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1、Unit 3 Computers 计算机基础盘点自测自评核心单词核心单词1The conference _(探索,探究) the possibility of closer trade links,but no agreement was reached.explored2. What role did new _(科技) play in the spread of mass culture at the turn of the 20th century?3. We should not judge a person by his _(外貌) but people make that mist

2、ake from time to time.technologyappearance4Her speech yesterday was a _(信号) that her views have changed,so you can turn to her.5It is just her childhood experiences that affect her _(性格) and later life.signalcharacter6. Money does not always bring _(幸福),but without it people often cant live well.7He

3、r illness _(引发发) from lack of rest,so the doctor advised her to take some days off.happinessarose8. It is such a hard problem that it is impossible for me to _(解决)9After the president made an official announcement,he expressed his_opinion._speaking,I agreed with his opinion.(personalsolvepersonalPer

4、sonally10I would like to_for the job advertised in the newspaper,so I have sent my_before July 20,2011.(apply)applyapplication高频短语高频短语1_ 从时时起2_ 结结果3_ 如此以至于4_ 在某种程度上5_ 在的帮助下from.onas a resultso.that.in a waywith the help of6_ 处处理;安排;对对付7_ 看守;监视监视8_ 共有;共用9_ 弥补补10_ 毕毕竟deal withwatch overin commonmake u

5、pafter all典型句式典型句式1before引导导的时间时间 状语语从句I developed very slowly and it took nearly two hundred years _(过过久才) I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage.before2consider宾语宾语 (to be/as)n./adj.At that time it _(被看作) a technological revolution and the start of my “artificial intelligence”was

6、considered3as引导导的时间时间 状语语从句_(随着时间时间 的推移),I was made smaller.As time went by4soadj./adv.that引导导的结结果状语语从句Over time my memory has developed _(如此快以致),like an elephant,I never forget anything I have been told!so much that5with the help of 在帮助下After all,_(在帮助下) my electronic brain which never forgets anyt

7、hing,using my intelligence is what Im all about!with the help of6be ofadj.nAnyhow,my goal is to provide humans with _(高质质量的生活)a life of high quality现现在完成时时的被动语态动语态1(2012南通一调调)When will the expert come and give the lecture on intellectual property?Not until our program _ by the authorities.单元语法单元语法Aa

8、pproves Bhas been approvedCis to approve Dwill be approved解析:选选B。考查时态查时态 和语态语态 。根据by the authorities的提示可知,应应用被动语态动语态 ,可排除A、C项项;同时时根据语语意“直到我们们的计计划被官方批准”可知,应应用现现在完成时时。2(2012山东临东临 沂质检质检 )The vegetable looking fresh in his field _ well.Its often sold out the minute it appears in the market.Ahas sold Bha

9、s been soldCis sold Dsells解析:选选D。考查时态语态查时态语态 。sell well意为为“销销路好”。表示通常情况,应应用一般现现在时时。3(2012唐山市调调研)Flight 302 to Paris_until 730 tomorrow morning.No wonder I hear so many complaints from the passengers.Aput off Bhas been put offCwill put off Dhad been put off解析:选选B。考查时态查时态 和语态语态 。据下文可知航班推迟这迟这 事已经发经发 生,

10、而且是针对现针对现 在而言的,因此用现现在完成时时;同时时flight与put off之间间构成了被动动关系,故答案为为B。4(2012皖南八校联联考)Weve been told the good news,but when and where to go for the exciting vacation _ yet.Aare not discussedBhave not been discussedCis not being discussedDhas not been discussed解析:选选D。后一分句的主语为语为 when and where to go for the exc

11、iting vacation,表示的是一件事,谓语动谓语动词词用单单数形式,由此排除A、B两项项。根据句末的yet可知应该应该 用完成时时,即这这件事还还没有被讨论讨论 。因此D项项正确。5(2012北京崇文练习练习)It_that the road will be closed tomorrow for repairs.Awas announced Bhas been announcedChad been announced Dwould be announced解析:选选B。本题题考查动词查动词 的时态时态 和语态语态 。题题干句子中that到句子结结束是宾语宾语 从句,且从句动词动词 用

12、“will动动词词原形”表示将来,由此推断出空白处谓语动词应处谓语动词应 用现现在的某种时态时态 ,在所给给四个选项选项 中,只有B项项正确。考点串讲讲练互动单词精研单词精研1totally adv. 完全地,整个地(教材P18)As a result I totally changed my shape.结结果,我彻彻底改变变了形状。归纳拓展a total failure完全失败败a total of.总总共in total加起来To be honest,I totally agree with your opinion.诚实诚实 地说说,我完全同意你的看法。(朗文P2182)In_tota

13、l,over 250 employees completed the safety training.总总共有超过过250名员员工完成了安全培训训。A_total_of 100 teachers will attend the meeting.总总共100名老师师将参加会议议。2arise vi. 出现现;发发生;起身,起床(教材P23)Then she prepares reliable moves to use if a new situation arises.接着她准备备好了可行的步骤骤来应对应对 新情况的出现现。(1)作“呈现现;出现现;发发生”之意时时,主语语多为为以下抽象名词词:

14、argument/problem/quarrel/question/movement。(2)arise from由而引起,由而产产生;从中产产生。归纳拓展(朗文P89)More problems like those at the nuclear power plant are certain to arise.该该核电电站一定会出现现更多类类似那样样的问题问题 。Seeing his mother return home,the boy arose_from his chair immediately.看到妈妈妈妈 回家了,小男孩立刻从椅子上站起来。It cant be too careful while driving,accidents often arise from carelessness.开车时车时 越仔细细越好,事故往往是由疏忽大意而引起的。辨析arise/arouse/rise/raise原形过过去式过过去分词词v.ing arise(vi.)出现现, 发发生,起因于arosearisenarisingarouse(vt.)唤唤醒 ,激起arouse darousedarousin g rise(vi.)升起,起 身,增长长,上升roserisenrisingraise(vt.)举举起, 唤唤起,提


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