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1、 scientist, science, scientific 1.When young, he was determined to devote his life to _. 2.Madam Curie made many _ discoveries in her life. 3.The _ whose research is about cloning has been given a prize.sciencescientistscientificUnit 1Great scientistsReading高二人教新课标版必修五Pre-reading 1.What impresses yo

2、u most in 2003?Which person impresses you most during the SARS?What other infectious diseases do you know?For example: When you eat some food that is not freshYou may feelMaybe you have got _.Choleradraw a conclusionthink of a method collect results make a question find a problem analyse the results

3、 find supporting evidencefind a problemmake a questionthink of a methodcollect resultsanalyse the resultsdraw a conclusionHow to prove a new idea in scientific research?find supporting evidenceJohn Snow defeats “King cholera”John Snow defeats “king cholera”What can you learn from the title?人物: 事件:de

4、feats cholera Who is John Snow?What happened to them?attended her as her personal physicianQueen VictoriaJohn Snow 约翰.斯诺(1813 1858), 英国麻醉学家、流行病专家。他首次提出了 预防霍乱的措施。1854年, 伦敦霍乱流行, 斯诺通过研究 霍乱病死者的日常生活情况, 寻找到他们的共同行为模式,发现了霍乱与饮用不洁水的 关系, 由于及时切断了二者 的联系, 有效制止了霍乱的流行。Four outbreaks of cholera in the 1830s and 1840

5、s killed many people in England. In 1854, “the most terrible outbreak of cholera which ever occurred in the kingdom” began. It was so violent and sudden that 127 people died in the first three days.The terrible choleraBacteria/germs of choleraName of illnesscholer choler a (a (霍乱霍乱) )Symp tom(症状)sev

6、ere vomiting (severe vomiting (呕吐呕吐) and ) and diarrhoea (diarrhoea (腹泻腹泻) )Aft ereffect (后果)die quickly from a loss of liquiddie quickly from a loss of liquidWhat was the cause of this illness? How did John Snow find it out?Skim the text and find the main idea of the text. The passage is mainly abo

7、ut: _ _ How John Snow found the cause of the cholera and defeated it. Fastreading:Read the passage quickly and find the number below and the relevant happenings in the passage.Two theoriesIn 1854500 , 1016, 37, 38 and 40 20, 21; 8, 97Two theoriesIn 1854500 , 10The first suggested thatmultiplied in t

8、he air; The second suggestedabsorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals.Another outbreak hit London.More than 500 people had died in 10 days.16, 37, 38 and 4020, 21; 8, 97These numbers in Broad Street near the water pump had many of the deaths20 and 21 Broad Street and 8 and 9 Cambridge

9、 Street had no deaths. They didnt drink the water from the Broad Street pump.These families worked in the pub at 7 Cambridge Street.1637208 9pump 3840BROAD STREETCAMBRIDGE STREET21John Snows Cholera Map7PubWhat is the problem?The cholera was the most deadly disease of its day. Neither its cause, nor

10、 its cure was understood.What caused cholera?Make a question: Which theory to believe in? Cholera multiplied in the air without reason. A cloud of dangerous gas would float around until it found its victims.People absorbed it with their meals.Which one do you believe more? What about John Snow?A map

11、 of Broad StreetWhat method did he use?Broad StreetMany deaths happened here.No death happened here.It seemed the water from the pump was to blame. What did he do next?Public houseIt seemed the water from the pump was to blame. What did he do next?(Para 6) What was another supporting evidence?(Para

12、5) He looked into the source of the waterJohn Snow was able to announce with certainty that polluted water carried the virus.Read the passage and number these events in the order that they happened.John Snow began to test two theories.An outbreak of cholera hit London in 1854.He announced that the w

13、ater carried the disease.John Snow marked the deaths on a map. 2147Carefulreading:King Cholera was defeated.He found that most of the deaths were near a water pump.He had the handle removed from the water pump.John Snow investigated two streets where the outbreak was very severe.3856Para- graphStage

14、s in an experimentExample in this investigation1Find a problem2Make a question3Think of a methodWhat cause cholera?Which theory is correct?Collect data on those who were ill or died and where they got their water.Fill in the blanks. 4Collect results5Analyse results6find supporting evidence7Draw a co

15、nclusionPlot information on a map to find out where people died or did not die.Analyse the water to see if that is the cause of the illness.Find other evidence to support the analysis.The water is to blame. The source of all drinking water should be examined so that it is safe.draw a conclusionfind a problemmake a questionthink of a methodcollect resultsanalyse the resultsrepeat if necessaryMatch them Para 1Para 2Para 3Para 4Para 5Para 6Para 7Prevention of Cholera1. John Snow believed Idea 2 was right. How did he finally prove it?Jo


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