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1、考研英语之阅读理解-新题型历年考研英语阅读理解B节题型模式统计 计算机改变人们被动消费的趋势 选择搭配题 人文学科的困境 段落排序题 欧洲食品零售商面临的困境和出路 段落排序题 五种有影响力的文化理论 选择搭配题 2008 如何写文章初稿 选择搭配题 2007 家长如何帮助孩子向成年初期过渡 标题配对题 2006 美国博采业的兴旺 选择搭配题 2005 加拿大建立药品管理机构 选择搭配题论据匹配题The main purpose of a resume is to convince an wmployer to grant you an interview. There are two kin

2、ds. One id the familiar “tombstone” that lists where you went to school and where youve worked in chronological order. The other is what I call the “funtional” resume-descriptive, fun to read, unique to you anf much more likely to land you an interview.Its handy to have a “ tombstone for certain occ

3、asions. But prospective emplyers thro away most of those unrequested “tombstone”lists, preferring to interview the quick rather than the dead.What follows are tips on writing a fucnctional resume that will get read-a resume that makes you come alive and look interesting to employers.(41) Put yoursel

4、f firstIn order to write a resume others will read ith enthusiasm, you have to feel important about yourself. (42) Sell what you can do, not who you are:Practice translating your personality traits, character, accomplishments and achiecements into skill areas. There are at least five thousand skill

5、areas in the wold of work.Toot your own horn!Many people clutch when asked to think about their abilities. Some think they have none at all! But everyone does, and one of yours may just be the ticket an employer would be glad to punch-if only you show it.(43) Be specific, be concrete, and be brief!R

6、emember that “ brevity is the best policy.” (44) Turn bad news into good:Everybody has had disappointments in work. If you have to mention yours, look for the positive side. (45) Never apologize:If youre returning to the work force after fiftteen years as a parent, simply write a short paragraph (su

7、mmary of background) in place of a chronology of experience. Dont apologize for working at being a mother;its the hardest job of all. If you have no special training or higher education, just dont mention education.A A woman who lost her job as a teachers aide due to cutback in government funding wr

8、ote: “ principal of elementary school cited me as the only teachers aide she would rehire if government funds became available.” B One resume I received included the following: “ invited by my superior to straighten out our organizations accounts receivable. Set up orderly repayment schedule, reconc

9、iled accounts weekly, and improved cash flow 100 percent. Rewarded with raise and promotion.”Notice how this woman focuses on results, specifies how she accomplished them, and mentions her reward-all in 34 words.C For example, if you have a flair for saving, managing and investing money, you have mo

10、ney mangement skills D An acquaintance complained of being biased when losing an opportunity due to the statement “ Ready to learn though not so well educated”. E One of my former colleagues, for example, wrote three resumes in three different styles in order to find out which was more preferred. Th

11、e result is, of course, the one that highlights skills and education background. F A woman once told me about a cash-flow crisis her employer had faced. Shed agreed to work without pay for three months until business improved. Her reward was her back pay plus a 20 percent bonus. I asked why that mar

12、velous story wasnt in her resume. She answered, “ It wasnt important.” What she was really saying of course was “ Im not important.”本题型的解题思路由于文章首段是引入部分,所以不会用来命题。考生首 先要阅读文章首段,然后快速浏览全文,以把握全文主 旨。 精读小标题以及标题下的文字,明白每一个观点,并找 出关键词。 自选项中寻找与小标题有关联的信息,注意选项中与小 标题中关键词相匹配的词语。 将选出的段落放回原文进行阅读,检查内容是否一致。 全部选完后,再快速浏览全

13、文,以确保所选准确无误。新题型 7选5部分做题步骤: 读开头(首段 + 第一空之前) 读A-G选项,划出关键词,尤其是逻辑关系词,并归纳每 个选项的大意和特色 读每空上下文,以“连贯一致”的原则选择合适的选项 做题关键: 逻辑关系词 + 结构词 数字 问句 指代词新题型 段落排序题部分 考查内容: 在一篇长度500-600词的文章中,各段落的原有顺序已经 被打乱。其中两个段落(首末段)已经给出,命题者将 其余的5个段落打乱,要求考生重新排序文章结构解题法: 1.问题解决型 提出现存的问题 分析问题的起因 发表对问题的看法 提出解决的方案 总结说明问题2.现象解释型 开门见山阐明现象 分析该现象

14、的表层原因 讨论该现象的本质原因(如moreover,furthermore, besides,however) 透过现象看本质3.观点对比型 提出一个普遍的观点 反驳此普通观点 对比两种观点的利弊(或分析两种观点的差异) 表明个人立场逻辑关系定位法: 利用各段之间的显性逻辑信号词或隐性逻辑信号词来推断上段与下 段之间的关系 顺序:firstly,secondly,thirdly 递进:moreover,furthermore,in addition 转折:yet,however,on the contrary 因果:thus,so,therefore,consequently 隐性逻辑信号词

15、:名词 代词 解题步骤: 1) 3 min :阅读已排序的段落,确定大致结构。 2)10 min :阅读选项,用中文标记各段大意,了解各个选项之间的 内容关系。 3) 2 min :依逻辑关系进行首次排序,依结构关系进行调整检验。新题型 选小标题题部分 考查内容: 考查考生对于文章各个段落的主旨的把握,即总结归 纳段落大意的能力。要求考生阅读一篇500字左右的文章 ,从6或7个选项中挑选5个来概括各个段落的主旨。 解题步骤: 1) 2 min :读文章的首段,了解文章的大意。 2)10 min :阅读各个段落的首句、二句和末句,迅速寻 找主题句和核心词。 3) 3 min :读备选小标题(可翻译成中文),和各段核 心词衡量对比。


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