the invoice amount shall be borne by the buyers.v四、保险条款执行的依据 (the executing regulation)vAs perv例:由卖方根据中国人民保险公司1981年1月1 日中国保险条例,按投保vTo be covered by the Selleras per CIC(the China Insurance Clauses) dated 1st January 1981 of PICC (the Peoples Insurance Com

7、pany of China) of January 1, 1981 of PICCv四项合一,构成如下句型:vto be covered/effected byagainstforas per.v如:由卖方根据中国人民保险公司1981年1月1 日有关海洋运输货物保险条款,按发票金额的 110%投保一切险和破碎险vTo be covered(effected) by the Sellers for 110% of the Invoice value against All Risks and Breakage as per relevant Ocean Marine Cargo Clause o

8、f PICC dated 1st January 1981 (of January 1,1981)v课堂练习:v由买方委托卖方按CIF发票金额的110%代为投 保一切险和战争险,按中国人民保险公司1981 年1月1日有关海洋运输货物保险条款办理。保险 费由买方负担。vInsurance is to be covered by the Seller on behalf of the buyer for 110% of invoice value of CIF against All Risks and War Risk as per relevant Ocean Marine Cargo Cla

9、uses of PICC dated 1st January lll. the Insurance premium shall be for Buyers account.vUnder the term of CIF, the insurance shall be effected by the Sellers for 110% of the invoice value. Under the term of FOB, the insurance shall be covered by the buyers after shipment.v在CIF条件下,保险应由卖方办理,投保比率 为发票金额

10、的110%。在FOB条件下,保险应 在装船后由买方办理。对外经贸英语合同写作第十三章 一般条款 (General terms and Conditions)v一、违约和解约条款(Breach and Cancellation of Contract Clause)vIf buyer fails to carry out (perform) any of the terms of this or any other contract with Seller, or in the event (in case of) death, bankcruptcy or insolvency of buye

11、r, dissolution or lll modification of partnership of buyer or non- payment for any shipment, Seller has the right to cancel this and/or any other contract with buyer or to postphone the shipment, or to stop the goods in transit, and buyer is bound to reimburse Seller for any loss sustained therefro

12、m.v若买方未能履行与卖方所订本合同或其他合同 的任何条款,或在买房死亡、倒闭、解散、无 力支付的情况下,卖方有权撤销本合同或其他 合同或延期交货,或截留运输中的货物,买房 应对卖方因此而遭受的损失予以补偿。v二、索赔条款(Claim Clause)vTo file/raise/lodge/make /put forward/put in (reject/give up/waive/withdraw/settle) a claim against . on .for.for.v例:由于短重,买方向卖方对这批船货提出索赔 一万美元。vBuyers have lodged/filed/made a

13、 claim against Sellers on this shipment for US$ 10,000 for short weight.v索赔条款处包括索赔对象、索赔金额、索赔原因 还包括索赔期限和索赔文件v(一)索赔期限(Validity of Claim)v with 60 days after arrival of the goods at the port of destinationv(二)索赔文件(Particulars of Claim)v索赔书(Claim Note/ Letter)v索赔清单(Statement of Claim)v检验报告(Survey Report

14、)v如:品质异议需于货到目的港之日起30天之内提 出,数量异议需于货到目的港之日起15天内提出 。但均需提供经卖方同意的公证行的检验证明。 如责任属于卖方,卖方于收到异议20天内答复买 方,并提出处理意见。vIn case of quality discrepancy, claim should be filed by the buyers within 30 days after the arrival of te goods at port of destination, while for quantity discrpancy, claim should be filed by the

15、 buyers within 15 days after the arrival of the goods at port of destination. izuqiu.org lll In all cases, claims must be accompanied by survey reports of recognized public surveyors agreed to by the sellers. Should the responsibility of the subject under claim be found to rest on the part of the se

16、llers, the sellers, shall, within 20 days after receipt of the claim, send his reply to the buyers together with suggestion for settlement.v三、不可抗力条款(Force Majeure Clause)v不可抗力事故分类:v1.由于“自然原因”即天灾(Acts of God)引起的:v水灾(Flood),闪电(Lighting),火灾(Fire),暴风(Hurricane), 飓风(Cyclone),暴风雨(Storms),雪崩(Avalanches),地震 (earthquake),潮汐(tidal waves),台风(typhoon),旱灾 (drought)v2.由于“社会力量”即偶发事故(conti


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