人教版八下 unit 10 反意疑问句语法讲练

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1、反意疑问句反意疑问句本节课有以下主要内容 :1 . 如何使用反意疑问句2 . 反意疑问句的语调3 . 反意疑问句的答语 (难点) 4 . 反意疑问句的结构特点 (重点) 5 . 反意疑问句与中考 (重点)疑问句句子分类陈述句感叹句祈使句He likes watching TV. We didnt go to school yesterday. What a smart boy he is! How hot it is today! Please open the door. Please dont talk in class. 特殊疑问句 一般疑问句 选择疑问句反义疑问句(附加疑问句)How

2、do you come here? Do you like apples?Is your friend a boy or a girl?Its a nice day, isnt it?一 、 什么叫反意疑问句?反意疑问句表示提问者有一定的主见, 但没有把握,希望对方来证实。二 、 反意疑问句的语调: 它由前后两部分构成,前一部分是对 事物的陈述用 ;后一部分是简短 的提问, 。提问者对陈述部 分把握较大时,后用 ;否则用可升可降 降调 升调。降调三 、 反意疑问句的回答 :这种问句用Yes , No来回答。 如:A: Yao Ming is a baskeball player, isnt h

3、e?B: Yes, he is. 反意疑问句的回答,不管问题的提法如 何,若事实是肯定的,就要用Yes ;事 实是否定的,就要用No 。再如上面的 例子 ,也可以这样问, A: Yao Ming isnt a baskeball player, is he?B: Yes, he is. 回答仍然是 Yes, he is . 因为Yao Ming确实是一个 篮球运动员,事实是肯定。三 、 反意疑问句的回答 : 1. A: Your mother is a teacher, isnt she?B: _, _ _. She is a doctor. 2. A: Yuxian Middle Schoo

4、l is a college, is it?B: _, _ _. 3. A: He wont go to the meeting, will he?B: _, _ _. He will go there at 4:00. 4. A: Yao Ming isnt a baskeball player, is he?B: _, _ _. 5. A: Liu Xiang isnt a baskeball player, is he?B: _, _ _. No, she isnt.No, it isnt.Yes, he will.Yes, he is.No, he isnt.Zhao likes ea

5、ting mutton , doesnt he ?四 、反意疑问句的结构特点陈述部分简短疑问部分主语一致两个标点 , 和 ?时态一致 主谓一致用代词否定 用缩写形式相反I, you, he, she, it we, they, therebe动词情态动词助动词前肯后否前否后肯系动词五 、如何完成反意疑问句 Exercises 11 . She is from Japan,_ _ ? (贵阳2000)2 . His mother was learning English ,_ _?(北京东城2000) 3 . Bananas are grown in China ,_ _?(济南1997) 4

6、. Lucy can speak English ,_ _?(兰州20000)助动词助动词情态动词isnt she wasnt shearent theycant she (一)当陈述句的谓语为系动词、助动词、情态动词时,疑问部分要重复这些词。例如:(二)当陈述句的谓语是行为动词,而且又没有任何 助动词时,疑问部分要借助于助动词do ,did ,does 。如; 5 .The old woman never feels happy ,_ _? (河北1998) 6 . Linda ate nothing this morning ,_ _? (重庆1998) does she did she

7、(三)当陈述部分是“There be ” 结构时,疑问部分 仍用there 。如:7 .There s no rice in the bag , _ _?(河南2000) 8 . There will be a meeting tomorrow ,_ _? (福州2002)is there wont there (四)如果陈述部分已有表示否定含义的词,如: never no 、nothing 、hardly 、little 、few、tooto do等,疑问部分用肯定形式。但不包括 dislike, unhappy这样的词 如:9. He has never seen the film ,_

8、_?10.They can hardly speak English ,_ _?11. He neither writes nor reads, _ _?12. Neither you nor I am a worker,_ _?13. Tina is unhappy, _ _?(五)如果陈述部分谓语是 am 时,疑问部分用 arent I,而不能用am not I,因为 am 和not 没有缩写形式。如: 14. I am not a nurse ,_ _? 15. I am a teacher ,_ _?has he can they does he arent Iam Iare we i

9、snt she(六)祈使句的反意疑问句1)Lets 表示第一人称的祈使句,疑问部分用shall we 。2)其他祈使句用疑问部分will you ,并常用肯定形式。如:16 . Lets go ,_ _? 17 . Let us go home ,_ _? 18 . Let me help you ,_ _? 19 . Dont forget to do your homework,_ _?shall we will you will youwill you(七) 20.This is a book , _ _? 21. That is a dog , _ _? 22. These are f

10、lowers, _ _? 23. Those are trees, _ _?24. Youd better go there, _ _? 25. Youd better not go there, _ _?isnt it isnt it arent they arent they hadnt you had you (八)感叹句的反意疑问句24. What a fine day ,_ _?25. What a good boy ,_ _?26. What beautiful flowers ,_ _?感叹句的反意疑问句,疑问部分一律用 be 动词的否定形式 isnt it isnt he ar

11、ent they (九)陈述部分主语是 everyone,everybody, someone, somebody, anybody, no one, nobody等指人的不定代 词时,疑问部分用 they, he;28. Everything here is good, _ _?27. Everybody knows the answer, _ _?isnt itdont they doesnt he 陈述部分是everything, something, nothing,anything等指物的不定代词时,疑问部分用 it (十) 宾语从句中,以主句为准,但如果主语是第一人称且谓语动词是t

12、hink, believe, guess, suppose 时, 以从句为准. 29. You told them he wont come, _ _? didnt you30. He never said he was a good student, _ _? did he31. I dont think you are right, _ _?are you32. I dont believe he studies harder, _ _?does he1. I am on duty,_ _?2. Your mother is a doctor ,_ _?3. The weather her

13、e is very hot ,_ _?4. Thats a Japanese car ,_ _?5. Miss Gao teaches English ,_ _?6. She doesnt like apples ,_ _?7. Tom had supper yesterday ,_ _?8. She had to get there early ,_ _?9. Mary cant ride a bike ,_ _?10. There is some milk in the glass ,_ _?arent I isnt sheisnt itisnt it doesnt shedoes she

14、 didnt hedidnt she can sheisnt there11. There were few students in the room , _ _?12. It is a little late , _ _?13. There will be no rain tomorrow , _ _?14. My father never went to Xian , _ _?15. Nothing can stop him learning English , _ _?16. Something is wrong with your computer , _ _?17. Everyone is here , _ _?18. Dont be late for class , _ _?19. Lets go to the



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