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1、 suggestion: sdestn n. 建议议musical: mju:zikl a. 音乐乐的 n. 音乐乐片characteristic: .kriktristik a. 特有的,典型的 b. n. 特性,特征,特色traditional: trdin()l a. 传统的guitar: git: n. 吉他 vi. 弹吉他entertain: .enttein v. 娱乐,招待,怀抱exhibition: .eksibin n. 展览览,展览览会scar: sk: n. 疤痕,伤伤痕,断崖 v. 结结疤,使.有伤伤痕,痊愈shoulder: uld n. 肩膀 v. 肩负负,承担 v

2、t. 承担,肩负负stupid: stju:pid a. 愚蠢的,笨的 n. 傻瓜magic: mdik a. 有魔力的 n. 魔法,魔术术1在节日期间_ 2音乐形式_ 3有很多相同点_ 4和一道_ 5闻名于世_ 6专心听_ 7两居室的房子_ 8出第一张唱片_ 9把变成_ 10把音乐作为事业_ 11满足内心的欲望_ 12表达真实的情感_ 13忘记某事_ 14感到舒心_during festivals music styles have much in common along with be known throughout the world open ones ears to a two-

3、room house make the first record turninto make music ones career satisfy ones inner desire express true feelings forget about sth. feel easy1一系列的_ 2前额有疤的男孩_ 3了解,知道_ 4处理,应对_ 5处于困境中,有麻烦_ 6害怕_ 7偶然遇见,碰上_ 8同做斗争_ 9信任,信仰_ 10有共同的目标_ 11和作比较_ 12转过身,转过来_a series of a boy with a scar on his forehead learn about

4、 do aboutin trouble be afraid of come across fight against believe in share the same goals comparewith/toturn around1Tom, the husband, likes sports.Julia, the wife, likes books.It seems that they have nothing_. Athe same Bof the same Cin common Din the common解析:have nothing in common“没有相同之处”。 答案:C2I

5、 dont like rock music. _at rock concerts is noise and flashing light. AAll there is BAll it is CWhat is there DWhat is it解析:由句子结构可判断出前半 部分是主语,如用what引导要说 What there is; 此时what相当于 all(that), 故用All there is。 答案:A3We are having a discussion.How about_over to join us? OK.Im on my_. Acoming; road Bcoming;

6、 way Cto come; road Dto come; way解析:how about后接动名 词;Im on my way相当于 Im coming。 答案:B4The piece of glass seems to be _a lamp. Apart of Bparts of Cpart from Dparts from解析:“灯的一部分”用part of。 答案:A5Beer_alcohol; drinking too much of it will do harm to the health. Aincludes Bcontains Cholds Dremains解析:contai

7、n意为“have sth.as a part”。 答案:B6Everyone arrived late at the party, for_ reasons. Aa great deal of Ba large amount of Ca good many of Da variety of解析:a variety of “各种 ”;a great deal of和a large amount of修饰不可数名 词;a good many后接复数名 词,加of时,名词前要有the, these, those等词。 答案:D7Mr. Brown, Tom is here downstairs wa

8、iting to meet you. Really? I_ he_ tomorrow. Athink; will come Bthought; would come Chave thought; will come Dhad thought; would come解析:“我还以为他要 明天才会来。”此时的“ 以为”是指过去的动作。 答案:B8She never studies._, she plays tennis all day. AHowever BBesides CInstead DAnyway答案:C9Open your ears_the speech. Dont fall aslee

9、p. AAt Bon CTo Dfor解析:open ones ears to “注意听” 。 答案:C10In rap music, the singer, or “rapper”, will speak or “rap” the words_the beat. Aalong with Bapart from Call through Dup to 解析:“歌手边敲击边说唱词。”along with“和 一道,随着”。 答案:A11Do you often listen to_radio? No.In fact, I havent got_radio. Aa; a B/; the Cthe;

10、 / Dthe; a解析:listen to the radio“听广播”;I havent got a radio“我没有收音机”。 答案:D12Youd better not phone the manager between 7 and 8 tomorrow evening; he_an important meeting then. Awill have Bwould have Cwill be having Dwill have had解析:“那时他正在开会。”表 将来正在做某事,用will be doing形式。 答案:C13It looks all right in theory

11、, but it wont_in practice. AUse Bmatter CCare Dwork解析:work “有效,起作用 ”。 答案:D14He orders me about as if I_his wife.In fact, I am just visiting. Aam Bhave been Cam being Dwere 解析:as if引导的从句如表示与事实相反的事情时用 虚拟语气。 答案:D15I can hardly_my eyes: a lovely pet dog is sleeping in my room! Abelieve Bbelieve in Ctrus

12、t Dtrust in解析:believe ones eyes/ears “相信某人的眼 睛/耳朵”。 答案:A16I dont like her, but if shes the peoples _ for president Ill obey her. Afavourite Bchoice Cagreement Dmeaning 解析:“如人民选她当总统,我会服从她”。 答案:B17They_him with flowers as soon as he got off the plane. Awelcomed Bprotected Ccaught Daccepted解析:“用鲜花欢迎他。”

13、 答案:A18She said it_, so I couldnt hear. Awith a whisper Bin a whisper Cwith whisper Din whisper 解析:in a whisper或in whispers是固定短语,“小 声地”。 答案:B19Many of the creatures in Rowlings world are not real, and much of_is strange. Awhat happens Bwhat to happen Cwhat happening Dhappening解析:much is strange是 主句,

14、of后跟的是宾语从句 ,故选A项。 答案:A20The little boy is naughty.His parents dont know what to_him. Ado about Bcare about Cdeal with Dtalk with解析:what to do about sb. /sth.“ 怎样处理、对付”,相当于how to deal with sb. /sth. 答案:A21_with many women, Jane was indeed very fortunate. AComparing BTo compare CTo be compared DCompared解析:compared with/to 是固定短语,在句中用作状 语。 答案:D22You should know it is not always easy to do_



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