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1、方法学 CDM Project Methodologies中国CDM能力建设项目培训讲义 Training Material Building Capacity for the CDM in ChinaDate1方法学:MethodologiesF 已批准的基准线方法学: Approved baseline methodology:G经执行理事会批准的基准线方法学连同相关指导意见在气候 变化框架公约清洁发展机制(UNFCCC CDM)网站 (http:/unfccc.int/cdm) 公布,或者在收到书面请求之后提供,书 面请求可寄至电子邮件信箱cdm-infounfccc.int, 或至传真

2、号码: (49-228) 815-1999。A baseline methodology approved by the Executive Board is publicly available along with relevant guidance on the UNFCCC CDM website (http:/unfccc.int/cdm) or through a written request sent to cdm- infounfccc.int or Fax: (49-228) 815-1999.F 已批准的监测方法学:Approved monitoring methodol

3、ogy: G经执行理事会批准并连同相关指导意见一起被公布的监 测方法。A monitoring methodology approved by the Executive Board and made publicly available along with relevant guidance.Date2定义:DefinitionF 基准线-新方法学:Baseline - New methodologyG项目参与者可以提出一种以透明和保守的方式建立的新的基准 线方法学。Project participants may propose a new baseline methodology es

4、tablished in a transparent and conservative manner.F 监测方法-新方法学:Monitoring - New methodology G项目参与者可以提出一种新的监测方法学。Project participants may propose a new monitoring methodology.F 项目参与者应向指定的经营实体提出新方法建议,具体做法是将所建 议的方法写入项目设计书(CDM-PDD)草案,包括描述该项目活动和列 明项目参与者。Project participants shall submit a proposal for a

5、new methodology to a designated operational entity by forwarding the proposed methodology in a draft project design document (CDM-PDD), including the description of the project activity and the identification of the project participants.Date3提出的新方法学:Proposed new methodologiesF 提出的新方法学:Proposed new m

6、ethodologieshttp:/cdm.unfccc.int/methodologies/processB - 正在考虑的新方法学: Methodologies under considerationC - 未批准的新方法学: Not approved methodologiesF 如何提出新方法学:How to propose a new methodologyhttp:/cdm.unfccc.int/pac/howto/CDMProjectActivity/NewMethodology/index.htmlG考虑并提交建议新的方法学的程序 (第四版)PROCEDURES FOR THE

7、 SUBMISSION AND CONSIDERATION OF A PROPOSED NEW METHODOLOGY (Version 04)G清洁发展机制新方法学: (CDM-NMB及CDM-NMM)第一版 2004.01.07起生效CLEAN DEVELOPMENT MECHANISM PROPOSED NEW METHODOLOGY: (CDM-NMB and CDM-NMM) Version 01 - in effect as of: 1 July 2004Date4基准线的批准与使用:procedure of EB Approval of MethodologiesDate5基准线

8、的批准与使用:procedure of EB Approval of MethodologiesDate6已批准方法学:The approved methodologies (1)FAM0001 Incineration of HFC 23 Waste StreamsFAM0002 Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions through Landfill Gas Capture and Flaring where the Baseline is established by a Public Concession Contract FAM0003 Simplifi

9、ed financial analysis for landfill gas capture projects FAM0004 Grid-connected biomass power generation that avoids uncontrolled burning of biomassFAM0005 Small grid-connected zero-emissions renewable electricity generation FAM0006 GHG emission reductions from manure management systemsFAM0007 Analys

10、is of the least-cost fuel option for seasonally-operating biomass cogeneration plantsFAM0008 Industrial fuel switching from coal and petroleum fuels to natural gas without extension of capacity and lifetime of the facility FAM0009 Recovery and utilization of gas from oil wells that would otherwise b

11、e flared FAM0010 Landfill gas capture and electricity generation projects where landfill gas capture is not mandated by law FAM0011 Landfill gas recovery with electricity generation and no capture or destruction of methane in the baseline scenariohttp:/cdm.unfccc.int/methodologies/approvedUpdate: 21

12、/01/2005Date7已批准方法学:The approved methodologies (2)FAM0012 Biomethanation of municipal solid waste in India, using compliance with MSW rules F AM0013 Forced methane extraction from organic waste-water treatment plants for grid-connected electricity supplyFAM0014 Natural gas-based package cogeneration

13、FAM0015 Bagasse-based cogeneration connected to an electricity gridFAM0013 Forced methane extraction from organic waste-water treatment plants for grid-connected electricity supply”FAM0014 Natural gas-based package cogenerationFAM0015 Bagasse-based cogeneration connected to an electricity gridFAM001

14、6 Greenhouse gas mitigation from improved animal waste management systems in confined animal feeding operationsFSteam system efficiency improvements by replacing steam traps and returning condensate FAM0018 Steam optimization systems FAM0019 Renewable energy project activities replacing part of the

15、electricity production of one single fossil-fuel-fired power plant that stands alone or supplies electricity to a grid, excluding biomass projectshttp:/cdm.unfccc.int/methodologies/approvedUpdate: 21/01/2005Date8整合方法学:Consolidated methodologiesF垃圾填埋项目ACM0001 Landfill gas projectsF可再生电力项目ACM0002 Rene

16、wable electricity generation projects F整合的额外性工具Consolidated additionality toolF http:/cdm.unfccc.int/methodologies/approvedDate9CDM范围:CDM project Scopes部门门行业业目录录 能源 Energy燃料燃烧;能源工业;制造业 和建设;运输;其他部门; 燃料的易散性排放;固体燃料 ;石油和天然气;其他工业流程 Industrial processes矿产 品;化学工业;金属生产 ;其他生产 碳卤化合物和六氟化硫的生产 碳卤化合物和六氟化硫的消费 ;其他溶剂和其他产品的使 用 Solvent and other product use 农业 Agriculture肠道发酵;粪肥管理;水稻种 植;农用土壤;对热带 大草原 进行有规定的燃烧;对农 作物 残留物的田间燃烧;其他 废物 Waste陆地固体废物处置;废水处置 ;废物焚化;其他土地利用;土地利用的 变化



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