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1、Translate the following paragraphs 1表示原因 人们反对鞭炮的原因有三。首先,鞭炮经常会造成诸如大火、环境污染和伤 亡等严重问题。尤其在除夕夜,震耳欲聋的爆炸声伴随着令人窒息的烟雾和危险 的火星常常能把人逼疯。几乎没有一刻的和平和宁静。更糟的是,小孩喜欢玩鞭 炮,而这经常以灾难告终。另外,鞭炮的生产、运输和储存都存在着潜在的危险 。There are three reasons why people oppose firecrackers. First of all, firecrackers often cause serious problems, suc

2、h as big fires, environmental pollution and casualties. On the New Years Eve, in particular, the deafening noise of explosion accompanied with choking smoke and hazardous sparks usually drive one mad. One can not have a moment of peace and quiet. To make matters worse, children love playing with fir

3、ecrackers, which more often than not ends up in disasters. There also exist potential hazards in manufacturing, shipping and storing firecrackers.2. 表示好处 许多人认为学习无疑是重要的,但打零工是另一种学习,从中 学生可以受益良多。它不仅能减轻一些家庭的经济负担,而且能拓 宽学生的社会阅历,从而为他们今后的工作做好准备。更重要的是 ,打零工还可以培养他们独立的个性、竞争意识和吃苦耐劳的精神 。Many people are of the opin

4、ion that study is no doubt important, but doing part-time jobs is another kind of study from which students can also benefit a lot. It can not only lighten the financial burdens of some families, but also broaden the students social experiences, thus making preparations for their future work. What i

5、s more important, doing part-time jobs can also foster their independent character, the sense of competition as well as the spirit of hardworking.不管一个人生活在哪里-城市或乡村,都有充分的理由拥有一辆轿 车。首先,在许多国家,汽车已成了生活的一个重要组成部分。汽 车提供最为方便的交通方式。有了车,可以自由地到处走动而不需 要花费很多时间。其次,汽车是比较舒服的旅行方式,尤其在冬天 。即使在寒冷的雨天司机仍然可以保持温暖干燥。最后,当司机夜 间外出时

6、,他在车里通常是安全的。 Wherever one lives - in the city or in the country, there are some good reasons for owning a car. First, cars have become an important part of life in many countries. The car provides the most convenient form of transportation. With a car, a person can get around freely, without spendin

7、g a lot of time. Second, a car is a comfortable way to travel, especially in the wintertime. A driver stays warm and dry even in cold, rainy weather. Finally, a driver is usually safe in his car when he goes out at night.3表示坏处另一方面,也有许多反对拥有轿车的理由。第一,购买和行驶汽车是很花钱的。 汽油的短缺已给司机造成了很大的问题,而且燃料的价格每年持续上升。另外, 汽车

8、的维护、修理和保险也花费巨大。第二,拥有汽车还会带来担心和压力。在 交通繁忙时开车是非常累的。司机常常会因为交通堵塞而被堵在路上。更糟的是 ,汽车还是对环境造成严重污染的城市中烟雾的主要罪魁祸首。There are, on the other hand, many good reasons against owning a car. First, it can be very expensive to purchase and run a car. The gas shortage has caused a big problem for drivers, and the price of f

9、uel continues to go up each year. In addition, it costs a great deal to maintain, repair and insure a car. Second, owning a car can also cause worries and stress. It is exhausting to drive a car in heavy traffic. It often happens that a driver can be held up on his way because of a traffic jam. What

10、 is worse, cars are responsible for most of the smog in cities, which pollutes the environment seriously.4.表示重要、必要、困难、方便、可能 友谊对我们是很重要的。每个人都需要友谊。在我们一生中,没有友谊我们就不能生活就像没有空气和水我们就不能生存。友谊给我们安全和温馨的感觉;友谊鼓励我们一直向前。Friendship is important to us. Everyone needs friendship. In all our lives, we cant live without

11、friendship just as we cant survive without air and water. Friendship gives us a feeling of security and warmth; friendship encourages us to go ahead all the time.5.表示措施 面对能源危机,我们应该采取一系列有效措施来节约能源。首先,应该让世界各地的人们意识到这一严峻事实:自从地球被创造以来,我们的自然资源是不变的,它们不会自己再生。其次,政府应限制汽车使用的汽油量。最后,应鼓励科研以找出节约燃料的有效方法,并寻找新的能源。Confr

12、onted with the energy crisis, we should take a series of effective measures to save energy. For one thing, people all over the world should be taught to realize the severe fact that our natural resources have been fixed since the earth was created, and they cant reproduce themselves. For another, th

13、e governments should restrict the amount of gas used by cars. Finally, scientific researches should be encouraged to work out efficient methods of saving fuels and to seek new sources of energy.事实上,污染是一个社会问题。如果世界各国政府都能采取措施预防污染,那么有一天这个问题将会得到解决。As a matter of fact, pollution is a social problem. If th

14、e governments of all the countries in the world take measures to prevent the pollution, the problem will be solved some day.6.表示变化 总之,因特网已大大改变了我们生活的许多方面。我相信它将使我们的生活更有意义也更加愉快。In brief/All in all, the Internet has greatly changed many aspects of our life. I believe it will make our life more meaningfu

15、l and enjoyable.7.表示事实、现状 不可否认,因特网给我们的生活带来了巨大的影响。在网上,人们 可以像用电话一样进行通话,可以和陌生人聊天。因特网已经成了 我们生活中一个主要的媒体。它是最丰富的信息来源,从中我们可 以获取我们需要的各种信息。此外,它还向人们提供了一个就时事 问题交换信息和观点的公共场所。 There is no denying the fact that the Internet has made enormous impacts on our life. On the Internet people can make phone calls as on te

16、lephones. They can chat with strangers on the Internet. The Internet has also become a major medium in our life. It is the richest information source from which we can obtain all sorts of information we need. In addition, it provides people with a public place to exchange information and opinions on current issues.人类正面临着一个大问题:能源危机,而且它正变得越来越严重。 首先,随着世界人口的增加,对燃料的需求也稳定增长。其次,工 、农业的快速发展更多的煤、石油和天然气。 Man is faced with a bi


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