英语文体学教程unit 2

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《英语文体学教程unit 2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语文体学教程unit 2(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 The Need for Stylistic StudyuTo cultivate a sense of appropriatenessuTo understand & appreciate literary worksuTo achieve adaptation in translation2.1 Stylistic study helps cultivate asense of appropriatenessoWhat is appropriateness?nProper words in proper places make the true definition of a

2、 style.SwiftnAppropriate linguistic “manners” for different situationsnDifferent varieties in different occasions 2.1 Stylistic study helps cultivate asense of appropriatenesseg. Formality干杯?o“Now allow me to propose a toast to the friendship between the peoples of China and the United States,”-on a

3、 grant occasion, very formal o“Heres to the health of our friends!”-on a common occasion, formalo“Cheers!”-on a casual occasion, consultativeo“Bottoms up!”-on an informal occasion, informal2.1 Stylistic study helps cultivate asense of appropriatenessoSocial implications for the choice of a particula

4、r speech stylenImproper use of style will have some effect on communication. eg. Funnya formal style in a casual contextOffenda colloquial style in a formalcontext 2.1 Stylistic study helps cultivate asense of appropriatenessoNeed to develop a sense of appropriatenessoBe aware of more suitable or ef

5、ficient expressions in some occasionso“Common core” of Englishlinguistic features which all the varieties of English share in some degree and which constitute the major part of the linguistic picture for any single varietynTo know only the common core will cause problem. For example, technical vocab

6、ulary2.1 Stylistic study helps cultivate asense of appropriatenessoOur goal of stylistic studynTo give various professional touches to the use of languagenTo be able to speak and write in highly situation-tied varieties when necessary2.2 Stylistic study sharpens the understanding and appreciation of

7、literary workso3 processes of literary criticismnDescriptionstylistic analysisnInterpretationnEvaluation the eventual intention of literary criticism2.2 Stylistic study sharpens the understanding and appreciation ofliterary workso2 linguistic choicesnDeviation- the breaking of normal rules of lingui

8、stic structurenRepetition- the overuse of a particular linguistic feature2.2 Stylistic study sharpens the understanding and appreciation ofliterary worksoForegrounding-the highlighting of a linguisticfeature against the background ofthe normal set of rules for theEnglish language-important aspect of

9、 the stylistic study of literary texts 2.2 Stylistic study sharpens the understanding and appreciation ofliterary worksoExamples of foregroundingnDeviation“a grief ago” Dylan ThomasnRepetitionsound, lexis or grammar“I kissed thee ere I killed thee.” Shakespeare 2.2 Stylistic study sharpens the under

10、standing and appreciation ofliterary worksoMixed varieties for particular effectsnTo differentiate the speechways of the characters by using several varietiesnTo indicate the characters regional and class originnTo understand the characters educational and professional background Example: Naming of

11、Parts Henry Reed2.2 Stylistic study sharpens the understanding and appreciation ofliterary worksoTask of stylisticiansnTo suggest a checklist of features about a text in terms of phonological /graphological, lexico-grammatical, and semantic levels2.2 Stylistic study sharpens the understanding and ap

12、preciation ofliterary worksoGraphological deviation40-Lovemiddle agedcouple playingten niswhen thegame endsand theygo homethe netwill stillbe between them-Roger McGrough2.3 Stylistic study helps achieveadaptation in translationoThe translated text must be adapted to the original in terms of language

13、 type and general effect.oChineseEnglish n油漆未干Wet Paintn危险,此处有炸药Danger: Explosives2.3 Stylistic study helps achieveadaptation in translationoHow to translate properly with the help of stylistic study?nTo read and study the original text to grasp its overall stylenTo understand the level of formality of the original textHomeworkoReview Unit 2 and answer the questions at the end of this unit.oPreview Unit 3 Varieties of Language



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