琵琶行并序 翻译

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《琵琶行并序 翻译》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《琵琶行并序 翻译(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1.唐宪宗元和十年(815),余被贬为九江郡司马。In the tenth year of Yonghe, I was demoted to be Sima of Jiujiang Prefecture. 2.次年(816)秋,于盆浦口 送客。听到船中有人夜弹琵琶 。In the autumn of the next year, I was seeing a guest off at Penpu Port when I heard someone playing the pipa in a neighboring boat at midnight. 3.辨其音,清脆悠扬,有长安音色。The s

2、ound was distinguished to be clear and melodious, and it was characterized with Changan Tone. 4.问此人的情况,她本是长 安歌舞女艺人。曾跟穆、曹。二琵 琶师学琵琶。 Upon inquiry, I was told about her case as follows. She had formerly been a female dancing-artist and she used to learn from Master Mu and Master Cao.5.年龄大了,容颜衰退,托身给商 人为

3、妇。When she got old and her beauty faded, she married a businessman. 6. 于是命人置酒席让她痛痛快快 弹几曲。 Hence I ordered servants to make a feast to have her play a few songs to her hearts content.7.她弹完了曲子,样子很忧伤。Finishing playing, she looked like to be very sad. 8.自叙少小时欢乐事,如今 漂泊沦落而瘦损,朝东暮 西奔走江湖间。 Then she narrated

4、the pleasures at early age and the wandering life at present.9.余贬官已二年,若无其事,自己安闲,此人的话 感动了我,这个晚上,才觉得被贬有遗憾。 It was two years, since I was demoted. And I lived comfortably as if nothing had occurred. But , this night, I was moved by her words and I started to feel woeful to have been demoted. 10.因而做一首长歌

5、赠送给她。总共六百一十 二字,取名为琵琶行。 So I wrote this long song to bestow her. There were 612 words in the song, which was named Song of A Pipa Player.In the tenth year of Yonghe, I was demoted to be the Sima of Jiujiang Prefecture. In the autumn of the next year, I was seeing a guest off at Penpu Port when I hear

6、d someone playing the pipa in a neighboring boat at midnight. The sound was distinguished to be clear and melodious, and it was characterized with Changan Tone. Upon inquiry, I was told about her case as follows. She had formerly been a female dancing-artist and she used to learn from Master Mu and

7、Master Cao. When she got old and her beauty faded, she married a businessman. Hence I ordered servants to make a feast to have her play a few songs to her hearts content. Finishing playing, she looked like to be very sad. Then she narrated the pleasures at early age and the wandering life at present

8、. Since I was demoted, two years had passed. And I lived comfortably as if nothing had occurred. But , this night, I was moved by her words and I started to feel woeful to have been demoted. So I wrote this long song to bestow her. There were 612 words in the song, which was named Song of A Pipa Pla

9、yer.banish 指“根据政府法令迫使某人终生或于特定时期内离境, 以 示惩罚”, 尤指“近使某人离开某一国境”, 如:She was banished from China.她被驱逐出中国。exile 指“被迫离开祖国或居住地”, 含有“流放”、“放逐”、“使离乡 背井”的意思, 如:They were exiled for life .他们被终身流放。deport 指“驱逐某人离开他所寄居的地方(非其祖国)”, “其原因可 能是因其非法进入”, 或“因其做出与其身份不相称的违法行为等”, 如:We deport aliens who slip across our borders.我们把偷渡入境 的外国人驱逐出境。demote含有“使降级” 、“使降职”、“降低的地位”的意思 (promote 的反义),如:As punishment, the corporal was demoted to private.作为惩 罚,这下士被降为士兵。


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